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General DiscussionAll hero challenge pissing me off

All hero challenge pissing me off in General Discussion

    Right now I'm on Lifestealer, yet most of the time I just can't win. No matter how good I try i just lose. This game had a 3 man and 2 man stack on a single team. Combined with horrible lag I ended up failing really quickly. This game I didn't go hand of midas and still lost. Played with phase boots, drum of endurance, armlet, skull basher, and maelstrom.

    Exactly how in the fuck do I win with Lifestealer? I have tried almost everything and nothing works.

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      remove - at the end of the links, cuz they don't work.
      also don't go midas, especially if you can't get it in the first 6 minutes of the game.
      2nd build was okish i guess, also consider s&y great item.
      and don't play captains mode, it's just a waste of time.


        1. Fixed
        2. Decided that too after the first game
        3. I thought Sange and Yasha wasn't a good idea, but ok I'll give it a try next game
        4. Why? So I can just see PAs, pudges, drows, rikis, and other noob heroes every game?


          do some ez combo with blink heroes


            well, i only played cm when in a 5 stack to get some ez games, but i don't like it cuz:
            you have to wait 30003214 hours for the pick, especially with the guys that wait till last second.
            also cuz if you solo in cm, some retard will be captain, and he will pick himself some shit like sniper and 4 useless heroes for the rest of the team.
            and if you want to improve your game, captains mode is not the place.
            but if you do enjoy 15 minute waiting time for the pick, and the possibility of getting your game ruined just by 1 player instead of 4
            you can play captains mode :))))
            at least thats how i see it, and i would suggest u just play normal games.

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              Sub 400 gpm on both matches and you wonder why you lost LMAO.
              Learn to farm, outfarm everyone, win.


                my style :
                hide in tree nooks to minimize creep dmg,
                die once to creeps for base tele


                  i just finish my all hero challege =D


                    whats the point doing this?


                      ^none, u just get a shit trophy after u finish it afaik


                        IMO - never go Midas on Naix. He isn't that great late-game carry, but he is pretty scary with few cheap items (like PB, Drums, Armlet).
                        Naix jungle is actually pretty strong too.

                        Miku Plays

                          if you can grab midas in less than 6 minutes. its viable


                            Phase armlet mom basher

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Just go to a lane that you can safely farm. If their offlane is double ranged annoying duo, just go to jungle and don't listen to your jungler asking you to leave. Also play aggresive, he is one of the few heroes in the game that can play really aggresively and still get away with it.


                                Epsik-kun- That's exactly what I did. I went Phase Boots, Magic Wand, S-N-Y, Armlet, and Basher, and I won real good.

                                Thanks for the advice guys, fuck the hand of midas. That's why a lot of people lose with Alchemist and Lone Druid.