General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you Clockwerk vs. Medusa?

How do you Clockwerk vs. Medusa? in General Discussion

    The lane phase was terrible, I was getting raped in lane.

    Is there anything I could do better with clockwerk? I'm not a clockwerk player so I don't really know, but I feel like I could have done SOMETHING better, I was getting owned 1v1.


      why do you max battery assault last?
      max battery gives you stupid amounts of damage early on and gives you the best solo kill potential, even pre level 6, cogs + battery is really strong at punishing bad positioning like if a support goes past your creep wave trying to harass you

      ofc you got owned 1v1, what can a clockwerk with only flare + cogs going to do against medusa? flare isn't enough to zone her out the lane, using cogs to drain her mana isn't reliable, and if you accidentally trap the dusa in with you with no battery assault, you're gonna lose that fight - battery helps you trade hits, the mini stun cancels enemy attacks + they might panic and spend 5s trying to cast their stun only to have it be cancelled every time.

      blade mail's really good on him, you should probably get it instead of drum.
      the armour from BM is probably similar survivability to the str+agi from drum, it gives int just like drum, and more attack damage. the extra HP from drum seems wasted given clock's already good strength gain, and clock tends to be a suicidal initiator, getting some extra damage before you die with blade mail helps in the early/mid game.

      in that specific game ur against sky too, that was definitely a BM game. clockwerk is the easiest mystic flare target since he tends to cog himself in solo with an enemy, and BM is a really good item against glass cannons like sky, PA, sniper etc.

      if you survive because of drum, what difference does that make in a fight, since you've used all your spells anyway. you'd contribute more if you died but also did another 1000 pure damage due to BM.

      if you maxed cogs after rocket, you have no damage with only 1 level into battery assault, so your solo pickoff potential is crap, but if you go force that gives you more utility/disable in larger fights, synergising with the extra duration of power cogs, as it makes cogs like a smaller version of treant ulti, you trap one or two people in and force yourself out, taking them out of the fight.

      granted im shit at clockwerk so take what i say with a grain of (PJ)salt, though im just analysing what good clock players do.


        actually that's pretty good advice thnx


          at 4k nobody thinks about destroying cogs. They will just wait for them to disappear every time.


            you mind if I don't destroy them if I'm a melee? well not if I'm caught inside though then I always destroy them and break out.


              idk what was your problem exactly vs dusa ?

              Tiny Airlines

                Typically I get one level in power cogs, then max out battery assault with a level in Rocket Flare. After I get hookshot and maxed battery assault, I finish maxing out Rocket Flare, then get a level in hookshot, and then finish up power cogs.

                Your leveling was completely wrong, and you should've bought either a crimson guard or a pipe of insight, but the aghs upgrade is something I've gotten back into doing with Clockwerk since it really helps out with initiating.