General Discussion

General Discussionfeed the trolls

feed the trolls in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Play more troll, he's ridiculous this patch. The bug fix for him might not seem like much but since patch I'm 13-5 on him. Poor starts don't matter because he can farm his way back into relevance so quickly. Get a great start and it's gg. With his whirling axes he can man fight carries with more farm. With just a bkb he can annihilate disabling supports. With careful swapping between ranged form he is difficult to kite.

    Lanes are flexible, I've done everything except mid and I think he'd be fine at that too depending on matchup. He's great offlane with some help like with an ogre or lion or something, and he can jungle at level 1 just fine too if team wants that. Flexibility is a big deal in pubs. I had a guy last pick a spectre and force my into woods just a couple matches ago. The only thing he probably can't do is solo an offlane vs any sort of disablers. Probably will get zoned out or die.

    Unlike a lot of other carries who have a very specific window to win, like PA who falls off dramatically if she doesn't snowball, or a spectre who is not that good until 30 mins, troll can fight early and late. And if all else fails you can rat with him.

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        healing wards broken beyond belief


          tb is kinda of a great carry in pubs too. sunder = op

          Dire Wolf

            I wouldn't say he's broken, he's just super flexible and fits the meta very well since he can push early and still farm and become a beast late. So if you run into a stupid pusher team you can stop them and win late and you can still hang with all the void and sniper pickers late too. And he's an excellent counter to a bunch of the top picks right now, he destroys PA since PA's rarely rush mkb you can make PA miss then rush mkb yourself and bash her to death. He's good against void cus he comes online sooner. Void's still obviously going to 1v1 you with a chrono but he farms more easily.

            Troll isn't played very much so I think people just don't understand him and what he can do. Being able to switch into ranged form makes you so crazy in lane early, you can harass someone with ranged to build up some fervor then dive them, use the ranged whiling axes to slow, pop into melee for melee axes nuke, then pop back into ranged when slow wears off and they are running to finish them off. I've surprised a ton of solo offlaners with how easily I can kill them if they get too far from the tower and I have phase boots.

            And he roshes so easily now with the fervor stack fix. I need to do a bot match to see for sure but I think you can rosh at ~7 with a 2-0-4-1 build with a quelling blade and helm of dominator. I know I've done rosh around level 12 with phase boots, qb, aquila and dominator with ease at like 12-15 mins. Not as fast as an ursa or lycan but way faster than your usual other carries.


              lol bro, he became good not because of bugfix but increasing max attack speed
              and yeah, he is very op :p

              the realm's delight

                is that mid or safe lane hero

                Dire Wolf

                  Yeah that helps too, it's a big change when doing rosh or towers since you will max your fervor stacks fast and use your ult and break that cap. Just with yasha and aquila you're going to be about 20 over at level 16 and even more at level 25 and it opens up possibility of going butterfly and not losing any IAS during your ult. Troll at 25 is about 90 innate agi, 136 fervor, 180 ult. Add s&y for 32 and butterfly for 60 and you're at 498. It's really nice!

                  I'm trying to decide where to fit a butterfly into my build though. Aquila is basically core for me cus he needs some sort of regen, whilring axes is just too good of wave clear to not have mana for it and I find myself oom if I don't aquila. Dominator is obvsiouly core. BKB is core like 8/10 games. Then the mobility of s&y is just so amazing, I have trouble giving it up. I can go butterfly as a 3rd big item but game is usually over by then and adding a cheap crystalis (daedulus later) is a huge damage boost or an eaglesong for 1k more. And so many games have PA's now you'll end up rushing mkb.

                  Maybe I can find a game where I don't need bkb and do phase, aquila, dom, yasha, butterfly. That's probably doable under 25 mins. Maybe try skipping yasha altogether for a ~20 min butterfly but again, losing move speed I'm not sure if I would farm that much quicker than the 2k spent on yasha.

                  "is that mid or safe lane hero"

                  I play him safe lane, but you can definitely mid him. His whirling axes does a ton of damage early and he can pop into ranged for to get plenty of last hits. I probably wouldn't want to lane him vs like viper or zeus and maybe not sniper with range advantage and damn headshots, but anyone else should be fine.

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                    i suggest you to try dagger after sny and bkb, it is very op and needed item on troll (once i bought it i cannot not buy it anymore :d )
                    ofc it is not always needed (if not you but enemies start fight etc) but anyway with dagger u deal insane concentrated damage

                    Dire Wolf

                      I'm so bad at any hero that uses blink dagger but I'll give it a shot.


                        try medallion troll

                        Dire Wolf

                          I used to get medallion quite often but I like aquila more and he six slots too quickly to go two cheap items like that. I will try it next time my support is going bassy though or with another aquila carry.

                          milk that tastes like rea...

                            I use troll in the jungle. 1 wraith into phase, then dominator/yasha/sny/bkb order depends on the game. Then either crit or satanic, the latter is my default as I find outlasting works quite well. If you need damage, it will be quite obvious after just 1 fight. Depending on the game I will play as primary carry or something like a #3 rat. I haven't bought butter on him yet though. I build sny almost every game, 514 ms with sny and phase so good.


                              fuck troll, fuck jugger, i see this shit every second game now, wtf.
                              time for me to up my 45% winrate jugger.

                              Miku Plays

                                What do you guys say about stalling HoD, just getting morbid and working on buying other big items?


                                  This thread is stupid. Troll is a trash hero. Don't play him.


                                    Mask of Madness

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I thought about delaying helm but it's actually a pretty good use of 950g, 20 dmg and 5 armor (and some hp regen to boot). It's very comparable to other items cost, like a crystalis is 2150 something and has only 30 dmg but of course crit, while an aquila is similar dmg, more other stats, less armor. Plus you can stack with it or just make a wolf follow you around for the buff. If you have free farm then yeah you can skip it but I usually buy so many small piece items like aquila, helm, then build s&y in pieces then bkb in pieces it doesn't make sense to delay any of it. Maybe if you want to rush butterfly and go morbid mask then save for eagle.

                                      Also I've tried to rosh with just morbid mask and quelling blade and couldn't do it. With dominator and aquila it's super easy. There might be a middle ground, maybe aquila and morbid mask? But that 5 armor makes a pretty big rosh difference.

                                      I think I found his biggest counter to in razor. Played him a game ago and we still won easily cus our team was good but he can actually kite you with his purge and obviously he's the anti carry, draining all your dmg and his ult doesn't miss.

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                                          diffusal on troll?



                                            probably situational, he only benefits from the slow and it doesnt cover a lot of his weaknesses. guess its ok if u have a lack of lockdown on ur team or are playinga gainst heros like omni

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              KD what you wrote makes no sense. He doesn't clear stacks well? With fervor and whirl axes his wave and stack clear is amazing. People put carries in jungle all the time. I farm quicker in jungle with troll than in a contested lane. Like if you go offlane and enemy team is try hard pricks like a ogre and huskar offlane you will get no farm or die in lane. Farm in jungle will be tons better. People always say jungle farm sucks but they're comparing it to free farm lane which doesn't always happen. Yeah you'll free farm vs like a solo clockwerk or something but not all the time.

                                              I would never get mek on him and AC is probably not good cus he is agi hero so has naturally high armor and with his melee form extra armor, and he needs dmg to compliment fervor. AC is much better on str carries.

                                              Diffusal is fine but other stuff is better. I'd probably only do it vs heroes you know will euls or ghost or vs omni. You could easily swap a diffusal in instead of yasha but then you lose move speed.


                                                Oh pls no jungle troll or we get more of this shit every game