General Discussion

General DiscussionAround how much last hits is good for a carry in 2k mmr?

Around how much last hits is good for a carry in 2k mmr? in General Discussion

    I got a 392 last hits as Radiance Naga, in a 49 minute game. Is this decent for a 2k player playing Radiance Naga? You can check my dotabuff account, go to records then you should see 392 last hits as naga if you want to see proof.

    In another game I got 207 last hits in a 42 minute game. Is this alright for a Faceless Void going mid game build where you join your team as soon as possible?

    Usually this is how I calculate how much last hits I should have if I'm not playing Radiance Naga,
    (How much minutes the game has lasted) Divided by 2 (Take away the last digit of that) Thats how much last hits I should have.

    Example: Game has lasted 40:00 minutes, Divided by 2 would be 20:00 minutes. Taking away the last digit of that = 200 then thats around how much last hits I should have.

    I would like some opinions about how much last hits a carry should have around 40 minutes. I'm just a fellow player that enjoys carries and I want to step up my game

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      For a 2k mmr player I guess it's decent, but you should aim for at least 10 per minute with Radiance Naga


        it's not the number that matter, i think it's hard to say.sometime you better join fights early on rather than stick with these cs numbers.
        a small tip is regularly look at the minimap ( like once every 5 secs ), find space, and carry tps ( keep in mind 1tp = 135 gold = 3 creep ).keep tp-ing to some lanes where u have space to farm creep when u think u are in a dangerous state and should b.go straight back <<<< tp to other lane and farm more. sometime use phase or MoM if u have it to shorten the time u have to spend to reach the creep wave. remember travelling around = waste of gold and xp, attacking creep = $$$$$


          yup it's quite hard to explain, play more and u will have the feeling abt it


            @Rofl Yeah, I got around 8 last hits a minute. I will try aim for more, just need to improve my micro skills a bit more.

            I would also like to know how much last hits you should get if you are trying to join your team as early as you can as a carry.

            I will watch some pro games and see how much last hits they get on the carries.

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              The difference between pro games and pubs is that they have a gameplan and actively communicate with eachother.
              Also a radiance naga isnt so much about joining fights as it is about finding the space to take objectives.
              If at all possible you should also try to farm their jungle so your team can farm your own.

              Dire Wolf

                Depends on hero, goal isn't farm after all it's killing towers. Farm is an effective way to reach said goal but for instance if playing a TB and you have opportunity to rax or get more last hits and break 10 a min you should def rax instead. For normal carries though like PA, void, sniper and the like, 5 a min is above average and you'll start winning games due to having more farm than enemy team. You'd be surprised how awful pubs are at farming.

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                  dude you're just so retarded like srsly ITS NOT ABOUT TOTAL CS, ITS ABOUT CS the first 5,10,15 min and increasing it more later. Not your fuckcing 2 creeps per minute until radiance then just afk farm to get 8creeps per minute and lose the game thinking you're good and all cause YOU FUCKING SUCK



                    10 min - 50 CS
                    20 min - 110-120 CS
                    30 min - 150-200 CS

                    Your Naga was fine I think.


                      I know its not all about the CS. It's just in some games I play in my bracket there are some carries that get barely 70 CS in a 40-50 minute game. And about that naga game. I managed to get 2 sets of rax while the enemy team was doing Roshan. Because in my bracket people hardly carry tps. When it looked like we were gonna team fight I tpd back.. I didn't just afk farm I split pushed and came back when my team needed me, we ended up winning. I never said I was good, and of course I suck I'm in 2k mmr and I've played only 400 games



                        Hahahahan a flamerino


                        How cAn you get only 398 cs in 49 min that's low not even decent. Naga is far the easiest hero to get cs especially when she has a radiance just send each illusion to every lane and you didn't do that if you did do that you should get around 500... . And you don't suck u have good top win rates and I like your ta. Maybe play tb I think he's a bit harder in farming but his carry is better but a bit risky than naga

                        Even I got 445 with am 48min game no radiance

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                          buy db+ and ill point exactly why you're bad


                            @@Kael yeah I am not experienced with Naga that's probably why. @Benao, i never said I was good, I know I'm bad because I'm in 2k no need to point it out.

                            harvard graduate

                              There are no specific numbers. Some people will give you the 50cs at 10 min, 100 at 20 and so on speech but it depends on your hero and on the matchup. Naga does not farm super fast until Radiance so if you got shut down early game really hard and got a 25 min Radiance, those 200 CS are probably really good for 2000 MMR.

                              Where you should be aiming at is 10 cs per minute on a Naga Siren and that is probably what is expected at 4.5k MMR+ but that hero has an insane learning curve.

                              207 CS with a midgame void build at 42 minutes is absolutely fine. Just by being off the map, you create insane pressure on the enemy team and cripple their CS.
                              A hero that taught me how to farm ages ago when I was in 3k was Luna. Mastering that hero will teach you how to find farm on the map.

                              Bait Master Elite

                                3.5k solo mmr. free farm mid lane.


                                15:33 Radiance After Boots, Bottle and Aquila

                                10min 60
                                16min 116 (raidance)
                                20min 168
                                30min 351
                                40min 523
                                50min 652

                                Every game is different, so its hard to suggest what you should have, I linked a good game where I was uncontested for the most part. you should work for at least 5cs/min pre raidance, then 10cs/m after raidance