General Discussion

General DiscussionThe new Lifestealer buff

The new Lifestealer buff in General Discussion

    Infest now allows you to control the unit you are in using a sub-ability:

    Allows you to take control of the unit you are infesting, including their abilities
    If you take control of a unit, it will maintain its cover, however it will become attackable by your enemy
    Controlled units share Lifestealer's movement speed
    Cannot be used on heroes

    I think this buff is really not anything special, I've been thinking of other buffs like:

    I also think that he deserves a tiny buff, his winrate has dropped, he's suffered nerfs, and he's out of the meta.

    He could move thru infested units if they are in 150 range of the unit he already infested.
    Open wounds amplifies damage by 10%. (from lifestealer only)
    +1 base armor, or more stats per level.
    Rage lowers base attack cooldown rather than giving a fixed amount of attack speed. (Like alchemist ulty)
    Feast is 50% stronger on non-hero units.
    Base attack 1.7 -> 1.6
    Rage gives movement speed..?

    Perhaps infest a centaur, rush to the lane, stun the guy you want to kill, exit infest and start killing? Still nothing special if you ask me.
    Chased by a lot of enemies? I'd rather simply consume a creep for its HP and run by myself than infesting a creep and running in it's skin.
    Infest enemy creep, wait for rage, exit infest, tp out?

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      if you run with the creep its like having two lifes, and since it has same speed there is no reason at all to exit the creep before it dies

      see it like panda ult

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        Hey I've just played Lifestealer, and this buff is great for ganks, ESPECIALLY IF YOU INFEST A TROLL WITH ENSNARE.

        Its good if you're a useless jungler. INFEST, go lane, good gank, much better than before.

        +its really confusing.

        522 ms, travels, drums, sange yasha, nice!

        Lorenzo VI

          Lifestealer ganking mid? I'm just theory crafting here but...

          -Rush up that level 6, get your boots and an orb of venom.
          -Go into a jungle, pick up one of the following : Centaur, Troll shaman, Hell bear, maybe even a baby satyr (purge is a silly slow if you can get it off)
          -Move towards lane and signal team
          -Dive tower with your shell absorbing much of the spells and damage (not the baby satyr), jump out, rage up, open wounds
          -Profit, keep building speed and quick damage

          Could also be used to give junglers a nasty surprise


            @Commodore Lorenzo The Third
            Yes, exactly this. It's what I've been doing, and its very good actually, I think Lifestealer will gain ~3% winrate...

            Lorenzo VI

              I will have to give it a go tonight then!


                now shadowblade is actually good on him.