General Discussion

General Discussionso since im almost getting lvl 13

so since im almost getting lvl 13 in General Discussion

    I liked the way blunt put it so ill copy it, no flamerino

    My account is soon level 13, meaning i can play ranked and calibrate.

    What is your prediction of my calibrated mmr?

    How long do you think will i take for 5k mmr?
    How long do you think will i take for 5,5k mmr?
    And finally, how long do you think will i take for 6k mmr?

    Since not everyone knows me here i calibrated at 3.7k quitted rank then got motivated by a friend to play solo , i improved learned started watching replays and my highest mmr was 5.750 ( u can ask ynit fyyq beastmode and havoc)

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      1. 5.9k
      2. 0s
      2. 0s
      3. 5.7 hours


        We'll see, its hard to predict. I'd say you'll get around 4.5k, since it's hard to get over 5k on smurf nowadays (EE got 4.1k rofl). You'll get to 5k fast from there, since you're a good player.


          you will get between 4.1-4.6, i dont think you can get any more than that, you'll play like a week to 5k and then play same games as on your main lmao.


            ^i think thats the case lmao


              some time ago i calibrated my smurf and i got 4,1k...


                300 xpish left

                Giff me Wingman


                  I remember u were stuck on 5-5.4kish on your main.


                    Actually i was 5.4 to 5.8k

                    and i wasnt try harding , randoming and these things

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                      Okay 10 exp left , i will play it in an hour or so


                        GL w/ callibration


                          Playing ranked


                            i calibrated mine to 4.6k~ by mostly playing my most comfortable heroes (6 out of 4 games )

                            depends on what u spam and how much u play for the rest


                              4.3? 4.4? kinda close to that

                              but rest its just a theory i cant really guess the amount of time