General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to calibrate on very high MMR right now?

How to calibrate on very high MMR right now? in General Discussion
Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

    What does the theories say?
    Can you post link as reference?

    Some people say it is win rate only, some say it is KDA-ratio and hero damage.

    What should i focus on to maximise my future MMR?
    Im lvl 24 or something, but have not started with solo ranked. Im tbd in team ranked.

    I lose more games on normal skill then I win. However, when i play in team with people on 3.5k - 5k mmr I almost always win and usually contribute most or second to the win.

    Can a high team MMR help me increae my solo MMR-calibration in some way?

      Questo commento è stato cancellato

        party and solo mmr are independent
        just play and dominate


          You are hanging around normal and high, if you go calibrate now, you might get around 3k-4k MMR.


            Play ranked and decide if it's easier to win when playing against 2ks, or against 3.5ks. Usually a 3k lanes better then a 2k, so by default you'll have a harder time laning.

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              win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win

              = 4.9k calibration

              casual gamer

                play only antimage and win every game with 0/0/0

                calibrates at 9999 mmr


                  Rek people get rating. Ez.

                  Howard Donald

                    Best way to trick the MMR system it is to play at a level consistent with a 3.8k or higher player.


                      so hard to get calibrated :(

                      Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                        Ty for feedback

                        Blink #Swegger >> Can u explain more?

                        NooBThaNYoU >> I know my skill is above 4k. I guess above 5k but im not sure.

                        JDF8 >> What do you mean?

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                        Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                          cockmaster78 >> Are u sure? So if I play normal games in 2-man party it has zero impact on my solo calibration?


                            "NooBThaNYoU >> I know my skill is above 4k. I guess above 5k but im not sure."

                            Lmao can you please post your MMR after you're done calibrating

                            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                              Shawn Wick >> why are you rude? If you dont have anything nice to say, then just dont say anything.


                                most probably the mmr you will callibrate gonna be below 3500
                                most probably it will be the mmr you actually deserve
                                but i may be mistaking

                                edit: if you want to callibrate for higher mmr than you deserve, play cores, get high HD and KDA, try to win. If you want your mmr to be really representative, just play as you normally do.

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                                  win games

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    1) pick meepo
                                    5) ez mmr


                                      I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just curious. After all, you did make a pretty big claim

                                      Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                        TripleSteal- >> Well, i played 6000 games since 2007, but still you and most other people think you know better. It is a cultural thing i guess. I am not going to discuss it. I know most dota players cant be reasoned with.

                                        casual gamer

                                          serious advice the easiest way to calibrate at a higher mmr is probably just to play better

                                          like stop thinking all that bullshit about teammates and just improve your play

                                          ofc you could do this to climb on your main acct anyway


                                            im not an elietist, but why do you brag having played 6k games if you are still in high skill bracket? Its kinda shame imo. Would be better if u played <2k games with this result, actually.
                                            i dont think i know better. i just expressed my opinion and even added the point about that i can be mistaking.
                                            mmr (both hidden and normal) system works good enough and in longrun puts you where you should be . if it seems questionable for you, i can spend couple of minutes to find the thread where I answered exactly same question and give you a link; the text is too long to re-write it.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              i know people with 10k games and 3k mmr, just so you know pal.


                                                being bad because you didnt play much games is better than being bad after you played a lot.
                                                although if srsly thats nothing really bad in being bad in dota.


                                                  worse than being bad at dota, is being bad at lol, xD


                                                    just being at lol is worse

                                                    Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                      TripleSteal- >> I dont brag. I state relevant fact(s). If you cant tell the difference I suggest you leave this discussion. You dont have any interest in discussing the subject anyway.


                                                        @OP, sorry to burst your bubble, but right now you aren't playing like a 5k player, your not even playing like a 4k. you will get something between 2k and 3.2k on this account. If you think you are better and want to prove it you will need to start playing better, if your barely over 50/50 in normal skill then your not going to get Very high in ranked.

                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                          this calibration process is rather questionable in the first place

                                                          now that they set the cap somewhere in between 4500-4700, the smurf accounts entering ranked will spoil a lot of games, especially if it's played by a 5500-7000 mmr player.

                                                          what i don't understand is why valve doesn't just make a 100 solo games requirement (unranked, excluding bot, lpq, lph, lp, and other obscure game modes, maybe only ap, ar, cm, and and rd) and display the mmr after you finish those games. you're not going to go up by any more than 200-300 mmr from the beginning to end of calibration, since the old "hero damage = mmr" shitty algorithm got scrapped

                                                          valve devs are truly geniuses

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            I calibrated my smurf at 4.6k which in itself was a joke to begin with at the quality of games

                                                            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                              This dota community really sucks. 50% of the answers is focusing on telling me I am a bad player. Seems to be much more important/fun then discussing the actuall topic. Get a life guys. Have not said that in 15 years but now it is actually appropriate.

                                                              Edit: first and last thread on this forum.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                Dude you are so sensitive. Just because you aren't getting the answers you want doesn't mean we're calling you bad. If you want us all to suck your dick and call you a 5k player then this isn't the place for you. But most of these responses are realistic and warranted


                                                                  As much as i think you are a troll, im going to explain to you like you are 5.

                                                                  The very first 'unranked' games you play on a new dota account will be analysed by a matchmaking algorithm, this algorithm looks at some obvious game-influencing stats like GPM/XPM, number of lasthits per minutes, total hero damage, total hero healing, total tower damage, KDA ratio, if you won the game or not, heck it might even count your actions per minute.

                                                                  The system also has some average values of those parameters for each of the skillbrackets or MMR ranges and it will place you in the range that fits your scores best.

                                                                  From what I have seen this process takes about 3/4 games and after that it's the plain and simple +- 25 per win/loss
                                                                  When you reach lvl 13 with exactly 50% winrate and you queue for your first ranked game you should still be at the MMR the system assigned to you in the first games you played.
                                                                  During these 10 calibration matches MMR won or lost can be multiples of 25(dont know how much is the cap) based on how good your scores were and if you won or lost the game, dont expect +700 mmr from one game though.

                                                                  I hope this was the answer you were looking for and realise now you are by no means a 5k player as basically all of your solo games unranked are normal skillbracket


                                                                    and yeah party and solo mmr's are a completely different thing and solo influences party rating and not the other way around

                                                                    Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                                      Shawn Wick >> All i want is a discussion on the topic. But no one seems to be interested of that anymore.

                                                                      [G's]KPP >> Yes, imply that my intelligence is on the level of a five year old, that will make me interested in what you have to say.

                                                                      But OK, it seems like you explained the theory. Thank you for that.

                                                                      "I hope this was the answer you were looking for and realise now you are by no means a 5k player as basically all of your solo games unranked are normal skillbracket"

                                                                      OK, then explain this to me: how can I be carring teams full of people on 4k - 5k MMR if I belong at 2.5k? And im teaching my friend on 4k MMR how he should play etc.. I dont care whether you think im good or not, but your answer to this is interesting.

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        In that case:
                                                                        Dude you are so sensitive. Just because you aren't getting the answers you want doesn't mean we're calling you bad. If you want us all to suck your dick and call you a 5k player then this isn't the place for you. But most of these responses are realistic and warranted


                                                                          you all suck period.


                                                                            From what I've heard, your ranked mmr usually doesn't deviate very much from your unranked games. So I think it is likely that you are going to be very disappointed with your mmr after calibration if this is the case (since you have a lot of solo normal skill games).

                                                                            Suggestion: If you calibrated with a 5k mmr account, congrats! But if you indeed calibrated with a low mmr of 2.5k-3k and you feel you are a 5k mmr player, you can create a new account to try all over again.
                                                                            If you really belong to 5k you should at least get 1 account with 5k calibrated mmr after 4-5 accounts.
                                                                            Something very helpful to note is that mid players tend to be caliberated higher than support players, not just because of the solo lane's higher exp/gold but with faster levels you can make more impact to the game earlier as compared to the dual lanes.

                                                                            Then again picking mid all the time is one example of how people are "abusing" mmr calibration. Not that it could be avoided since support calibration accounts are usually getting the shorter end of the stick. That's why calibrated mmr can be fairly deceiving due to the roles you usually play. It doesn't mean that you're definitely a bad player if you calibrated with a lower mmr.
                                                                            If you generally play support heroes in your unranked games, and switch to only cores heroes in your calibration games there's a better chance that you might get a higher mmr than what people would perceive your mmr to be from your dotabuff.

                                                                            Also, win rate during caliberation isn't everything. People are supposedly able to win 1-3 out of 10 games and still get 4.6k-4.8k mmr.
                                                                            Valve does not explain how caliberation works ---- It could be heavily abused if people knows EXACTLY how it works (but people are able to guess the likely values that could be considered eg. kda xpm gpm hd hh td last hit/denies)

                                                                            Mmr caliberation is not perfect:
                                                                            - How do you differentiate between 2 low gpm xpm support players, 1 who zoned off opponents for the carry to farm and didn't take any last hits VS 1 who was fighting with the carry for last hits but missed the last hits anyway (and also made the carry lose the last hit).
                                                                            - How do you differentiate between 2 high death supports, 1 that does legit feeding VS 1 that died for the main carry (eg. vengeful spirit swapping out carry from a chronosphere).

                                                                            Ignoring mmr, there's generally 2 aspects to look at to judge whether the player is good:
                                                                            1. Efficiency with the hero (play storm like EG.SumaiL, io like n0tail etc).
                                                                            2. Decision making in the game overall (eg. as a support player, know when you should be double pulling and when you should be staying in lane to zone out enemies, when you should be smoking for ganks ---- and definitely not go fight for last hits with your carry for absolutely no reason at all)

                                                                            One last thing is that your overall win rate doesn't define your general skill bracket. I remember seeing a 56% win rate dotabuff account with a few hundred games played and 3-4 average KDA, but most games are only in normal/high skill bracket (either solo-queueing or he has friends who disabled their information gathering).

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              go axe and cut their off wt 2 stout shield and 3 tango and an ally if u can have one


                                                                                dont read all austim stuff. i dont even read first lines LOL! xd SHHH XD


                                                                                  shit.. the moment you won all arguments and you proved you are one of the bests players in dota solo mmr ranked and evvery1 scared to answer back that the moment you know you WIN INTERNET!


                                                                                    you bigs pansys p usssie s