General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you know anyone with around 2500 ranked games to have less winrate...

Do you know anyone with around 2500 ranked games to have less winrate than me?(49.62%) in General Discussion

    Just curious if you know someone please post a link of dotabuff, wanna know if I m a worst improver in a history of dota or there are few similar guys as well.


        ^ That`s not even close just 600 games


          sure its not less winrate than you but look at the amount of slark games, and he has only 51% winrate. considering how strong slark is and how SUPER STRONG a GOOD SLARK PLAYER is, this is simply amazing.

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            ? Not close 50%+


              470 games:
              I'm not helping, sorry, haha!

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                There you go Scarlett Johansson has same stats as you!


                  First close guy wp YNIT, but still I m worse by 0.06% we are looking for the winner guys cmon

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                  ♿Sister Fister

                    @Dravic, do you even realize what 1% of 6500 is?
                    If I'd win 65 ranked games in a row (which would be a ~1% increase in win-rate), I'd be 6125 MMR (solo).
                    I pity your ignorance (and many others' similar to yours).

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                      holy fuck 6400 slark games?

                      i'd suicide.


                        16 low priority games Bogi? :( Doesnt it reset at some point or?


                          poor bogi

                          ♿Sister Fister

                            LP doesn't reset anymore, all it takes is a couple reports in a ranked game and your back to another set of 16 LP. It's the reason I stopped playing dota for consecutive days.


                              ^yes it does, you just aren't waiting long enough or playing enough games without being reported.

                              play bot games in between games and it will decrease your chances of going to LPQ, and don't play dota on sunday or monday...

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                @666 mmr where did you see me bashing you? Im a constant Meepo picker and im known for it.

                                Who cares? i love the hero concept and playstyle, i also like to win. thats why i play him.

                                i am not saying you are a bad slark but i am saying that if you only win 50% of your games then you havent improved within last... let's say 2000 games of playing slark. you should be winning most games as slark with such wide experience. no?


                                  Last 3 months he played over 500 games with Slark and he's got close to 57% winrate. I'd say its okay.

                                  bum farto

                                    Here you are your problem is going into every game ranked and losing them consistently. You don't play very try hard and your picks/plays are super casual and won't win you in ranked.

                                    When I am being a filthy casual I do normal games, there is no shame in kicking back with a couple of noobie friends and messing around. If you're going to play ranked make sure you're bringing your A game and not going into ranked after ranked game while consistently losing or under performing.

                                    Seriously kick back, relax and enjoy a knock about game with some friends for a little while then come back to your solo when you feel on top of your game again. I am having difficulty clearing 5K due to playing supports so I am playing casual games and trying out new things that I want to try and take into my solo offlane sniper.

                                    ♿Sister Fister

                                      @Dravic You're probably a very incompetent person when it comes to average tasks since you fail to comprehend simple concepts.

                                      You keep saying that I win only 50% of the games- my winrate is not 50%, it is 51.45% as Slark overall. Must I repeat myself and remind you that at such a high volume of games (nearly 6.5K), gaining 1% winrate means a lot of work, I'd have to win nearly 70 games in a row.

                                      I'f I'd win 70 ranked games in a row, I'd be ~6.2 K MMR with a winrate of 52.5%, which you'd still call average, yet you wouldn't say that a 6.2K mmr player is average, unless you are simple minded enough to think that a 100% winrate player which has only played a couple games of dota must be a god of the game.



                                        "If I'd win 65 ranked games in a row (which would be a ~1% increase in win-rate), I'd be 6125 MMR (solo)."

                                        so what?

                                        if a 2k player has 10.000 ranked games with 50% winrate and wins 100 in a row that's a 0.49% increase in winrate, but he more than doubles his MMR. what does this mean? absolutely nothing
                                        whats your point?


                                          I know one guy, is a friend HAHA he never improve, always the same mistakes, let me search


                                            nvm bogi :(

                                            ♿Sister Fister

                                              @rofl surely you're good enough to win 6K MMR games as casually as you'd win games in a 2K MMR bracket.

                                              My point is that the more you play, the higher the chances to lose, the more you win, the better the opponents you face.
                                              You can't compare winrate while completely disregarding the volume of played games. If that would be reasonable, then everyone would be dota gods with a 100% winrate on new accounts.

                                              It's simply amazing how short-minded people are or fall to be in an attempt to make a peer look bad.

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                                              Make love, not flame

                                                Playing one hero all the time should get you 50% winrate sooner or later unless you are on the very top. Whether the hero is during that time more buffed than others doesn't matter.

                                                What I don't understand is... how do you manage to play 6000+ games on one hero?

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  wisp slark abusers xaxa

                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                    does bogi ever have sex


                                                      Sheever maybe?

                                                      bum farto

                                                        He is somewhat right on this, with a larger amount of games it can even take 2 games to gain 0.01% winrate where as 2 games on an account with 500 games would have a larger impact.

                                                        ...but who the hell cares about winrate anyways, winrate used to be the thing people beat each other with on this forum but I thought that changed to MMR.


                                                          havoc for president

                                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                                            if u don't have 50% win rate you should probably just quit and go do something that's more enjoyable

                                                            like i used to play tennis and i was still horrible at it after 2 years, so i quit; nothing wrong with refusing to participate in an activity cuz u know ur garbage lol

                                                            bum farto

                                                              @Fatal that makes no sense.... you can be garbage at something but still enjoy doing it? Dota2 is a game, games are played for fun. If you chose to get serious about it then that's your issue to deal with if you're not very good at it. I know loads of people who are pure ass at this game and still have an enjoyable time stacking and fooling around win or lose.

                                                              You know like when you go kick a ball around the park with a group of guys there is always 3 types of people....

                                                              1. The guy who is amazing, competitive but puts his money where his mouth is and is good at his game.
                                                              2. The guy who is competitive, aggressive, easy to anger, but sucks ass at football and thinks the team is to blame.
                                                              3. The idiot who knows he's bad but is there to enjoy football for football, and the thrill of the sport.

                                                              Same applies to any game/sport.

                                                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                sorry i should've been more clear - i'm saying if i was complete garbage at something i would stop doing it, obviously everyone has their own reasons to enjoy something. but doing something as a "competitive hobby" is kind of ingrained in my mentality (i.e. if i pursue some kind of activity i hope to get good at it)

                                                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                  anyways we haven't played in forever cuz i've been grinding solo games, maybe i can abuse jugger to bring up ur party mmr (i'm "drop of tears" on ur friend's list)

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    get f****ing spiderlings


                                                                      y i do


                                                                        Havoc is so smart, listen to him (no jokerino)
                                                                        Best way to enjoy dota get 2k stack with 4 friends, haveee fuun knowing you are al bad.


                                                                          And i told you bogi, sheever has like 3000 wined games and she is 3000mmr, holly shit.
                                                                          She is so bad, every time i see her streamings she do forbbiden mistakes and she neeever dive.

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            I fucking found him long time ago.
                                                                            give me arcana.

                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              Ah yes, flasherino. You messaged me last night, sorry I had my face buried in some food and was watching shitty cartoons. Sure, get online and we can play tonight or sometime.

                                                                              Also, stop with the damn name changes tracking you is like chasing a monkey with adhd