General Discussion

General DiscussionI think...

I think... in General Discussion

    That most of the time people just give up too early on some match, and that they panic too much.

    Today I really learned that both of that does not help at ALL.

    Blaming the team for your bad performance, aswell.

    The point is, if you want to get better, the first thing you need to work on isn't about Dota, it's about learning how to Win and learning how to lose, aswell.

    Its attidude.



        Laughed a little too much at that


          The first thing in dota is to stop blaming your team and work on yourself. The second thing about dota is helping your team when they aren't completely retarded and you'd get yourself killed.

          You should not rage, ever. Yes ppl are retarded, but you force a loss on yourself if you rage that you didn't get the right lane for example in the first min. Shit like this ruins games.




            gaelzinho e dalilinha

              if i played in your team i would giveup aswell.
              pud 0/4, 9 min
              templar 5/11 solo mid................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


                Not like I care about what you say. :)

                Fucking smurf.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  Best feeling is winning a game after you lost your lanes then slowly farmed up & finally won because your team made better decisions.

                  gaelzinho e dalilinha

                    /\ its impossible to do it if your teammates keep dying
                    even if you ask them to play safe.......
                    to comeback in a game you cant do to many mistakes otherwise it will only increase
                    the amount of gold and xp of the enemy...