General Discussion

General DiscussionI forgot how to Slark ! Please giff ez advice or feed.

I forgot how to Slark ! Please giff ez advice or feed. in General Discussion

    I use to be an ok-ish Slark played some months ago but haven't played the hero ever since and now I realise I'm absolute trash at him.

    Please give me some advice with skill/item build laning, etc

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        When I make Soul Ring on Slark people call me noob... This guy on the other hand...

        EDIT: Ask Bogi, he's a very good Slark.

        I'm currently too lazy to tell you about Slark, and I'm a pretty good one.

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          i find slark kinda weak in this patch especialy when theres troll in oposing team

          just get ur shadowblade threads do pick offs and snowball

          if u got hardlane and no supports u kinda lost game


            Slark is one of rare heroes that can go against troll.

            I actually pick it when someone insta picks troll.


              xan ;)

              Since i like you i'll give you a tip! sf > troll as safelane carry ;)


                Lots of talking no slarkerino tips, dotabuff Inc.

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                  Slark isn't good versus troll, unless you have a piercing bkb that will land against him (enigma not counting since it can be canceled) like beast magnus, in that case, he is mb even the best carry against troll, else he cann't kill him, and troll kill his team 3 time faster


                    How Slark with mkb/abysal/sy/skadi isn't good against troll?


                      @shred you to bits
                      if you play against troll, core is not sy/mkb, but refresher. without refresher, troll just shrekts slark once his ult ends, and slark cas not enough damage to kill troll in the time spot given by abyssal+1 shadow dance. 2 abyssals and 2 shadow dances, on the other hand, give enough time to kill poor troll who cant do literally anything.


                        You just need abyssal and refresher. Assuming you picked up sb or skadi along the way.

                        Sf is not killing troll once he gets bkb, nor can he disengage the way slark can. + you always can remove the miss with pact, so you dont even need mkb.
                        There isnt better right clicker to get vs him atm (excluding other heroes).
                        Jug can work, meepo can work too, but there are like 10x more chances his (troll) team gonna have something to go vs meepo more than slark.

                        And considering how good slark actually works in pubs, you are better off playing him than resting your hopes in something like void. Or jug, or meepo, or whatever you think it works.

                        Actually, pl works great vs troll too.


                          i also like the way ck deals with troll btw, although ck is relatively weak just in general, and also very few people play this hero.


                            Well in theory ck can deal with anything given the farm. But hero is so rarely picked i dont even consider him as viable option.


                              TripleSteal, do you think refresher on Slark is viable option against other picks?


                                refresher is viable on any hero


                                  refresher tinker my favourite

                                  and refresher ta


                                    lol idk I hate playing as slark against troll, he's one of the few heroes that can just turn around and fucking manfight you to death


                                      Well you cant man fight troll with nothing but a sb once you burn combo. You beat him over time by stealing stats, not by going man mode for 5 seconds when he uses ulti and bashes you to death.
                                      Spirit is super good vs slark tho, and is quite popular. If they have spirit troll you are fucked.


                                        I like how there was only 1 person giving some scarce info and that's it. GG WP Dotabuff forums !


                                          What are you talking about? Every comment was literally discussing Slark.

                                          Or you asking to be spoonfed on how to play Slark in 4 easy steps that lets you win every game?

                                          1. Get fast SB. You get it fast by not sucking.
                                          2. Start picking off supports. You do this and not die by have common sense as to when is a good time to pickoff.
                                          3. Snowball. You do this when you've done 2 of the above.
                                          4. Try to end the game. Unless you prioritize killing over winning.

                                          The entire playstyle of Slark revolves around your own innate game sense; when to use dark pact, when should you be hunting, who has detection and blablabla.


                                            @Shred you to bits
                                            Refresher is very, very good as 5-th - 6th slot on slark
                                            Not only 2 shadow dances are important, but also 2 abyssals and 2 bkbs in a row in case u have one.


                                              @baba yaga: Most comments here are about how Slark can beat Troll. I am not saying spoon fed, I'm talking about situational stuff like, when to go for certain items, when to go for a specific skill build, this go SB pick-off people snowball is like saying get Battlefury on AM, farm, push win game. And we all know there's more to that than this 10 word sentence "blablabla".

                                              If you can't be useful, please refrain yourself from talking and being rude. Thank you!

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                How to slark by 3k mmr:

                                                - U need to start kill ppl early
                                                - When u can't solo kill people u lost
                                                - See EE playing slark, he is so good as slark i think.


                                                  shadowblade on slark better 80% of the time than dagger but i guess thats playstyle thing

                                                  itemization comes from the game ur in depending on what ur playing against

                                                  some games will require u to get bkb early to not die from stunlocks/etc

                                                  some games u wanna build drums sangeyasha to have max movement speed even without ulti/while being in fog

                                                  in some games u wanna build tanky stuff (skadi /etc)

                                                  u should always adapt ur itemization depending on what u need/lack/what ur team needs/or what could posibly improve ur well being in that time of the game

                                                  only tips i can give as slark player

                                                  utilize ur ulti properly (scounting enemy wards and reporting to team) to keep enemies blind
                                                  once uve done this ^^ seize the control of the map farm enemy jungle while farming lanes inbetween (switch threads for efficiency while using dark pact)

                                                  try to get kills and farm while ur ulti is on cooldown


                                                    "If you can't be useful, please refrain yourself from talking and being rude. Thank you!"

                                                    Likewise to you, who the hell complains when they ask for things from others?


                                                      @baba yaga: Sorry I cam out a bit aggressive there but I find the "spoon fed" term quite offensive and was just tired of people digressing from the main subject. All I wanted was a sort of mini-guide on the hero with different situations and maybe some interesting gotcha's.


                                                        seems like the topic shifted to troll.


                                                          @Messiah: uhm...yeah...