General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin vs Slark

Templar Assassin vs Slark in General Discussion

    So I've played both of these heroes and I have noticed they are very similar: Both have great snowballing potential, amazing at tower diving, good at chasing and fall off a bit late game. But they have a few things that make them different: Templar Assassin is amazing against nuker heroes, and a couple of other heroes. But then there is damage over time. And slark doesn't do too well against nukers due to his low hp pool and gets countered by Bloodseeker etc. But if I go mid I pick either Templar Assassin or Slark, I choose Slark if there is DoT because Templar Assassin gets countered by that and I choose Templar Assassin if there is at least 2 nukers. So when would you pick Templar Assassin over Slark or Slark over Templar Assassin?


      they do not fall off at all late game, especially slark who is one of the best late game heroes in the game

      Arek Akashi

        slark is op

        Obsidian Crown Unbound

          Pick TA for mid and slark for safelane, slark mid is pretty awful.
          TA is better at laning, farms faster, gets online quicker and complements your teams physical damage.
          Slark is better late game and has insane map control(can be deep in enemy territory taking their farm, limiting their movement and creating space for your team)
          As far as lanes TA should only lose hard to razor while slark is a meh laner so if you have a weak support consider picking something else.


            TA loses hard to WL as well.

            Dire Wolf

              Slark mid is fine if you actively gank but it's ganking mid only. TA can farm or gank.

              Obsidian Crown Unbound

                Slark can play farming mid with maxing dark pact and clearing camps(i think i saw pajkatt do it) but i would still advise against it, also if youre gonna go yolo gank after lvl 6 you might aswell take a hero that doesnt suck at it and can actually do something in a 1v1 lane.


                  ta also loses to phoenix, axe, silencer, jakiro, brood, dark seer, gyro, huskar

                  Obsidian Crown Unbound

                    Im not trying to say TA doesnt lose mid, but she loses by a small margin and she can still catch up do to being a really fast farmer, im also pretty sure you shouldnt lose at all vs silencer, gyro, huskar and phoenix.


                      maybe i'm just a shitty TA then /s

                      "only lose to razor" is an obvious overstatement, there are many mids where she breaks even, for example QoP, in which the lane does not favour her if QoP has a sentry start

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        you kiddin awaken? silencer is fucking amazing against TA.


                          if he thinks TA "shouldnt lose at all vs huskar and phoenix" evidently he has issues...

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                            silencer vs ta is like 65-35 untl 6

                            on our way.

                              TA can win meepo but I guess I'm just a lousy meepo player :(

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                TA wins Silencer and Razor actually.

                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                  ^ how do u build vs razor i have troubles against him

                                  Sup m8

                                    Zenoth how do you get such high GPM on Terrorblade?

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      Start with boots, he can't drain dmg early on. Unless he has boots also. Once you have phase and ulty you can kill him. Pop the trap which you have set in the middle or on his hg and go on him, once he links turn phase on and run away to brake the link, as soon as it snaps go on him again, pop the 2nd trap. If you get DD, don't care about link, just kill him.


                                        slark does not get countered by bloodseeker ever since he got reworked ..


                                          I thought TA is better late game than slark.


                                            slark is like many times better than ta


                                              They're both very strong heroes. Pick whichever one you think is best given their lineup and your lineup


                                                ta is so shit this patch
                                                every good ta player agrees on that one
                                                my 2cents


                                                  um, no

                                                  ta is still bloody strong in the right hands

                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                    TA players are master race, Slark players will burn in hell forever.


                                                      razor and silencer are shit against ta :o


                                                        actually ta is much stronger in this patch

                                                        refraction + blink not going on cooldown is extremely good for toweriviging and fountain diving and roshan n shit like that

                                                        altho she fells off really quickly


                                                          viper rapes both ta and slark mid, making life hell for both. In fact, i dnt think there are many heroes who can outlane a viper. Maybe silencer and razor? wat do u guys think?

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Whoever has more farm is better. Meaning get comfortable with one, it doesn't really matter that much though TA probably has more specific counters than slark at this point.

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                                                            TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                                              Ta is one of the easiest opponents you can get as Phoenix.. For real, how is a decent TA winning against a decent Phoenix?

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                ta is op when not countered,
                                                                ta is worst then techies when countered.
                                                                You'r welcome for saving you'r time.