General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with my best hero(axe)

Help with my best hero(axe) in General Discussion
Optimus Drip

    So, basically the title . I would appreciate maybe some very high skill people to check my axe games if they are so inclined and see how i can improve. The stats show i do well with him, and i know I play best on axe. However: Any help from very high skill would be appreciated because i want 80% win rate on him. It is a high goal but it is something i want.


      It's hard to give specific advice without being able to watch the games. The only thing I can suggest is maybe consider bkb over pipe in certain situations (e.g. enemy team has a lot of stuns/other disables rather than raw magic damage). In general, though, your axe gameplay looks decent.

      Mortimer Smith

        if u stop pick pudga you will get better at axe for sure.