General Discussion

General DiscussionTA vs Storm

TA vs Storm in General Discussion

    I know its supposed to be in TA's favour but I got destroyed.

    He basically tried to harass me whenever I got near. Whenever I position myself to psi harass he comes up and manfights me so when I try to fight back, his creeps basically clear out my refractions and if I try to continue fighting I'll die cuz of the second remnant.

    I traded lives for his but he got the exp since I died first. After getting another kill of my support he returned to midlane at level 6 when I was 5 and basically I couldn't do shit in the lane no more.

    I suppose I should have went Meld but the storm didn't get his pull either which makes me feel even if I went Meld and he went Pull, the situation wouldve been the same.

    I guess it all comes down to how well I can Psi harass?


      why would u ever skip fucking meld for the whole time wtf is wrong with u

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        you get almost guaranteed psi blades harass when he comes close for remnants, just try to spill with psi blades; if you do it the other way i.e. start manfighting him with nearby creeps you lose for sure because your refraction is removed quickly by creeps


          lul someone looked up blitz's storm v ta video and did exactly what blitz did in the video

          Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

            Why would TA be good vs Storm in mid?

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              ^ Because it's a hero designed to rape faces?