General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Matchups: Troll vs PA

Hero Matchups: Troll vs PA in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Generally speaking, who would normally win and why?

    Linda | DotaExchange

      Way too much factors to take into consideration, especialy luck ( or known as rng ).

      without bkb, troll.

      with it, way bigger chance for PA

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        What does BKB even do against Troll wtf? Troll will win almost every time if he has MKB.


          ^He's taking in concideration that PA will get blinded/misschance by Trolls W (Whirling Axes).
          However, he forgets that PA will have MKB usually her.


            troll always


              rng, mainly based on PA, not on troll. if PA bashes/crits, well, you know the faith of the matchup.


                There are no "ifs", "factors", "depends". Troll will win most of the time, Troll wins because he has bash, blinding axes and too much attack speed. With the same six slotted items Troll will win 100% of the time (mkb, bkb, etc).


                  pa wins everytime.

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                    Linda | DotaExchange

                      @sam , as dd stated, bkb counters miss from axes.

                      But , it seems that we were talking about 6sloted pa and troll, then probably troll would win.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        So you come to a 1v1 without MKB?


                          Well to be fair, it's not an 1v1, but rather PA on the one team and Troll on the other team.

                          You can't compare it in this way, as in the situation you're matching up depends so much on team-mates and execution.
                          When heroes like Troll and PA gets 6slotted, basically any team can win the fight. At this point it's all about initation and counterplays.

                          A troll will smash quickly thru a hexed PA, but likewise will PA smash out a Troll quickly if he's controlled.

                          Let's say PAs team has a Viper, that'll mean Troll will be so easily kiteable, while PA can actually jump from target to target.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            NO MATTER WHAT, TROLL WINS EVERY TIME. Don't know how much clear i can be.


                              slark wins every time


                                troll pretty much beats everyone in a man fight if there is no lockdown.

                                Sōu ka

                                  how does troll win
                                  if you assume troll has mkb then you have to be realistic and give pa an abyssal
                                  bash on abyssal is also better than troll bash and you dont have to fight into misschance when you have no mkb or bkb on pa

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Everybody forgets it but Troll bash lasts 2 seconds. Also he will have way higher attack speed.


                                      pa has rapier, abyssal and hex, gg no re retards.