General Discussion

General DiscussionHi Newbie here Just ask question

Hi Newbie here Just ask question in General Discussion

    Hi pro Dota 2 players i just want to know That Meaning Of (high prio) and (very High prio)

    cause im new in dota buff and dota 2 im just playing Normal Game.. Dont know meaning of it.

    im just playing Ursa only cause im From LOL im (hate lol now haha) no trash talk and playing AFK always not like dota2 got abandon if u afk .

    im just playing ursa cause i dont know hero in dota 2 so sory for that here my stats and again what is very high prio ty

    ty going tranfer in dota2 now :)

    sori RIp english


      When you get your mmr, this is what is lines up to about
      Normal Skill = Below 3k mmr i.e the majority of dota players
      High Skill = 3k-4k ish
      Very High 4k+ MMR
      Although one would argue 3k is most certainly not high, and 2k is a bit less than normal, but whatever


        U can play wraith king vengful drowranger and death prophet they dont need much skill to start with btw all my new friends fell in love with ursa at first but then they fell in love with wraith king for some reason i would advice u to try him he is kinda fun and with 3 passive good hero to learn how to jungle with too


          Theres alot of heroes to start with not needing high skill to start with if u ever got bored from ursa :) i wish u have fun in d2<3


            this is either troll attempt and you're smurfing or i'm a really, really bad player (or both)


              Stupidity is what it is, obviously a bad smurf attempt.


                i love ursa :) hahaha i i dont know why lvl 5 kill roshan fast item just in jungle only im just a biginer only i dont deny creeps (newbie) i got a friend in my team profesional player got 6.1k he just teach me he want me a good player not like others he play dummy account to support me..

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  i usually buy stout shield and tangoes get morbit mask, smoke and ring of bas then rosh, is that good, or anyway to improve it?

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!