General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa + MoM.. Legit?

Ursa + MoM.. Legit? in General Discussion

    i was always wondering if this works better

    late game u can always sell mom and go for satanic etc

    enlight me pls


      The problem is still that Ursa is easily kiteable and will drop very fast with MoM.

      You could however go MoM if enemy has:

      -No lockdown
      -No Viper
      -Any other stupid kiting heroes

      Edit: It's still not good though. The movespeed is great, but the attack speed is something you generally don't really need.

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        yeah indeed i wont go mom if enemy is viper or perma disable hero..

        but early game i think u can stomp hard when u have ur dagger

        Pom Pom 🍕

          why get mom when you cap your attack speed with overpower


            movement speed and faster next hit after overpower?

            these are just thoughts never tried it


              I think having mom with dagger will just make you snowball weaker.
              You'll jump in, kill one and die. Instead of possibly kill more, or even just escape.

              If you time overpower well, you can have double overpower for a fight. Don't really need more.
              MoM sounds cool, but it really isn't.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                I keep seeing people do it and it always seems really bad. you don't need more attack speed, just cast overpower before you blink in and get 12 attacks at max attack speed in fights. the other team will focus you so taking more damage sucks. the only reason to get it is so you don't get kited, and there are other items that give you that and also other things you want, OoV, basher, yasha, phase, blink even gimmicky things like eul's, rod of atos, and deffusal give you more then MoM. granted it does only cost 900 more gold once you have life steal, but I cant see the active not backfiring half the time you use it.

                Linda | DotaExchange

                  in high skill ( where you are ) it is imba

                  sorry had to do it :D


                    pew pew


                      yeah i agree with ur replies!

                      and linda:( my mate escaped Low prio last night:D no more high skill games yeaaaaa


                        mom is great if the other lineup has no kitability as sad earleir







                              (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง


                                If the other team has no stuns, nukes or slows then go for it. Kappa


                                  well i will try it xD

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    MoM is rather shit, it makes ursa way to squishy.


                                      yeah i guess it fits only in very rare situations


                                        its bad, trust me i tried it twice and with a huge lead both times and both times it cost me the game


                                          What do you think about Mask of Madness on Axe?


                                            @Benao i was thinking to sell it later on to get dominator--> satanic but nvm if enemies has stuns etc im fucked up no matter what:P


                                            what do u think about a new haircut on axe?


                                              I like MoM on most carry heroes because it allows you to farm much faster. Might not be a very good idea to use it in team fights, but for farming and chasing / fleeing is great!

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I've done it before and it is really good for a ganking style ursa but not good for bigger fights and blink is still better for a little more gold. I don't like it as much as just going vlads + blink.

                                                Skadi though, awesome on ursa.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  Its all about ursa armlet. and y do u need more attack speed when u have me overcharge<33333333


                                                    its not supposed to be a replacement for blink

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      u get it after blink always blink just look at me


                                                        omg dat FyyQ ursa so stronk