General Discussion

General Discussion[LINA] Hero Discussion

[LINA] Hero Discussion in General Discussion
bum farto

    Real talk now, beyond using a BKB or a shadow blade if you get it, if you get Euls'd by Lina who for the sake of argument we're going to say can land her combo, what are your options?

    Early game say about 10-12 minutes in a lina should have a Euls by then and is possibly snowballing. Unless you planned ahead for this it's very unlikely at 12 minutes you will have the farm to have gotten a SB and even later with BKB I have seen Lina still wipe up hard carries with an ult and some right clicks.

    She isn't that OP unless she really snowballs and she falls of slightly later but to prevent snowballing what are some good practices to get used to vs a Lina.


      Pick void
      pray for backtrack

      but seriously, if you can jump from nowhere and hold lina at bay with stuns/bashes she cannot do anything.
      Also, Linas have the tendency to steal every single creep with her combo which makes her teammates rather undeleveled, this maybe my nub bracket though

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      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        Just gank the fuck out of here? We could say that for every god damn snowballer, just don't let tinker get his booties as well. And to be honest, just map awarness and good positioning.


          can't really do that much if being ganked in laning stage couple times and she cant do shit vs ganks either

          she good at single pickoffs but if enemy got 2-3 ppls she isnt that good anymore especialy if silences or stuns


            once lina used eul on one target, she has no more escapes left, and becomes easy to kill


              NYX NYX NYX <3 with blink and eul! and dagon


                MAybe get a eul for yourself to mess up her combo, or to lift her and help your teamm8, EULception? :D


                  Or if you are some tanky hero and no need for eul, maybe blademail so she cant ult you?


                    CRITS and go for carry build :D


                      ah fuck i failed you meant to counter lina :)

                      I've been playing sf 24/7 and very often against lina+troll and even without troll against lina xD
                      I win by going madness followed by sb and skady! find that bitch and pwn her :)

                      a couple of times she's gone sb to counter me. where she got the gold from? she's always raping. I go gem after sb and ambush her and bitch thats how you stop that cu*nt

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        a) You can troll her by euling urself with your own scepter and watch her miss her stun
                        b) buy beefy hp items
                        c) Blade mail


                          you bait her

                          make somebody pretend they're solo farming, sit behind them in fog, 99% of pub linas will bite, when she uses euls you stun her and get a free kill on their solo mid

                          if this happens twice or more times she will have a drastically reduced impact on the game and probably won't get aghs or levels in time to be able to solo cores

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                          bum farto

                            The Euls is an obvious choice on a lot of heroes vs lina, but I am talking earlier on when she has items and you're still getting there. She's annoying as hell but unless the team really snowballs with her she does fall off and honestly I haven't lost any/many games to a lina anyways.

                            Just thought that with her rising popularity it would be good to work on common pitfalls to avoid so as not to give her the edge. She seems to win mid against almost all heroes pushing them out with max Q.

                            Player 95251565

                              Thanks for the tip, Juice. Any chance you accept me on steam (check invites)?

                              On topic:
                              To beat that sort of lina, you have to be aware she's one trick pony, and a very fragile at that. Try to play around that


                                initiate on her before she initiates onto you.

                                The hero has been considered bad for a very very long time. Counter her.

                                Quick maffs

                                  I once got blademail as a centaur against lina

                                  She didnt even bother to try to kill me after that, blademail is instant so ...


                                    yea cent is a great counter to her.


                                      The hero's strong as fuck, aside from not getting caught alone there's not much you can do against her


                                        Pick strength carry or buy blademail or eul - problem solved.


                                          lol blademail means shit unless u got much more hp than the hero that is killing u

                                          lina with aghs and something liek skadi while snowballing won't give a fuck if u got blademail or not


                                            pick pugna
                                            get nether ward


                                              Only Linas in normal skill will die from pugna ward ^


                                                Seriously, this thread is beyond retarded.

                                                There are many heroes "OP" when they get an early euls, Invoker, SF etc. What do you do? Gank mid so the euls is delayed.
                                                If she still manages to snowball just place wards so you 'counter ganks' and team up with a teammate so you don't get solo ganked.
                                                Pretty much every mid is strong and has huge ganking possibilities, therefore thread = retarded.


                                                  lol no, SF doesnt get easy solo kills just by using max range euls on someone

                                                  Quick maffs


                                                    I mean blademail is something like 2k gold, you usually get it after she has an euls and aghs

                                                    Dont know though if she is snowballing pretty hard i guess its not that simple


                                                      ITS OP NO WAY TO WIN THIS SHIT IN MIDDLE


                                                        You can also counter pick her with TA or nyx who dont care about that combo