General Discussion

General Discussionzero item start mid

zero item start mid in General Discussion

    secure first creep with spell, you get your bottle with that cs, bottle chick 1 time and your bottle will be sent to you in time for the 2min rune

    ive been doing this mostly with zeus, but same can be applied with sf storm naga

    you shouldnt be too disadvantaged by wraith/null starters since you have 3x bottle charge to buffer you back when the bottle arrives at the 1 min mark

    you spam 3 spells which makes the enemy mid lh under tower anyway

    better for dire i think since you rely on taking the safe lane rune at 2 min which is closer for dire.

    tell me why/ why not

    ya i know this is similar to the fabled noob bottle first build of old but there are the rune changes.


      well, at higher lvls enemy check ur items and wreck u seeing u have 0 regen and low stats, but depends what hero and enemy hero/player.

      the realm's delight

        idk i always do this with meepo


          One reason is you fuck up your lane equilibrium.

          A skilled enemy would jam the creeps nearer to his tower or uphill and you're constantly in a position to be ganked. Second reason is the enemy goes 'all out' you'll always lose the exchange due to lower health and damage.

          If I know you only have a bottle, I'm not going to let it become a battle of attrition where you'll outregen me, I would instead fuck you up whenever I get the chance. If you refuse to exchange with me, then I can just pressure you out and get more CS. For example, level 1 or 2 and I have a Null Talisman+2 pooled tangos+ salve, I'd rush you whenever you get near the creep wave which would be nearer to my side thanks to your spells.

          You'd get less CS in these 2 minutes lol.


            if you see meracle naga or rtz sf all they do in the 1st wave is secure cs with riptide/raze and push out the lane
            and meracle starts like naked circlet or qb depending on the enemy opp
            rtz goes 2 branch if i remember correctly
            i just dont feel those 2 stats going to make a greater difference compared to getting a free bottle chick (if you go 2 branch you either bottle crow straight after, or you get the 2 min rune)


              Thats completely different from a no item strat.

              I used to think along the lines of "what can a few stats do?" but they do a lot. All those 50 hp leftover exchanges or securing that 2 or 3 more CS makes it worthwhile. I don't see a point in getting bottle instantly because you won't really run out of mana? I find it insane you need to bottle crow before the first rune spawns.


                if my lane goes well, i still get bottle b4 2min mark. With sf, i preferly go wraith+2ib+2pulledtangoes. Lvl 1 is all about getting souls, if you get behind, you can recover when you get your razes. it only takes about 12 lh, to get bottle. And if i'm at lvl 3 with 15 souls and now a bottle, i won the lane. GL winning with your fast bottle zeus, since 2-3 autoattacks from me, forces you to find a rune, buy regen, or go base.
                Still i think the strat is fine for heroes like zeus, and maybe heroes like naga(as mentioned) or magnus. But i never do it, because i dont just wanna get lh from my spells, i wanna win the lane.


                  You can do both the bottle rush and early null talisman build on storm
                  2 branches followed by bottle is the passive buile (4-0-4-1) where u focus on pushing lane and stacking/farming jungle at the same time (same as SF)

                  this guy does it every game -->

                  Basically you are sacrificing killing potential for flash farming, but you don't have to, you can play the Blitz storm where you kill shit:
                  Null talisman + 2 branches + 2 tangoes (1-1-4-1) build seems best for pubs (imo).

                  I barely watched any Sumail storm, I think he goes null + 2 branch + 2 tango (2-0-3-1 followed by 1 vortex), not sure though if that's correct. Supposedly it's the middle ground between space creating storm and farming.
                  I think either of the 3 builds is fine, they just have different timing when they can be effective because you need more space if you skip vortex.

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                    buying 2 branches is the same as rushing bottle but better anyway


                      Null talisman + 2 branches + 2 tangoes (1-1-4-1) build seems best for pubs (imo). this


                        not to be pointy, but what's your MMR?

                        on our way.

                          not to be MMR, but what's your point?


                            okay, seriously, if you want some good feedback, check this


                              you mean my mmr? ~4500 atm.
                              what that has to do with me agreeing with a guy's opinion?


                                I saw a Storm Spirit do this, one pulled tango, get a bottle first, then he bought mana boots... Yeah, uhhmm, I don't know. I feel like the reason people don't do this, is because stats are valued higher than the bottle initially, in order to give you better lane dominance. A bottle on its own however, would be amazing on Zeus, Tinker, Death Prophet, and probably a few other heroes that don't rely on stats so much. I wouldn't try this on a Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit or Shadow Fiend for example.

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