General Discussion

General Discussiondo u think getting better at certain heroes improves your gameplay ov...

do u think getting better at certain heroes improves your gameplay overall? in General Discussion

    like voker/puck/meepo?

    ive been wantin to practice rubick and kunkka for awhile...

    in theory it should right? if so, which heroes do u recommend getting better at?


      i was wondering this my self


        partialy it does

        cuz if u can play meepo good that means ur map awarness should be close to perfect which applies to every other hero in the game

        microing always good no matter what u play u can micro leavers allied units and so

        Franck D Tank

          sniper for positioning


            if you can last hit with techies, you're set for every hero


              at the moment playing troll warlord is useless cause so imba hero should not exist. it does not help you improve at all and when 6.84 hits, youre on square 1 again


                depends on which heroes. But in theory every hero makes you better at smth specific


                  Yeah, Sniper is really good for learning positioning and re-positioning in fights... and kind of learning when it's better to try to out dps than out sustain/run away. Same with Lina but with an earlier power curve I feel.

                  Knowing the strength and power curves of x hero vs y hero really jsut takes a whole load of games though. You can learn them vs a single hero faster if you spam them. But I like too many play styles to spam too much...


                    The better u know how to play a hero the better u will play against it and counterpick


                      Overall skill may be divided into 3 categories: personal skill on given hero, general skill (map awareness, warding, tactical issues, decision-making, etc.), and teamplay abilities. Practising a restricted pool of heroes, you get the first part improved drastically, and it als slightly improves the rest jsut because you get more experienced.


                        teamplay = decisionmaking lol ..


                          @On da quest to feed the rest
                          If we take the general meaning of decision-making, EVERYTHING is decision-making. In narrow sense, teamplay and decision-making are different things.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Play any hero that needs to combo and improve your button pushing skillz. Like meepo or invoker or storm. Play any hero that needs good positioning and improve your positioning skillz like sniper, drow. Play heroes that need to farm a lot and learn proper farm rotations and you will improve for all heroes.

                            Greygrey the Sailor

                              Yeah I totally think so,
                              Meepo for micro and map control
                              Invoker for combo casting and aiming skill shots
                              Puck for dodging spells and quick blinks, and aiming skill shots
                              Sniper for positioning
                              Medusa for finding any place possible to farm


                                the time when you deny a tower from the enemies with only 28 dmg as a techies *(got phasebolted)

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  PROVE- ADMIRAL BULLDOG WON TI KNOWING 3 HEROS


                                    Yeah, playing meepo most of time time has been beneficial to me, I have an idea how to play everyhero (except furion, fuck me) and learned a lot of things that I pretty much do all the time now (pulling agro etc.)


                                      slark makes you a better person.


                                        quan i agree


                                          techniquely yeah :)) though i only play ck , silencer and abaddon often :)) so i have no idea abt otherr heroes