General Discussion

General DiscussionGingers

Gingers in General Discussion

    Boyz, I'm starting to think that this patch has some highly underused heroes: the ginger girls.

    Seriously, WR seems so strong now and Lina is pretty close too.

    Thoughts on that?

    Do you think there are some other strong heroes people don't use?


      Lina is one of the most often picked midlaners in high lvl pub games atm.


        most underrated: i would say Bane, Night Stalker, Sand King, Oracle, Sven, Enchantress, Clinkz


          ^ I don't think sand king is that underrated, he's used quite frequently even in pro scene. The Sven and Bane thing I agree, those 2 are very strong even with very low farm.

          Clinkz? I don't know...he suffers from the same thing all squishy invi heroes do: enemy gets sentries/dust early and stop you from snowballing.


            I consider clinkz to be a strong split pusher/rat, not carry
            Sk just deserves little bit more popularity, even though hes not that good in current meta. Just my opinion tho.


              I love Lina after recent changes, + agha = Culling Blade 2.0


                Bane, Night Stalker, Sandk King, Oracle, Sven, Enchantress, and Clinkz?? not one of those is ginger..

                Oh, well, except Enchantress.. sorry, how could I forget her.. she's a hot little piece of tail and such a sweet heart to boot..

                mm and possibly Sven.. can only imagine what he's packing under that armour of his.

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                  bane isn't underrated...

                  Hero is a high risk high reward support.

                  If bane's team does badly in early game that hero is fucked.


                    pretty sure I'd never fuck Bane.. that's some scary shit there.


                      Enchantress :D


                        My favorite time I've seen Enchantress used this patch was when she was on the other team, mine (or rather our Lion) was owning them hard, and they started complaining that Enchantress didn't buy courier. The Enchantress player justified that she's item dependent. Post game analysis shows she was building an Ag Scepter. How fast does Enchantress really need that?



                          Mistakes were made.

                          Im the Bully of my School

                            yawn there alot of them they are disguisting