General Discussion

General DiscussionA 6k player can boost himself 1k to 6k

A 6k player can boost himself 1k to 6k in General Discussion

    as u know dota is a team game. and 1k players are awful. so a 6k player can carry 1k players?


      if he can carry 4k players, why shouldn't he be able to carry 1k players?

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        ye, easily.


          if everyone in oposing team is equaly bad as his team he should have walk in the park

          but if theres other good player and he will feed of his team noobs then it depends on hero

          bum farto

            If the 6k player logs onto a 1k account he will win 99.9% of his games till about 3.8 where he will start winning about 85-90% and then down to about 75% due to toxicity in 4k and then about 65% from 5K.

            If you mean party having a 6K player with a bunch of 1K's will actually lose him the game because (from my own experience) the enemy team will not be bad players with a good player but an average of the unranked MMR spread across 5.

            It is unlikely that the 6k will get paired with another 6k + some baddies but more likely he will get paired vs a few 3k's with a couple 2k's which will stomp the 4 1K's making the game rough on the 6k if that makes sense.


              6k from 1k to 6k - yes of course, but 5k thats a question. Because from what I know of how mm works, due to how little 6k players there are, they very often get matched with lower level players. So I guess >6k is used to carrying all the team.

              But can 5k or a 4k do the same thing that easily? Idk, that's more interesting question.

              Anyway, filthy 3k talking

              .                     .   .

                a 6k player cant play with a 1k player in ranked match because of the mmr gap! We tried it with 4.3kmmr player and with 1 1.7k mmr. the button of the find rank match is grayed meaning you cant click it. I dont know about normal cause we haven't tried it.

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                  Firstly, you didnt read the thread properly. Secondly, the maximum variation of mmr in party is strictly 2k. If highest mmr is 2001 greater than lowest, u r unable to find ranked games. There are no similar restrictions in NMM.

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                    Even 4k player would win 95% of the games until he hit something like 3.7-3.8k.

                    Legit 6500-6700 player, in my opinion should be able to win at least 75-80% of the games from 4k to 5.5-5.7k.

                    Great example is Wagamama. Legit 6.5k player try-hards until he reachred 7k by playin' his best hero - TA.

                    Imagine Wagamama playin' at 4.5k - 5.2-5.3k... With TA, I'd say he'd be able to win 80% or more games..

                    Not tryin' to be a dick here, but If I'm able to win 8 games in a row with Shadow Fiend at 2.6k and boost acc to 2.8k without any problems, and I did this kind of stuff several times, what makes you think 6k can't do it, lol. He'll probably be able to do it with Cm..

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                      ^ naw a 4k wouldent win 95% of there games in 3k, maby like 60-65%.

                      if a 6k player played on a 1k account he would win almost every game, but if he stacked with 1ks (in unranked) he would probably win around half of them but it would really depend on why the 1ks are 1k, if they yolo feed then he wouldent be able to carry then most games, if they just played way to passive he might be able to win more then half. it would also depend on who he got matched against, a team of 3ks would probably get too fat off his useless team for him to do much, but against another 6k with a 1k team or a 5k with a 2k and a 1k team he would be fine.


                        Depends what kind of 4k player. 4.2k-4.3k wouldn't be able to win 90% of the games in 3k.

                        However, legit 4.7-5k player WOULD win 90% of the games in 3k. IT pretty much goes like this:

                        3000 - 3300 easy as fuck.

                        3300 - 3500 toxic part of 3k in my opinion, but players plays still bad, you just need to have strong mentality, and 4.7k would just outfarm-outplay it most of the time.

                        3500-4000 it all comes down to picks and game sense. 4.7k player would probably outplay this part of 3k by understanding game better.

                        You'd be amazed how much 3.3k-3.4k give up so easy. That's like free win for 4.7k player. Legit one, ofc.

                        I'm not talking about high 4k players thats playin' ranked one per week/month. I'm talking about legit ranked players.

                        When it comes to party, I think it really doesnt matter. Better player like 6k+ will just have so fucking big advantage that even 3k players wouldnt be able to contest.

                        Example is again me: when I stack with low 3k/high 2k players, I already got plenty of advantage when picking my best heroes, since guys that I stack with will always want to help me out and actually be more useful then in solo ranked.

                        So I just can't imagine 6k losing to 3k stack even i he's playin' with 1.5k players in team...

                        That's just sick gap, very fucking sick man..

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                          ^ you don't realize just how bad 1k players are, I have a lot of them on my friends list and when we stack it is not uncommon for then to feed 10 or more deaths in the first 10 minutes or so. mid game they just walk into the other team alone. half the time they wont even use spells in team fights, they will just panic and start running. they will push the wave in lane, they will tower dive when they have no chance of getting a kill. there item builds are 100% MoM and blood stone.

                          sure a 6k will destroy any 3k yes, but i just cant see him doing well enough to compensate for the feeding his 1k team would do. personally i have never played against a 6k but i have played against mid 5ks a few times. did they zone me? yes. did they out farm me? yes. did they get kills a 3k wouldn't have gotten? yes. The 6k wouldn't be playing against a bunch of 3ks, he would be playing against his own team and a bunch of 3ks.


                            Even if you're right, even 1k player would understand what does a "6k" player mean.

                            So if they just listen to his advices, like: pick that, do that, try not to die a lot, i will help you, etc,etc..

                            I still think 3k wouldnt stand a chance..

                            Who knows.

                            I know this, however:


                            This is the match I've played with 1100 MMR guy..

                            He doesnt seem like completly useless to me?


                              @havoc actually from what I've seen with friends / swiftending's experiment, players above 6k usually win more at 5k+ than at 4.5 to 5k, because it's fucking hell there


                                fuckin hell mate


                                  @ shred you to bits, your friend have a rank of 1k but not actualy be a 1k player a lot of people who calibrate low just never play ranked again (he could have improved but never increased his rank if he never played ranked again). the difference in chain feeding between even 1k and 2k is pretty massive.

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                                    What mmr you'd give to this guy?


                                      2k max, probably 1.5k-

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                                        Wow. He's 1.5k.

                                        How did you find-out that?

                                        Judging by stats I'd give him 2.5-2.6k at least, lol. But y, youa re right


                                          I would really like to see game of 6k on 1k mmr, I think it would be something really funny - like carry wisp with mom and armlet owning map...

                                          Btw, dota is teamplay, but solo skill can overcome bad temmates, if difference in skill is really big. One friend of mine (~4kl) boosted his friend account (~1,8k) and until 3k his winrate was 70-80%.

                                          So, if you can't boost your mmr, your teammates might be worse than you, but you are not as good as you should be to have highier mmr. Sad but true.

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                                            ^^hes been playing a lot of ranked recently also so, he probably is at the right skill level. guess only the 1ks I play with feed like a taco bell.


                                              So imagine this:

                                              Radiant has 5 players.

                                              Charlie: 1020 mmr
                                              Packman: 1200 mmr
                                              Richtard: 1115 mmr
                                              Rapira: 1000 mmr
                                              Niggahiga: 1400 mmr

                                              Dire has 5 players.

                                              Bogi: 1200 mmr
                                              Blunt: 800 mmr
                                              Benao: 1400 mmr
                                              Vroksnak: 600 mmr
                                              Havoc: 6000 mmr

                                              Who you think will win?


                                                I know im useless shred you to bits :( ... that was EU server right?
                                                soo DD dude i'd say Radiant win. xxaxaxa