Pretty poorly unless it is about a legitimate missplay I've made.
I tend to think that my way is the best.
Depends on manners.
If it is "OMG fucken retard unistall dota had good night with your mom why no ulti piece of shit", of course I don't take into accout what was said.
There really are some polite people in community (or at least in normal mind condition). But problem is that in most cases you already know your mistake, because afterwards in most cases it is pretty obvious.
i only listen criticism from people that i respect as players and i know that they really know how to play this ficken game
im not sensitive at all
i never mute them i just go carry them and spam " game is hard " on chat till my eyes burn
I appreciate when people give me constructive criticism, without flaming. Like if someone tells me: "Don't by Item X on Hero Y in this situation, you should go for____ instead" then I can use that advice to improve.
I will only hear out criticism from players who I consider better than me either by experience or rating.
sometimes u know u did a mistake but when they don't notice is cuz they are bad
so then i don't listen
If what i consider trash tell me anything i mute/flame/report. Else I'm like whatever. I know what I'm doing when I'm playing dota.
Someday ill control internet and decide who to spy and who to not spy and then we gonna choose if you deserve to live or die. parents the number one problem. A shitty kid is often cuz of bad parenting. Someday Someeedayyyy
well as someone who started dota less than 8 months ago with friends having 4k MMR I did get criticized alot, at first it was a bit discouraging but in the end that helped me really advance as a player. Now I find myself playing better than I ever could, just a bit more to learn before I go ranked and actually get out of the "Normal Skill" bracket for good.
I don't take criticism unless it makes sense to me. Even if said player was much 'better' than me.
In other words, I'm confident in being objective about myself. Just because I'm 15-0 as a carry means I'm impressive, it could be my team made a lot of space. Likewise, just because I'm underfarmed and have a mediocre score like 9-7-10 does not mean I played badly.
My supports stacked for and Storm made clutch plays with hex. All I did was farm and rightclick. I felt I played well but its retarded to think I 'carried' the game single handedly. Which is why I hate players who blame everyone just because they have a nice score.
Slark fed btm, Lina lost mid after we gave her an early first blood at rune. Me and my two friends aggressive trilaned and deathballed everything but at the end of the game, Slark and Lina were all chatting and trashtalking and told us they carried us.
I really find it baffling how players can't even tell whether or not they did well due to their own effort or OTHERS.
i dont listen at all to feeders of those who did bad gameplay decisions; also hate those who tell me how to BUILD MY HERO when i am clearly ~6lvls higher than everyone else and i die ~3-4x less..
supports abbandon my lane. ''Guys i can't farm, i will 2v1 die vs mass stuns; stupid solo offlaners/duo are getting tons of farm while i can barelly leech xp as melee/low range carry''.. Some trash who only pulls to make diving easier support tells me 2-3mins in ''LOL GO JUNGLE''. After moments like these i never even consider any advices...
Most of the time i know myself what to do and such; if i need help I ASK MYSELF.
if i ever get criticized in solo q i don't give a fuck tbh, and usually i dont reply anything.
also i like people who dont say anything even if i say "fucking tard, use silence", because sometimes you just need to say it and you feel better afterwards if they dont try to flame you back, i know this lmao.
but in party im like whatever, (party of 2 3, where you still get randoms) i flame all game and go play 1 v 1 mid after that with retards lol
if I played bad (and it happens quite often - in more than a half of my games), i feel bad by myself no matter whether i was flamed by someone else or not. The only difference that flame makes is that I dont tell smthng like "sorry, i played rly bad this time" if some1 blames me; otherwise I usually do it in the end of the game.
Usually mute if its useless criticism. If its constructive or something that makes sense then I react well and accept it. Examples of each:
One game I was putting down wards and it was like the third time I had ever warded. I warded on the "eye" spots by runes which I thought were pretty common and seemed ok. This guy had a bit of a meltdown and said "you don't even know where to ward wtf" so I got defensive and asked where was better because that seemed to work. He pinged the map and told me why its better to ward other spots that provide rune vision AND other vision. I listened and learned even though he freaked out.
On the other hand, I was playing Sniper and there was an Alch on the other team at the start of the game diving us really hard for some reason. Like stupid hard, I don't know what he was thinking. I was auto attacking him (I was lvl 1 in safe lane) and my Meepo partner dove in at him and his partner and died then proceeded to tell everyone "I guess Sniper doesn't want first blood, wasn't attacking even though he has super long range gg" then called me stupid and a bunch of stuff. I asked him what I was supposed to do because I wasn't going to run in at him, and he just flamed me.
literally the moment someone on my team says something remotely negative, i mute them.
don't need to deal with that shit
I only consider criticism as valid if the other player can actually provide a solid argumentation that doesn't contradict my previous experiences or otherwise conflicts with my experience or tries to argue that my experience was invalid.
I personally love getting advice and often look for other - even way weaker - players to get new ideas on how to build and play my heroes. I strongly dislike people who think they were better than me or know better than me.
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