General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on how to play shadow fiend

Tips on how to play shadow fiend in General Discussion

    Hello, i wish to get better at sf and i would need a few tips from you guys. Against whom sf is a good/bad pick, whats your item progression, how to razes better etc.


      I practiced SF through playing bots in order to get a good feeling about his razes and attack animation. I usually pick him when the opponents have really weak supports and in games where BKB would be a really strong item. Bkb is usually (especially in higher ranks) a must get item.

      Being radiant benefits SF a lot in the laning stage, u can stack the medium camp when the lane is pushed and then proceed to get the rune.

      Dire SF is also good when comes to taking a fast rosh, so if u have strong rosh heroes in your team SF might be a strong pick to even exploit it further.

      It's a fun hero, but a risky heroes. Expect to be ganked and play safe in the early stages and try to get as much farm/kill s(depending on the game situation) in the early game.

      SF is strong when it comes to outputting damage early through razes but his peak is in the midgame where you can almost demolish everyone with a good start.


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      Low Expectations

        SF is good pick vs low armor heros and in general with stacks well with low armor strats(for example zaport venge and carry slardar). Overrated lategame, hes a midgame hero who (if given agood start) can take over a game.
        This is all from the top of my head mostly other ppls words since I am not really SF player. Ask Benao for help I think hes one of the better SF players on this forum.


          i just love sf for the euls blink combo, its too fun to pass up on

          his ultimate does 1k/1.5k/2k damage AFTER reduction if you can pull it off properly, and euls is a great farming item anyway

          basically blink in -> euls -> ulti under euls -> profit

          you can burst down huskar before blood kicks in, abbadon before borrowed time kicks in, etc etc.

          Linda | DotaExchange

            ^ totaly agree, but you can't play euls sf if you just started playing him.

            He is one of the hero, that you really need to play to get good with it ( or atleast decent for pubs standards)



              if you want to check some replays.
              one of them is unranked, but since you're high skill these are above you

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                Seems good, what would be the standard item progression?

                Wraith band, Bottle, brown boots, (aquila worth?), thread, bkb?

                What about deso, yasha(manta), helm of dom(satanic)?


                  i heard this is ez build.
                  go ez lane, buy wraith band, buy pt, buy sange.
                  need better positioning? dagger.
                  farm is nice and all well, s&y.
                  game is hard and magic sux, bkb.

                  if you are mid, get fast dagger+euls ez kill anyone on the map.
                  or in lower games you can be gay and buy shadow blade and ulti on people, untill they get detection, but usually its too late.

                  by the way, the build is not very important since sf has plenty of damage from his passives, you have to farm fast with him(use jungle well, bottle+rune if u mid) and ofcourse you have to not die.
                  try out some of the builds suggested here(in normal), maybe one fits you.


                    SF has a really wide item pool and this is a lot about personal preference. I just love Blink and it's a heavily underrated item by lower MMR players because they don't understand how hard this item boosts your farm just due to the mobility. Aquila is nice, I usually go for it. I think Wand is a must pretty much always, as the charges are especially precious to SF and he's always doing clutch plays.
                    I don't like going BKB as a first big item because it really hurts your item progression, do it only if really necessary. Manta is usually my go to item since it gives you resistance and the possibility to dodge skills such as Viper Strike, almost every single target stun and obviously auto attacks (also removes debuffs)


                      Play it. There is more then one way to play SF.
                      He's one of those heroes which takes time to master.

                      Work on your feeling and razes. It's all about momentum and getting out of control.

                      You won't learn SF over night.


                        Play it. There is more then one way to play SF.
                        He's one of those heroes which takes time to master.

                        Work on your feeling and razes. It's all about momentum and getting out of control.

                        You won't learn SF over night.


                          SF has no stuns escape or anything besides damage - Item build treads bkb bfly is optimal - conditional items are sb blink manta eblade etc.

                          there is no easy way to learn razing - here are a couple cornerstone tips -

                          In a stand off situation were lets say you are slowed and cannot run your best option is to fight. An easy way to landing razes is doing an auto atack first - click on them get a hit off and then raze after you auto atack - you will be facing their direction.

                          I try to lead with medium range first because it leaves room for a 2nd raze guaranteed. 2 nukes lvl 7 + a few auto atacks can kill most people around lvl 7.

                          If they run you can long range if they get close you use close range. Again getting in auto attacks in between razes for dps and to face them. Later on when your good you can click on the ground to position yourself with razes.

                          If you dont land your medium one and they get to close ur screwed.
                          I find myself doing Medium first then close range which puts the enemy to less then half hp in which most cases they start to run so you finish them off with the long range.

                          Watch old school yaphets or Sogovegeta from dota1 really really good sf players - sf from dota1 is the same thing as in d2 you will learn the concept of the hero.

                          You will see many ways to do 3x nukes.


                            Best guide eu.

                            Actually, add me. I'll give you some tips.