General Discussion

General Discussioncan the comeback mechanic go away

can the comeback mechanic go away in General Discussion

    i miss fucking dota, league blows dick


      yeah, it's been fun while it lasted but this shit needs to go away.

      casual gamer

        being scared to push high ground every other game especially when ahead = quality doto


          Yes, if only we could get a small lead and be guaranteed to roll to victory even if we die repeatedly despite being stronger than our opponents. That's what Dota really means, that's the core of the game.

          casual gamer

            being 10k net worth above and having to choke enemy team for 10+ mins instead of pushing high ground just because they have sniper or dusa + team fight is stupid


              True, games should be decided by who gets first blood.

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                So true, sniper so much of a comeback high ground hero. His team can lose every lane, as long as he doesn't feed and get some farm he can stand on highground, get maelstrom, daedalus and mom and hold the game 60+ mintues.



                  Love the mechanic when you're on the same side of it.


                    But don't you love it when your team comes back from being down 40k or somethin?


                      comeback mechanics are good. some tweaking may be fine, but the reason people are starting to complain about this again is like 60% sniper being able to fight off super and mega creeps forever.


                        It's a problem in disorganized games (the vast majority of them) because even if you secure a lead, midgame all it takes is 1 guy to drop tempo. Even if he's not feeding, he can be off doing his own thing, not trying to push with the rest of the team to break hg and get some racks. And that's assuming it's only 1 guy, when if 1 is off farming the rest may as well be so as not to lose a hg fight.

                        I think hg is too hard to break in a timely manner right now. Maybe that's a good thing, but it forces the game into a bad spot where the winning team pushes lanes in, keeps them pushed in, and farms enemy jungle/theirs until able to push hg. Which will work eventually, of course, but only with unreasonably flawless play. All it takes is for 1 of you to get killed. Plus, it's not fun at all for either team, and it's a sudden break from how play has been done for the rest of the game.

                        Maybe it's just something new that we all need to learn and adjust to. Or maybe there should be better ways to break hg and end a game quickly, if you can, because right now it feels like they game stalls manditorily, and inorganically, even if the early and midgame are won.

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                          comeback mechanics are okay

                          its just fucking sniper making lanes hard to push in, its like the tinker meta all over again


                            Okay my ass. Only reason you manage to finish games in a timely manner is either if you go 20/0 or someone on other team gives up (most times this), or both.


                              fucking comeback mechanics r garbage


                                I hate this shit, you can go 20-0, win every lane, then you lose two teamfights and you're done


                                  well, on the other hand, this patch keeps literally any game tense and interesting; I like it.

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                                    my most enjoyable thing in pubs was fountain diving now u build up advantage dive fountain and enemies same farm and lvl as u :facepalm:


                                      @xan well, your latest page of games has an average time of 32 minutes to be fair


                                        I want a concede option if comeback mechanics are reverted.

                                        I like have a chance to win rather than afking in the well after getting stomped but the enemy team is too stupid to push rax.

                                        Zero IX

                                          icefraud plz nerf sniper high ground defense

                                          Mortimer Smith

                                            i want 30 min games again

                                            Quick maffs

                                              and i want to stop playing this game but i cant

                                              oh well

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                this meta so hard 4 me


                                                  Sniper needs a nerf in general, if his team isn't TOTAL trash and die instantly despite his pelting at the enemy, he repels the attack way too easily. He's literally the biggest reason for comeback. Especially if people abandon and get him bonus gold.


                                                    Its a choice you gotta make. Its either get punished for being killed early or get punished for being ahead and not being able to end the game.


                                                      if come back mechanic was gone, no one would ever pick carries.

                                                        Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                        plz do

                                                          if u cannot ini hg, place obs there. hell, even use a smoke just to ward undetected. vision helps in order to not being afraid. in lowlife pubs like mine, anyways..

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