General Discussion

General Discussionoverlooked carries

overlooked carries in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Almost never see people playing chaos or dragon knight. I mean I get why, but both can be pretty sweet on the right team. I'm getting a little bored spamming troll every game and probably going to try spamming CK for a bit.

    What's some other really overlooked carry heroes in your view? I would also say Tiny is rare and underrated and I hardly see OD's anymore, but OD is kind of bad it seems these days.


      CK is countered by Sven completely, Earthshaker fucks him in the ass. An offlane Tidehunter also.

      He's awesome tho, good in lategame also, but he was kind of nerfed with that -25% illusion damage on structures.

      I used to play him a while back, then I failed with him 2 games in a row and just stopped. (counterpicked)

      He's almost like Meepo, that's why he's not picked that often.

      DK on the other hand, he's... weird, I can't play him but he is so simple. He just doesn't suit my style or I am just out of luck when it comes to him.
      He has nice AoE and slow, theoretically he's strong. His ulty lasts long and all.
      He just doesn't work. (at least not for me)


        DK and CK are like middle of the pack heroes where you don't really get crazy GPM, hard to kill shit without ults, need farm to do shit, but nonetheless they have solid skillsets. They're still viable, but in less situations compared to slark or jugg at the moment


          dont try to turn this forum into fucking REDDIT THX.
          No one gives a fuck

          waku waku


            Tiny Airlines

              Alchemist for one - used to play him a lot but not anymore since his win rate keeps dropping (Is there any reason why?). Also Naga Siren, why not much of her anymore?


                new meta carry dk and ck

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  I've found PL very overlooked. Barely see him since the change, but he feels pretty broken with the new doppelganger. Before you could gank him with dust + one disable, but now you need an instant silence (skywrath/silencer) or he will just disjoint the disable, and you won't find who is the real very easily without something like OD, Lion or zeus ulti.

                  He also doesn't need more than diffusal blade to start fighting since his illus spawn at an insane rate.


                    Russian teams love CK. He is one of the strongest late game heroes but he is quite bad at farming.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      Every carry that is greedy and has no flashfarm = 'overlooked'.

                      You can't play CK in pubs because you would have to rely on your supports and as we all know, everyone sucks except for yourself. Because that's the game.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I find dk hard to farm with even though that shouldn't be the case. You pretty much have to go bottle and use fire to farm otherwise you're like a gimped ck or wk with no crit.

                        Ok just had a CK game that we threw basically but question about his items. I went treads, dominator, armlet, drums. That leaves very little slots left mid game. Next I went s&y and ac, no room for bkb now. Is bkb really important on him? Last game I shoul've gotten it for sure but in general is it great or not so much cus of illusions?

                        Also do illusions adjust stats on the fly or when they are summoned? Meaning do I need armlet active before summoning?

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                        Unique Technique

                          Both are weak aegis carriers and not good when buying back, with no ultis they are on like 50% of their full impact...


                            DK is just weak at the moment. He was good a few patches ago when you could just put him mid, bottle crow and start 5 man doto and taking towers. Games don't run like that anymore.

                            CK isn't bad, he is just a little weird. He farms quite slowly (relative to what other heroes are capable of doing), can have issues against BKB targets in team fights and is very reliant on his ultimate (which was recently buffed so there is that). You can also have problems mid game with your ultimate where teams with half decent aoe can wipe your illusions right away, but he could work well as a last pick or something and hits like a fucking truck.



                              Manliest of the manly carries and buffed to all hell.

                              He needs like 2 extra int at level 1 and hes gonna be first pick first ban carry/support


                                Plz no reveal volvo no nerf sven

                                Treads armlet mom at level 11 is around 350/swing, 2 swings/second

                                Chop everyone to bits ez


                                  i dont like DK he is terrible carry. excellent semi carry though. he just doesn't get strong enough imo.

                                  he can push, tank, aoe, stun, dps but none of those very well. a jack of all trades but master of none.

                                  as for CK, i think he can be really good at sniping glass cannon carries. the -25% illusion damage doesn't really hurt him because of his random bonus illusion will be doing a lot more than 25%.

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