General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i use my advantage and win ?

how do i use my advantage and win ? in General Discussion

    I seem to be last hitting / farming / killing well now and usually have an advantage but i don't seem to know how to use it to win games. I only have 4 months of dota experience and i usually would rely on some one else to ping towers and tell me what to do. But obviously it dont happen at this mmr too often. Any tips on how to get better at using my advantage if im far ahead ?


      When you are your team are dominating in terms of farm, you should put pressure on the opponent. If your enemies decide to fight you, they will probably lose, die and you gonna take towers and mb racks, plus gold/exp for killing them.
      If rival team avoids fighting, by putti pressure on their towers you decrease their farm space and rise the difference of Networths between your and enemy team, even if you feel too weak to go to highground. Also, when you are constantly pushing, at certain point you can take roshan cz its difficult for the enemies to control it if they are too afraid to leave highground.
      When you feel like you farmed enough and can just climb hg and A-click all the enemies easily having aegis in the pocket, do it.


        good call about rosh, i usually always forget to do that


          any more tips pls guys?


            well if u farm kill good that means u get ur items fast that means u can do much impact in teamfights or solo pickoffs

            find a hero that works well with that kind of playstyle and raep faces

            getting rosh early is always good to get even more advantage most important tho is working with team coordinating properly and shit liek that

            Greygrey the Sailor

              Tip 1:When you have a farm advantage start forcing fights, when you force fights you are stopping their farm keeping them from getting the items they need to beat you.

              Tip 2:Build upgradable items that have can always scale. A problem I see with a lot of new players is that they get items that kind of stop there, such as going sange and stopping there or buying only a talisman of evasion, ALWAYS upgrade your items if you can. A sange&yasha is so much better than a sange and a manta style is so much better than a yasha.

              Tip 3:If you are up against the enemy carry in lane and you are focussing on farming, remember to deny as much as possible. If you can get them to have 1/3rd of their farm that is still better than you getting 2x as much, if a void cant get midas at 9 minutes then he will most likely buy a cheaper build, this will inhibit him for the rest of the match if he cant get the items he needs early game

              TIP 4:If you are far ahead, and are forcing them back, start pushing their lane or farming 'their' jungle. The more camps you take in their jungle the less they will have to farm, meaning that a 3k gold advantage just turned into a 5k one, which will snowball even more if you can then take a lane or two of creeps after that jungle.

              TIP 5:Constantly have one lane ready to push. It doesn't matter if you get 100 kills in a game or 15 kills in a game if your team cant take objectives. Make sure that before any fight your team knows that if you wipe theirs, you will be pushing a decided lane. This can ruin games if you can't take all the T1's before 25 minutes.

              Dire Wolf

                It depends. It depends on what hero you are, what your team makeup is, what their team makeup is and pace of the game.

                Many carrys needs 1 or 2 core items before you push. Like if you are playing PA and going the battlefury route you also need to have dominator and bkb finished before seriously comitting to fights. That doesn't mean you can't push though. If enemy team is other side of map you can take towers. You can join your team in lopsided fights, just remember the goal is to finish your bkb, not rax yet.

                Or like on medusa. I won't even sniff a t2 until I have skadi. If team is all pushing cus a couple of the enemy are down then obviously join in, but there's no real rush.

                If enemy team has a bunch of late game carries you want to pressure more sooner. If enemy team has like a sniper or tinker you can't get to, then you might have to back off and farm til you can dive them.


                  Very simple.

                  Push all T1 and T2 towers. Put agressive wards (in their jungle) and farm the whole map with your team. 2 jungles and 3 lanes.
                  Take rosh.


                    ok cool thx, ill try to do that. I dont really like hard carries, my favorite is snowballing heros like slark, bludsika, jugg, axe, riki, ursa

                    Dire Wolf

                      Well in that case keep fighting enemy heroes non stop. Get your team to support you once you've ganked 1 or 2 and push those t2s.