General Discussion

General Discussionanyone have a unused <3k account i could play on?

anyone have a unused <3k account i could play on? in General Discussion

    Want to try rising using support wisp and see how 'unwinnable' some of these games are
    Lower the better I guess, anything from 1k-2999

    must be calibrated already

    admin: remove if not allowed, didn't see anything against this


      you are lingering on around 3500 youself AFAIK..lose 20 or so games and you have 3k mmr account for free..

      if you asked for 2000mmr on other hand...


        prob wants his friend to play on it to boost his party mmr.


          Afaik, it takes kinda long while to get smurf accs to lvl13, and these accs are rather valuable. Why would some1 just gift it to an unknown person?

          Mortimer Smith

            I HAVE AN UNSUSSED 1.6ACC


              Lol you think I'm 3.5k? I stack with my 2k/3k friends in unranked

              I just want to try it with Wisp and see how I do, I saw a couple accounts where guys use Chen or whatever, sounds like fun

              Edit got one btw, and rofl boosting party MMR? why don't you go back to sh*tposting bro?

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                I'm 4k why don't you add me? lol
                Love how every thread on this forum turns into a mmr flame fest within 3-4 posts

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I never flamed you, and I did say prob, never said ur. dont take it offensive, cuz its not.


                    You're the one who seems to be making this topic a flame fest though

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      boosting party mm isnt that uncommon thats how i got this account