General Discussion

General DiscussionBENAO NEED YOUR FRIGGIN ADVISE in 4.5k MMR range!!

BENAO NEED YOUR FRIGGIN ADVISE in 4.5k MMR range!! in General Discussion

    i'm fucking stupified by the 4.5k MMR range.

    i heed your advice 2 months ago on playing my best hero all the time to raise my MMR. I was successful by spamming Spectre.

    However, due to challenges in new meta and the level of ego in 4.5k MMR range - people tend to play more carry.

    My MMR went down by 100 and I'm now sitting in 4.4K MMR.

    Should I change strategy and play support instead?

    the realm's delight



        idk what u talkng about, instapick slark show easy lane and ask for 2 supports = ez mmr.


          spectre is not the best hero to abuse, even if u r good with it.


            suport silencer should win you some ez mmr! max the silence nuke-glaive-silence nuke-int sucker- silence nuke-ulti-silence nuke.

            Go treads force staff/orchid and then directly for refresher

            trick: you don't always need to know what happening to use your ulti (this applies for zeus/mirana too+ etc), just always watch your minimap and if you see your team going on a big hero stack or whatever or a sudden burst of heroes somewhere and you think its even in terms of heroes, instantly pop your ulti. Right after, click on the minimap and assess the situation and tp if necessary.

            Don't waste that shit on supports unless they can survive long enough to act as baits and turn the fight around (For this you should be familiar with what hero is represented by each color in the minimap)

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              If you want to learn how to jungle, in terms of awareness, pick sand king

              If you want to learn how to initiate pick tidehunter, even as a support (sand king works too)

              If you want to learn how to carry with smth other than spectre, shorter window for action, get smth like PL. He's strong enough in pubs to lane against anyone, so no problem first picking (i would name others but they are weak agaisnt certain lineups/offlaners)

              If you want to learn how to support and roam around the map get smth like WD, defensive safelane skill heal after stun, offensive and gank oriented go for maledict (always at least level 2 stun if you want to max it).

              If you want to learn map awareness no matter what position you play, go for mirana/furion. Obviously not afk king of the creeps oriented.

              You want to learn how to counter? get Lina/SD/WL

              You want to learn lane control and/or fights control? Get shaker/naga (support).

              You want to be better at taking advantages of bad positioning (in terms of harras and kill potential)? Go for some wr offlane, mirana offlane.

              Being good at all this should give you tempo control. You should be able to play everything aside from MID/CARRY in terms of farm potential. But thats mostly last hitting and a variation of all the previously listed.



                Giff me Wingman

                  you actually ask a 4k trash like benao instead of next level players like matrice.

                  No wonder u get rekt in 4k bracket.


                    Asking a 4k player for advice how to get out of 4k isnt really a good idea, what do you think?


                      Depends, if you can manage to collate information and utilize best practice it really doesn't matter the source or the skill of the source. Of course, the better players can provide better information but sometimes gleaning bite sized new information from people in a relatable bracket can help you improve in some ways.

                      The key thing with each bracket/player is each is doing something that is keeping them there whether good or bad. If you can manage to pull out the good things from each player (positioning, itemization, farming, mechanics) then you can make steps in the right direction.

                      In the same way Relentless was able to help a lot of players despite being 3100. He had the knowledge just lacked the execution to use it in his own games, so those lacking in knowledge but having execution could actually utilize his advice effectively.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        coming from 4k player.


                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          My advice would be if u really love playing carry stay playing carry but stay versatile , meaning if ur team picked carry u can go mid offlane and support , look for heroes u like in every role , at least 2 , train at them to become at least decent , if some1 picked carry before u wait and fill the role that isnt picked , dont main specter , sometimes ur team will want to duel offlane and 1 woods ur left alone , adapt to every situation , u wont always get 2 supports to play hard carry , u wont always get solo offlaner against u , if u pick specter u might get a strong trilane against u , think before u pick , learn every hero (not master them , learn them) the only way u can find a hero weakness/strength is to play him and understand every spell he have , thats my advices 2 u if u need anything more u can ask.


                            You basically just confirmed what I said in my post above where regardless of where a person sits rating wise there is still information that can be gleaned and utilized.


                              you can always play slark tho, or earth spirit, and go any lane.


                                You ask for advice, you play 9 games and win 3, 33% win

                                But you only listen to my advice once (silencer) and win. scratch that i told you not to get mek and thats why your item progression is so shit.


                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Ok. I was thinking of going the support route.. but let me stick to my roots and do the thing I was successful at by playing carries.
                                  One thing I forgot throughout the journey of 4k to 4.5k is that I wasn't really concerned about my MMR.
                                  All in my mind was to enjoy, have fun and play the hero or role I love playing.
                                  Forget about everyone wanting to play carry - i gotta find a way to make it work
                                  Forget about us losing so bad - have to protect my KDA

                                  MMR went down from 4.5 to 4.3 in the past couple of days.
                                  Here's to hoping of having a good weekend!


                                    wow dude, you actually picked DK in ranked.
                                    don't do that bro


                                      Fuck You Bitch Corn Holio


                                        ^ i won with DK :)


                                          yeah you won, but just because of the team.
                                          you had lik 2 items at min 40, and by 2 items i mean bkb and maelstrom :D

                                          play good heroes, and by good i mean the heroes that can win in pubs and dont depend much on teammates. (thats if you want fast mmr)