General Discussion

General Discussioncan never go up in mmr >:(

can never go up in mmr >:( in General Discussion

    well after playing all my ranked games im back to square one on both party and solo mmr just where i calibrated at.... its always my team rape hard or we getting raped hard its never balanced games. Whenever you on winning streak theres always gonna be that losing streak it seems always keeping that 50% wr fuck dota


      I have a way to win all games: insta pick void go boots orb of venom and just gank they wont expect it. Then make like phase boots, armlet and if you waant mask of manliness. Ez win ez katka

      Franck D Tank

        After a winning streak throw some normal games thats what i do if i cant climb


          so maybe like 2 ranked 1 pub then 2 ranked again ? hmm maybe good idea lol

          King of Low Prio

            maybe you just are not good at making comebacks


              ranked are pubs lmao


                well w/e u know what i mean

                King of Low Prio

                  btw if you are at your true MM you should not be going up................ever......


                    what do you mean ?

                    King of Low Prio

                      it means that your MM should plateau eventually (unless you are actively trying to improve, which most players are not). MM is not meant to continuously rise over time.

                      casual gamer

                        u dont get mmr just for playing more doto, you have to be better than ur rank