General Discussion

General Discussionlifestealer deso? always maelstrom?

lifestealer deso? always maelstrom? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Lifesteal seems so bad lately. He's strong in lane and a decent enough 1v1 fighter, but no disables, lacks tower dmg and has zero wave clear. And he's kited easily.

    I guess the solution to these problems is deso and maelstrom right? And s&y + phase? But armlet is sooo good and so is ac and so is basher. There's like too much shit to build on him to make him really good.

    Like once you go phase boots, tp slot, armlet you only have three slots to work with. s&y is really, really nice cus getting a maim up for when open wounds wears off is almost required or people just run from you, plus move speed and the attack speed + hp/dmg is great. But that only leaves two slots. Basher is basically required if you're going to do any crazy manfighting vs troll or jug or pa types. I don't mean you should fight those guys 1v1 but even in team fights you'll be hitting them at some point. Then if you go deso you have great dmg and tower dmg but now you're wave clear blows, you can hardly push at all. You go maelstrom/mjollnir and now wave clear is good, and I guess tower dmg is good enough this way too. Maybe you can skip deso and get abyssal instead. How does tp slot, phase, armlet, s&y, abyssal, maelstrom sound? Then drop the tp slot for ac and travel booties when you can? Or is ac more important?

    Argg he is so frustrating of a hero, I always seem to lose on him now, and every item is so good on him, maelstrom, armlet, s&y, halberd, mkb, ac, heart, satanic, basher all legit! I cannot choose!


      add blink to this list, too


        Shit hero. Close thread
        Thug Life


          Lol, it always depends on the game, BKB is also a good item for high durability. Anyway, its a fucking strong hero but it all depends on your team, if you team has good starters and disables, all you need is press Q and go take a shower, when you get back you got a rampage.

          Dire Wolf

            If you add blink that's another slot lost and more core items delayed. I don't see how it helps. This isn't like sven who can blink on people and 2 shot them with mom and ult up before hammer wears off. Or even wraith king who blinks into middle of team fights to hopefully die and apply his uber debuff.


              he gets kited alot, and really easy, he can only work really well in a team with great disablers imo


                Blink is quite a common item on ls, you can notice it if you look through different ls s builds in competitive dota. Actually, the higher the level of given game becomes, the more viable blink on ls is.


                  As my best hero I can tell you a lot about him, but I am currently a bit lazy.

                  First of all, Lifestealer is not good in this meta, and he suffered a couple of nerfs, rage cooldown +4 seconds, open wounds range, cast point 0.1->0.2.

                  He got a buff, to control a creep with his ult, this is not so much but its something. Armlet price -200 gold.

                  He is very situational and should be played only if enemy has high hp heroes. He's awesome vs. Spectre...

                  He is strong on lane, he can 1v1 vs any melee offlaner.

                  CARRY Lifestealer jungle is not so good unless your team can survive 30 minutes without you.
                  GANKER Lifestealer jungle is not that good but worked sometimes for me.

                  I got 50% winrate with him in ranked and 60% in unranked.

                  You should always max rage btw.

                  You should consider buying Medalion sometimes, Drums also works nice. Blademail is sometimes awesome. Armlet is a must.

                  He is very strong in mid-game, can be strong late if he has an advantage, but he is not a hard carry.

                  Consider making Skadi.

                  IDK, I play him very well, but he just doesn't work well...

                  My item build is almost always PHASE, ARMLET, SANGEYASHA, CUIRRAS, BASHER, ABYSSAL

                  my games:

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                    Armor works so well on him because he can basically only be right clicked...

                    And having big armor and lower hp makes feast give you more % hp. (your hp)

                    Desolator is not so good on him, because he can get so much better items than deso.

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                      Btw some good playas get SoV as 5th-6th slot, as well as early orchid if its needed.

                      saving private RTZ

                        Im so confused when I play the hero. I still think armlet + phase is much better than drums, than I need basher, but I found that I hit to slow even with Q+armlet. Sure, I can get hyperstone and upgrade it later, but I find out that im moving so slow. Than I need S&Y but then I got so little damage.... And still got countered so hard by force staff without blink, and even then cant do shit vs Gscepters. I cant push fast so I need mjollnir but then I have so little armor.. ( I miss that 4.3 agi growth). Situationally fuck, enemy team got PA and I need mkb (tho, I that case I will get it probably after armlet, maybe hyper too.) There are so many alternatives on this fucking hero. Make feast a Orb so I can at least be pleased that I
                        did my best with item builds...

                        forgot about deso but it seems that is occupying a slot in late, especially vs that high armour agi carry who doesn't care that much from a -7 armour debuff ( maybe its me here, cuz naix is still best in mid game, if he is not facing some high HP tanks)

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                          Making feast an orb, and buffing it is a fucking great idea.

                          ICE FROG, COME HERE!

                          Dire Wolf

                            @Baxter that is exactly what I'm talking about lol. Like this game I went manfight and tower dmg build. Deso was crushing their str heroes and I was 2 shotting witch dr so he couldn't ult wipe our team. But then that bastard bs finished a butterfly and I couldn't touch him and our team couldn't push for shit. I think if I'd gone mjollnir instead of deso maybe we win, idk though. Again picked a good counter to their team, naix feasts (pun intended) off kunkka and alch and shreds invoker since you just Q through all his stupid ice wall tornado shit, even blood isn't a big deal to manfight since rage counters his nuke silence and blade mail. But our team did not have good lifestealer combos. Having a viper was probably the biggest issue as he is a horrible, HORRIBLE pusher late game. And clock cog blocked me quite a few times. We also had no stuns, a shitload of slows, but no stuns. If we swap viper with TA or SF I'll bet we win that or swap clock with tide.

                            Buffing feast is kind of scary cus he becomes op vs str heroes and still suffers vs mobile ones. I think what they should do is buff his agi growth half a point and give feast back it's large range at lvl 1. Make it 500 at level 1. Maybe he becomes an op ganker at lvl 3 then with a 1/1/1 build but so what? He drops off so much late game.

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                            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                              Buy mjolnir and he clear the waves instantly

                              Dont play Naix as a main carry. Play him has mid, off, jungler etc. He is strong the whole game, but not hard enough to be the main carry.


                                get mask of madnesssss

                                he is fucking strong enough to be the main carry


                                  i don't often see naix but when I do it's the one that goes jungle midas

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Idk, its not about that , I've seen naix coming like 9-10 min with phase + armlet raping everyone, but at some point y I u don't know what to build. ActualIy its not the build cuz most will go phase, armlet, blink (if needed), S&Y, Mjollnir/AC, MKB, daedalus, abyssal. Abyssal is must buy though, and most will hit that cuz is probably the most useful/well rounded build on him

                                    The real problem is when to go each item. As I said before, I need attackspeed, but I move to slow, but then I have no damage and the list goes on. I mean, its not like im fucking AM who probably enters the game wit the mindset that he will go Treads, Bfury, Manta an then just kill suports farm the next 3 items (abyssal, butterfly, heart, mkb when needed). I mean there are carries with common item builds and common buys ORDER. And thats where I get so confused on naix.


                                      try phase armlet mom basher

                                      that's the "core" build, its cheap, cost effective and gives you 522 when mom is active and phased

                                      after that abyssal/ac/mjoll/mkb/hex/skadi all situational


                                        Why do you get armlet before mom zenoth?

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          "he is fucking strong enough to be the main carry"

                                          I agree there but he is still dependent on your team to actually win since his wave clear blows without mjollnir and he can't win team fights alone as enemy team will just run from him. Maybe that's asking too much of a carry but jug, troll, sniper don't seem to have the same issues. They can single handedly push and kill towers.


                                            N'aix ain't viable, honestly.

                                            He can't be main carry unless he's overfarmed...



                                              lifestealer rapes nearly all carries in first 20 minutes, heros strength is early to mid game. not sure why u would afk farm on the hero, if u want afk farmer, pick antimage

                                              i wonder if this hero works as a counter to sniper though. if u get a puck or storm bomb onto the sniper hes dead in about two seconds.

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                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                ^Or the classic bara+naix combo.


                                                  if you get a storm onto the sniper hes dead with or without naix


                                                    sometimes they have defensive shit like earthshaker which can delay storm long enough but not naix

                                                    anyway lifestealer is best with some kind of combo, ideally someone like LC

                                                    infest + duel is basically free damage even if you do it in the middle of 5 heroes




                                                      Why do you have such low amount of ranked games compared to your normal games?

                                                      Do you play ranked when you feel like go full try-hard, or because you care about your mmr?


                                                        this is why party ranked is a waste of time, +5/-45 games are not fun at all

                                                        and i dont solo ranked unless i feel like playing and none of my friends are available to play with since i hate playing with pubs

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                                                          WOW you know idogears/ victoria dire? He is really good 6k mmr mid! Only managed to win half 1v1 games (was lil better then) vs him...

                                                          but he is sea lederboards player... are you SEA player, too? Anyways, could we also do some 1v1 spars?