General Discussion

General DiscussionOLD SCHOOL

OLD SCHOOL in General Discussion

    How many people there played or playing nowadays in DotA 1?


      There are always people in BNet as I figured out.

      But I didn't login there for almost a year...

      The community is much better tho, and games are very funny and weird, like 2-3k players most.
      I tried to play but I couldn't even lasthit, I tried to lasthit but I managed to get like 1/4 creeps...
      The legacy hotkeys are annoying and you need a program in order to bind hotkeys to inventory, so I didn't even fuckin' bother playing more than 1 game.

      There is a constant delay like your ping is 100-200 :D...

      But people are friendly, and nobody cares if you feed or what you pick.


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        probably played top 5hours of WC3 modes. No Doters.


          I never played Dota1 but i want to test it


            I remember first playing some games long time ago (before -so was a thing), and then moving onto Garena, played there until maybe level 15-20 but it was pretty low quality dota there :) eventually discovered Iccup (some russian ladder site) and played something like 400-500 games there before switching to second dotas.


              mokujin, skok pts bilo? :)


                в 13 сезоне (был мой последний) поднимал на аптб до 7-8к дальше пробовал играть на рдтб но не смог)))0

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                  my bro sometimes play tower defense, balanar chase and stuff like that. Personally i miss the kitty run mode :(


                    а толку ты балтнете катал, если айсикап был уже с гареной?)


                      там же буржуи одни, полюбас, или русские тоже были?


                        когда я 'катал' на баттлнете айсикапа еще не было) также я не замечал за собой предпочтения играть только с русскими; позже я на рашке т.к. пинг был меньше)

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                          Super OP Dota L.O.D mode where everyone could choose 4 skills and 2 ulties from a random pool of 40 heroes was the last WC3 thing I played.


                            хуясе, это ты в каком патче еще катал (ну или году), когда еще айкапа не было?)

                            bum farto

                              I used to be amazing at slark, meepo, and invoker which are heroes I can't seem to play in Dota2. People underestimated how much the game would change them/their playstyles. I went from a mid to a support/offlane player really quick.

                              King of Low Prio

                                Dota 2 opened up my hero pool a bit more because some heroes I could just not stand the legacy keys (yes I am talking about you PA)

                                bum farto

                                  PA you say? This post made me look through my folders on an old HDD i have some old pics of dota1.


                                    pa was so cool back then.
                                    I miss her :)

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      People are friendly, but they will accuse you of using maphack for almost everything you do. You put a random sentry and a Riki happened to be there? Maphack.
                                      You were roaming through the jungle and found a low HP to kill? Maphack.
                                      You were getting ganked but you felt suspicious since everybody was missing so you dodged the gank? Maphack.
                                      You have a ward and you see them coming so you run away? Maphack.
                                      Really, people didn't even know that wards existed.

                                      bum farto

                                        I used to have this...

                                        Used it to dodge people if they maphacked.


                                          playing in garena was asking to play with maphackers


                                            ye, garena had and have now a lot of maphackers, hate them, better play in Iccup, there are no maphackers, because they all banned :)


                                              i played with maphack a couple of time in dota 1 it was so hilarious to just Sunstrike people who are jungling, I didn't give a fuck that I would get banned :)
                                              Also remember when DDT.Misery or was it alrdy MYM.Misery got kicked out of a lobby before an official match due to Garena Maphack detection LMAO
                                              edit: the public reaction (circlejerk) to w33 cheating kinda reminded my about that Misery maphack thing

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                                                i quit at like 2012 or so


                                                  played until march when i got a new pc and moved to d2. best game ever, simply because of garena rooms. that made every game an inhouse. i didnt play with randoms in like 1 year or so lol. if you played on the same room day by day, you started to recognise the names and played with the good players only.

                                                  that was some good games. the guys i remember from eu hlr 1/4 are 3,5k to 5k. same with the dudes from ro. the best 3 of them are 4,5k-5k, but the rest of the community is from 3k to 4k.

                                                  edit: the mh/leavers/games were roles didnt matter were on low level entry rooms. on high lvl it did actually matter. and mh was pretty rare, due to fogclick detector allowed ingame and people reporting them.

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                                                    Those graffix. I started dota1 in 07, switched to hon in 09, back to dota 2 in 2012.

                                                    Wish Dota 2 had Uther party. Do not miss clicking items or having trouble hosting games or having tons of people on my banlist.

                                                    Speaking of missing things, I really wish Dota 2 had a better messaging system like hon. /w, /c m, /b m is such a better way to talk instead of shift tabbing.


                                                      I started playing Dota back when I was in high school so... it must have been 2003-2004ish? I vaguely remember the patches being 4.XX and 5.XX. The game felt so imbalanced that I just spammed AR's with my friends. Didn't take the game that seriously and probably stopped playing around... 2006?

                                                      After that of course I played hon and such, but Dota was just a fun distraction with friends. In hindsight I probably missed out on the glory days of Dota 1, since I played too early on. I also loved tower defense. I still don't think I've seen a more fun/competitive feeling tower defense game (although I haven't looked much).


                                                        played it like 4/5 times more than d2.
                                                        and I already have more than 3k games knocked in.

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                                                        Sugar Show

                                                          I used to play Ol'd phoenix & pit lord.




                                                              a friend of me played dota 1 with maphack too, however he forgot to turn it off and went to play the normal wc3 ladder , his acc was banned and deleted after that ;), totally deserved !


                                                                excuse me


                                                                  foc was better , even yoshi tag was better




                                                                      vroksnak the legend

                                                                      the horror dotalicious sl0 and sl1 games

                                                                      also known as games that 1-3k mmr here

                                                                      i was mainly playing with friends back then or spamming inhouse leagues


                                                                      only thing i can remember probably

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Garena and gameranger were full of asians who would join games regardless of region/ping so it sucked dotalicious was slightly better for me along with RGC.

                                                                        HungrY WolF

                                                                          I played the patches 6.38 to 6.43. The heroes were so OP back then. It was easy to farm a 13 min Radiance on Visage, u could buy aegis, Naix had 4.15 agility gain and 1.1 strength gain, lifesteal, slow, attack speed increase and and ultimate that gave him 20 seconds of Magic Immunity. All you had to build on OD was boots, 4 Aghanims and a Scythe. You could build multiple bashers on troll.


                                                                            i still buy multiple bashers sometimes,


                                                                              He likes to live dangerously

                                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                                PA/Spectra/TB/SF models are much better in Dota1


                                                                                  I agree with the others, but Shadow Fiend was just a lame Firelord in all black...

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    Vaikiss-god Invoker Kreygasm


                                                                                      haha what did he even do? cold snap and sunstrike rofl

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                                                                                          vroksnak the point is that i actually played my games against people who were good instead of sl0 scrubs makes the big difference

                                                                                          and last time i checked night^^stalker , totalyScrewd and rest of their stack was top players in that server


                                                                                            so what, so cuz u played vs some good players a coldsnap then runing around a tree into at tp then sunstrike makes it a top play?
                                                                                            what are u so butthurt over btw


                                                                                              im not butthurt over anything and i never said i did anything spectacular in that vid

                                                                                              U wot m8?

                                                                                                never played dota 1... had a look at game play and wanted to throw up


                                                                                                  I remember playing 6.15 and i believe that's when they first introduced preistess of the moon and i neve rknew the arrow was like a pudge hook. I'd thought it'd be like veng stun or something and everytime it'd miss lol One of the first heroes i played was leoric and went sny.

                                                                                                  d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                                                                                                    troll basher >3
                                                                                                    also @HungrY WolF
                                                                                                    how about how it took you back to base and 3X haha i cant remember what the cost or items were now


                                                                                                      @qxz, speaking of pudge, the first time ever i started to last it, it was with pa, and my lane mate (a Pudge xD ) told me that i should just get the last hit instead of auto attacking.

                                                                                                      The most i can remember of this game is that i was dire top lane, but i cann't remember anything else for it :(

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