General Discussion

General DiscussionWin this game?

Win this game? in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Was there anything I should have done differently to win this game??

    I'm being honest I feel like a bkb would have been a smart buy but usually skip it.

    Also we had a slark whining about his ping that didn't push at a key moment and he definetly should have had bkb.


      HoT on es is just over five thousand of wasted gold


        abyssal + mjollnir makes any hero a carry gg u suck

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          It worked out very well early. We controlled most this game minus alarms periods of afks.

          Was a luxury I just was afforded very early.


            nice sub 400 gpm slark



              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Slark kept not playing for large spans of time and had to reconnect once. Honestly item wise was there better choices for my 6 slots?

                Aghs, veil, bkb?


                  aghs to save teammates from pudge initiation with blink, or jugger , veno shoulda gotten veil, or at least you could to increase his dps,
                  ethereal to save from physical hits, euls also would be great, forcestaff.

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    So those items instead of which of mine? Hindsight I keep thinking veils since veno didn't. Aghs wouldn't have saved my team CM fed the other team into having a shot and warded wrong side map.


                      Obvious for sure, but after a certain point you can get rid of Magic Wand. Late game, it's healing and stat boosts are rather negligible. Sometimes I skip it altogether unless I'm laning against a spell spammer like Lion.


                        lol u lost with ebola spirit

                        u don't deserve to live


                          don't go heart on es it is horrible.. you might as well dagon 5 or ac

                          Earth spirit scale off late game which is why you need to compensate that with physical dps item or magic dps like dagon

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                            Personally like utility on ES to compliment his skills. I would have gone for sheepstick instead of HoT. Also a scepter instead of shivas would have opened up a few more opportunities.

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