General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do i feed so much as a support

why do i feed so much as a support in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    everytime i play squishy supports like shaman, i will never get a kill and always feed like 0/10
    just liek this game :
    it wasnt intentional feed, i just keep getting caught all the time
    help me pls


      Because you don't keep in mind your position?

      I bet you go ward when 4 enemies are missing or in the middle of a teamfight you're at the frontlines.


        positioning is of paramount importance when playing supports


          and i love how that void had enough balls to take stats before backtrack :D

          Game is hard!

            maybe he is RnGesus?

            THICC BABY SHUM

              buy wards, dont wonder around map for no reason, always have a reason and watch where enemy is on map.

              me, government hooker

                fuck supporting


                  Don't try to place your wards before fight starts because you'll die instantly. Sit behind, wait until fight starts, then hex someone, ulti, nuke and then move back until your cooldowns are up again. Use shackles at the end of the fight, when there are fewer enemies and their cooldowns are down.

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                      I'm noob but
                      i just looked at the dotabuff page and your team picks were way inferior (more like shit) to your opponent's.
                      I don't think you could have won this unless your team played much better than opponent.

                      opponent had void/tide/spectre on top of naga. They'd close the gaps real ez and massacring. I bet your team was busy running away to fountain whenever team fight happened.

                      I think terrorblade, nature prophet, and shadow shaman picks were 'very' bad.
                      picks like axe/earth shaker/earth spirit/centaur/undying could have been much better.

                      I think if your team had earth shaker or undying or axe or omni knight instead of terrorblade/nature/shadow shaman then you could have won the game.

                      I mean seeing your opponent's badass picks I think there was a stack probably 3+. I didn't watch the replay but it would have been a very tough game even if they were solo.

                      your team had bad picks and shadow shaman wasn't a good pick. so your team would probably getting butchered in team fight so I don't think you could have survived a fight unless your team was ahead of your opponent by lot. I mean, annoying squishy hero like shadow shaman are always targeted first. You are very likely to die even in a winning fights and even if you are ahead. Not to mention if you are on the losing side, your opponents will just come straight at you with none of your team mates stopping them. It would have been impossible to get into good position and sustain in the fight seeing your team's pick against your opponnent's.

                      Your opponent had very strong team fight potential and team fight would probably have ended very quick so there wasn't really much shadow shaman could have offered. Shadow shaman was a bad pick in this game. I don't think shakle/serpent ward could have done much in a fight when team fight ends close to instant.

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                      Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                        Thanks all I'll keep that in mind
                        I picked rhasta cuz I thought we were gonna push hard with furion and tb. I guess I'm bad at picking/drafting too


                          just stay 400 range behind your cores unless you're initiating in which case initiate nuke and run the fuck back if opponent isnt alone

                          Dire Wolf

                            Holy shit dude, tide, void, naga and spec. Those guys can all gank and demolish you. Spec ult, gank in, manta, you ded in 2 seconds. Void doesn't even have to pop ult, he just uses mask. Tide one gush and a couple anchors gg.

                            SS is just major food don't pick him as much. Try picking ogre, he is super tanky, or earthshaker stun bot.