General Discussion

General Discussion[EU] recruiting 3500*-4000-4700k mmr players for clan

[EU] recruiting 3500*-4000-4700k mmr players for clan in General Discussion
meta monkeys pick meta shit

    Long story short: reddit tourney is gone, i left my old 3k team (no more normal-high games). During 4k stand-in testing i was more happy with their gameplay and decision-making without need to tell them obvious stuff than with team that had some teamwork that was built over time. Guys were also more willing to cooperate with me than with others. Now it's time to have clan of my own (ATM working on catchy name)

    here is example game; party stack of 4.1(omni)-4.6k (viper) mmr people

    for myself, i don't know my mmr, but i do fine in v.high games, and 4k people don't complain about my gameplay, either. More on that later

    About me: I can use skype or in-game mic for communication, i live at EU but can also play at usa e servers. I am pretty flexible player who can play pretty much any role, any hero; except in supports (since i underperform in that role). But i am best at carries, my old teams would also put me there.

    That leaves 4 slots open:

    solo offlaner
    jungler/trilane support (aka know how to trilane)

    Our goal would be to improve together, have decent team with great teamwork and communication that wins a lot of games together... and maybe reaches 5k mmr party rating.

    Those who are interested, feel free to PM me here, skype; BUT i prefer steam (i dont check forum pm as often)

    (atm leveling my smurf, once i get back on main i will transfer people)

    skype: blackwolflt

    I will post this on few sites, wait a week or few and do some test games with ALL participants (bonus points if i can get to review some of your games) - there must be mutual interest to play together, you can see if you like how i play yourself. Best players (not only skilled at their role, but also those who co-operate) will get the slot, but it's preffered if player is nice *not raging*. That's why i allow 3.5k players to have a try - mmr is not everything, some mid 3k players are as good as low 4k players.


    Another requirement would be ability to play at least 3-5games/week together; the more - better. Atm i can play pretty much 24/7 but players should opt for ability to play at european evenings (so those who work can have a chance to play) . In short: we play @ 18-22hrs UTC+2; shouldnt cause many problems for most.


      Im interested. Im 4.4k atm. Can play similar roles that you mentioned but can be decent with support. Add me if you read this. Im curious if this "team" you want is a competitive team or just casual play. Thanks

      Game is hard!

        you barely have 4k on a smurf? LoL


          I like your steam name history


            Add me on steam im at work atm my main is between 4.5k to 5k but i made a smurf for reasons not for higher mmr since i have high mmr so if u want add me


              down... add me "chompzz"

              meta monkeys pick meta shit

                all added, i will wait to catch you online for a chat


                  Smurf inc.

                  Add me, curious if you deserve 4k-5k rank or 3k trash.

                  If you're legit. I am willing to take a position.

                  meta monkeys pick meta shit

                    wow... received like 40 invites; with most players hovering around 4-4.5k mmr. Thanks for support. For clan name at first i was thinking something like T.N.T - the new tryhards; but ended up with less serious name - fire breathing space dwarfs.... here are some logo variations; maybe you people could give me your opinion in regards deciding which one i should use? :D


                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!