General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it difficult to climb the ladder from 3.5k to around 4kish as a su...

Is it difficult to climb the ladder from 3.5k to around 4kish as a support? in General Discussion
Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

    Hey guys, I'm a position 4-5 support here just asking for help when it comes to ranked matches. Whenever I play ranked, I usually get the "Enemy PL / PA / Bloodseeker" that steam rolls. Sometimes it's extremely frustrating to play the support that gets bitched at every 6 or so minutes because of wards so I have completely given up on pub gaming for the moment. Instead, I've made friends with some 4k + stack buddies and my mechanics have (or atleast I feel) have improved drastically. Since most of them play higher level tier games I get a lot of good and critical feedback Ex. Smoke ganking early, knowing when to farm and get exp, deward positions, maximizing the little farm that I get and basically making space for my carry(ies) to get their items.

    I usually play supports because they have such a great impact esp early on in the game and actually win games with the right rotations (but this is with me and my friends so we all have a general idea how to build our team vs the enemy picks as compared to pubs that just mix and match). So my question is, how hard is it to climb the ladder as a suppprt when the other heroes actually "decide" if you win it or not. Because I've played so many pub games as a support - getting the early streak lead then the team doesn't realize that you need to push and get map control rather than just farm to actually win the game. Also, do modes count with skill level? I haven't actually tried CM Ranked, but I guess it would be playing with a "higher skill tier" than a regular AP game?

    Some people suggested playing core roles, but I don't know what's more frustrating. Being the only support or being a 5 man carry / core team. My highest winrate hero is actually SF, but that's because I had to spam him before to "carry" my team.

    Favorite heroes: Lion, ES, Rubick, SK, CM, Enigma I love the reliable lock down they have (team fight potential if you get the right position) and because an ES with an early dagger (Around 17-20min) mark has done so much for some of my pub games with the outofnowhere 5man echo. I usually go for the early smoke rotations anyway so I get assist gold if my carries can surgive the lane without me. Except ofcourse when I'm enigma and i'm rushing the mek instead of the dag which I get flamed at sometimes for not rushing in pubs. At my current level mmr as long as the enemy doesn't get a silencer I can usually get off decent 3-4 man BHs without the dag though for me it's like a 50-50 chance of winning because if im jungling and my cores lose their lanes it just makes my life so much harder than it should be. Any suggestions? Sorry I'm new to dotabuff, but at the veryleast I know you guys can see my stats. Thanks guys

    *Edited sorry I meant climbing from 3.5k not climbing to 3.5k. 3.5k trying to get to around 4k

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    Dire Wolf

      No just play op supports that fit with your team/counter enemy team. Witch dr with aghs can wipe an entire team that isn't equipped to handle him. So can SK if they don't have natural bkb builders. Most pubs will never build bkbs on non "natural" bkb carriers meaning they will almost always build bkb on troll or PA (sometimes not soon enough though!) but will pretty much never build it on sniper, jug, spectre etc. Refresher tide can pretty much guarantee a team fight win if he gets the jump as well.

      And in some cases weaker supports like lion and cm are amazing too. They fall off later but are extremely powerful in the early laning. If enemy team picks PA lion is great at hexing to disable the dodge. Or stack CM with jugger, freeze them into a blade fury.

      Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

        I think I might just spam lion because has been working for me a lot lately, the ability to disable multiple heroes with a good impale and a hex has done wonders. Plus, eliminating a squishy carry like sniper with a finger of death.

        Thanks for the reply bud

          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

            well, you can just give up solo mmr and play party only. It´s much more exciting, imho.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              my last 2 games were support at 3.6 and it was fine
              as rub stole black hole 3 times
              as lion just shut down them and ganked. wasnt hard.

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                i didint read anything u wrote but no

                as long as u can play it u shouldnt babysit people in lane u should roam around get kills get items and participate in ganks as much as possible sometimes getting a ward or sentry if needed


                  I climbed from 3.2k to 3.8k with Jakiro only and since then I'm maintaining my mmr between 3700 and 3800. I don't play much ranked though.


                    It's easy to climb up as a support. This guy gives good explanation why:


                      Pyrion? Hes damned cool, but yet noobish in doto.

                      edit: always confuse their nicknames, sry. this guy is actionslacks. Afair he is making Dota2 Fails of the Week series with couple of friends.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        you should be playing "late game" supports, or heavy damage supports. omni sure if you can make it work, but heroes like disruptor or zues or lina played as support are good in 3k bracket because the game dont end early.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          play what ever is good for ur team, stuns are op aue stuns even better id say for late game supports are earth shaker and vange

                          Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                            Appreciate the replies :) Will probably post if my climb was a success :)


                              i dont like venge as a late game support.

                              Swap ends up being wasted on bad team mates.


                                Venges free win in 3k bracket, even 4k brakcet dude

                                You can support, save your team mates, buff you carries, buff yourself! Just carry the damn game on your own.

                                EDIT: Also swap is way stronger in offensive purpose in the lategame (at least in pubs) cause people are always out of position, and people will not react fast to your swap.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  swap most important hero stun him ezy team fight.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Doesnt matter what hero you pick as long as the MMR spread is not 1-2k


                                      that really never happens in 3k

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        @concede that was my point and Ynit nobody cares about party MM

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          nobody said it was solo

                                          Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                                            * Sorry, my solo is 3.5k i meant climbing from 3.5k to 4k


                                              When you see Venge in your team, your first thought must be: "Ok, it's time to stack +stat items, to get max out of Venge's aura". But it never happens. Even Morphling buys Daedalus. Besides, there usually is only 1 heavy rightclicker, others just cast their spells and never use autoattack... Sad to be Venge...

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Honestly I think vs is overrated. Stun duration is super short, wave of terror is nice debuff but the dmg aura isn't really that much unless you're drow or medusa or something. Swap can be amazing but often just saves a hero or inits a hero for your death. And her range is really short, hard to harass some ranged heroes out of lane. I'd rather have lion or sky for lane support and other buffers for team fights.


                                                  I like to play support Viper, he is almost as good at zoning-out enemies as Skywrath Mage, but more tankier and stronger in late game.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    just because you feed does not make you support


                                                    btw skywrath is still great in the late game if you itemize correctly


                                                      if you want to play 1k ranked games and get like 200-400 mmr from them, then sure, play position 5 bro.
                                                      if you want to actually win, you will play supports that provide teamfight, and you will play them greedy, preferably with another support who will do most of the buying ad shit.
                                                      you can be solo support, but you have to actively paricipate in teamfights and/or ganks (the lower mmr, the less ganks happen) in order to get the dolla bills for the wards and for your core items.
                                                      good supports who will rekt if played correctly : witch doctor (aghs), shaker (just dagger), sand king (dagger) and some others.
                                                      ofcourse any support with enough items will own, but some heroes just need 1 item to be very effective, and if gotten fast it can be a gamechanger.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I am willing to bet that the OP is one of those supports who sit in lane soaking all the exp


                                                          I would go with kast here. Position 5 depends too much on rest of the team. There are few exceptions who can work even as position 5. For example Disruptor can set up very easy kills on solo offlaner with Glimpse if your carry is not totaly blind and unaware what is happening. But greedy position 4 support works better. Jungle SK or Enigma are good choices. Under 10 min blink on SK is a ganking beast even without ulti.

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            VANGE is good late game because her aura scales and in 3.5 to 4k there is always 2 to 4 carrys lamoy

                                                            PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                                              If you can keep the opponent offlane under level 6 at 10 mins, you're a badass and you're gonna win.
                                                              Also, make their mid nervous by not appearing on the map if you're not harassing.
                                                              Don't try to over rotate.
                                                              Lower mmr supports tend to do that a lot, thinking it is how good supports are played.
                                                              Running 3 people under a tower for a mid kill is never worth it..... unless you've got perfect aggro trading (but then again, it might not be worth the time if you need to have two heroes walk back home for healing)

                                                              If your mid is winning by a large margin, just have a TP ready to counter-initiate when opponents gank your mid.
                                                              There is no point in attempting to kill a scared mid who is literally just hiding there and sapping exp.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                Venge is the best support since feeding is a legit strat in winning games.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  feed enemy, ur carry kills him ezy gold ezy win


                                                                    About that match:
                                                                    I played as core offlane Viper there. This is the main problem with this hero, my teammates always forcing me to farm.