General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti - Pause script?

Anti - Pause script? in General Discussion

    Well, somebody disconnected from the opposite team and guy (Pudge) in our team imidiatly resumed the game. Check this screenshot and tell me if you can see anything weird?

    Enemy team paused the game 5 times and in all of them Pudge resumed the game almost in no time.

    Sorry for double screen but I saved the file and then my computer froze and lost my edited version and couldn't be arsed to make another.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      Here is the link to the game.

      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

        First link looks sketchy



          Sōu ka

            if you want to share an image fucking use imgur like a normal human being otherwise noone with half a brain will ever click on it


              Dont click on it then LOL


                .. wats wrong with ppl these days? they see a link name scr? and get scared, please grow up you arrogant tards. And dont be scared of links or hacks please :O maybe search the website in google and see if it is really sketchy... brainless nerds

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  im pretty sure people dont want to get their computer infected u mongol. what kind of idiotic mentality is that "omg u pus*ies get scared by a link xaxaxa im an internet warrior ill click on it and show u how brave i amm xxaxa"


                    tinypic is also quite good.


                      pic is ok

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        I opened the link, pic is legit.

                        I think he was just trolling by typing [config loaded]


                          OMG ALL MY INVITORI IS GONEEE MY GODDD

                          lol tinypic is da best :D

                          btw i can insta resume games when enemies pause :/ but some people cant dont know why

                          Sōu ka

                            yeah why use an image sharing website like imgur when you can use some random hungarian domain that nobody has ever heard of
                            i highly doubt you know how the internet works and googling it doesnt do anything since google doesnt check the webistes for anything you dumb cunnt

                            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                              The funniest part is 99.99% of the population mindlessly click on links and couldn't tell you what a .src is


                                As long as they know .src download is bad when you expect to see an image, is good enough.


                                  Why the fk would someone use imgur if he doesn't want to.. He will use watever he want if you don't wanna click it or If it's suspicious there's something called google fking dumb cnt use it and search it.,, oh god, dotabuff full have shit arrogant ppl who have high mmr than others

                                  Sōu ka

                                    okay tell me what google does you fucking monkey

                                    Sōu ka

                                      okay i got it you think a website cant have malicious content if it shows up on google

                                      god youre so fucking smart


                                        Do you know what Google does? Google just does 50% of the job in this situation where's the other 50 you have to use your brain which you don't have one. I'm wasting my time giving explanation to brain dead user...however I will still explain.
                                        Step1- search the site name in Google which you find suspicious I this case which is
                                        Step2 try look for the most official looking name, most of the time it will be the first site provided
                                        Step3- after found the official site click it... Then look at the website and then look at yourself. Was it that hard to figure it out you monkey... Read their testimonials.. Does the name sound that suspicious. (FuckingMonkey)

                                        Why would I think a website is not suspicious if it appears on google.. You are just brain dead that's all. God there are dumb people on dotabuff

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        Sōu ka

                                          okay you actually have no idea how google works u fucking clown
                                          if you google the exact url/domain google will fucking give you that domain at first especially when its so fucking specific

                                          what you call an official looking name is just the way the the website navigation and titles are set to and that has nothing to do with a website being legit or not

                                          btw this is what google shows:

                                          The fastest screen capture ever.: screenSHU
                                          Screen capture now! Only 0.3 sec since hitting "Capture" button You can share your link. You can also edit, draw, crop, blur, etc. and find it easily in screenshots ...

                                          looking very good doesnt it


                                            What's wrong with that? You won't get it I am sorry man. Actually it's my fault cuz English is my second language and I can't explain it to you bloody gorrilla. Of course it looks good.. They have provided reviews so it's pretty much not a malicious website :) do you get it now?

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                            Sōu ka

                                              who provided reviews
                                              and yes i got it youre too dumb to express yourself because nothing you said to do gives any indication of whether the sites legit or not

                                              Sōu ka

                                                and the point is anyway why expect people to fucking find out whether the sites okay or not when you can use a site everyone knows is safe and working just fine
                                                if you cant see that thats stupid then, well im not really suprised at this point


                                                  I thought you were brain dead but now you are blind as well you can see the reviews bottom right oF the page provided by pixers CEO.

                                                  Sōu ka

                                                    alright youre officially the dumbest person on this forum
                                                    congratu-fucking-lations, thats not an easy one to get

                                                    youre actually talking about reviews on the website you are questioning when having an argument about finding out whether the website is legit, to find out whether you want to risk going on that side or not

                                                    oh boy


                                                      You won't get it, it's that simple because you are one of them who is scared of hackers lol little kiddo

                                                      Sōu ka

                                                        ignorance is a fucking bliss


                                                          Okey, problem solved. Reason I didn't upload on other websites is because I didn't know any or I had to make an account (cba).

                                                          Sup m8

                                                            Why wouldn't you be scared of hackers? They can do nasty crap to a computer


                                                              And not a single answer to question..


                                                                FyyQ said 'btw i can insta resume games when enemies pause :/ but some people cant dont know why'

                                                                SO SOME PEOPLE CAN INSTA RESUME SOME CAN'T PROBLEM SOLVED Kappa

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  Sorry Not clicking that shit


                                                                    np High Skill/Normal player, I dont want you to anyway.

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      @Hey, don't touch be bitch
                                                                      соси хуй русский :)
                                                                      Have a nice day


                                                                        @shit name
                                                                        Cyka blyad putin ebal towje mame pizdiet

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