General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it OK to spam a hero to achieve X MMR value.?

Is it OK to spam a hero to achieve X MMR value.? in General Discussion

    Hey guys. Bit of a lurker on the forums... some might how me from the jug build thread I posted a while ago which I had decent success with (although you 5-6k guys seemed pretty toxic about it KAPPA).

    Anyways bit of background information... I've recently I've tried spamming bloodseeker and stats wise things are looking pretty good. Overall winrate has went from 42% with 70 games to 56% with 133 games played. My monthly is 71% and weekly 75%... so its obviously working for me ATM.

    And this past month I've gained around 650 MMR (mix of party and solo).

    Now the topic at hand me and my friends often debate about it..... My argument is that you're more likely to climb if you spam 1-5 heroes (atleast one per position) over and over... But my friends and others argue that you're not really improving at the game by doing so and they prefer to random or play whatever (unless we're against like a 5K then its tryhard all the way).

    The way I see it. Spam hero> climb 1-2k>Branch out to new heroes>win>loss>win>loss> You're obviously keeping all the skills you've gained map awareness, positioning and such... Its just though spamming you've kinda got to your goal faster.


    (Yes I'm a HS/VHS trash player... my goals 4.5k solo roughly 600 MMR away.)


      Eh, the way see I see it, you should just go for whatever way you are most comfortable with. If it is by spamming a hero constantly, then do so, nobody is telling you how to play.

      People will feel poorly about you if you spam the flavor of the month hero though.


        Fair point ^ I often see alot of flame to hero spammers but its mainly aimed at the meepo and troll pickers in the 5-7k bracket.

        I guess its more of a learning tool for me aswell tbh.. If im trash at X hero I tend to spam it until I improve..... hmm maybe meepo will be next? ha.

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            ^ If only it was that easy lmfao. Where's Devilish sensei to teach me his ways when i need him.

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              just do whatever you want u know, no need random internet guys' approval.


                As far as i know this is the main reason why some pro players are now preferring to play in IDEC instead of ranked mm or eel.


                  I just wanted opinions !!? I'm gonna keep doing what works for me regardless... just wanted to see where some of the I guess you could say "hardcore/dedicated" dota 2 community members thought.

                  Szotyi3 (LFT)

                  Yea suppose pubs really arn"t that fun for pros really at high level.


                    My main is 5k by spamming meepo and abaddon. This is what happen when I spam that 2 in 4k mmr


                      holy shit nice aba winrate.... i think i may have to watch some of your replays. I've never really knew how to best play that hero... some obviously go offlane and harass with shield spam and others play a sort of carry aba with mom basher.

                      I'll give it a look.


                        Alternatively if you get out of certain mmr trench and play against better people that will help you improve too.
                        Obvioisly its easier learning 5 heroes in and out than learning 110. If you put enough time playing certain hero theres no reason to think you wouldnt be as successfull with something else too if you played it as much.

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                          high mmr means nothing

                          u can infilate it as much as u want spamming one hero

                          but in the end it will only reflect ur ability playing that 1 hero in this case bloodseeker

                          in pubs people have to be diverse able to play every role with every needed hero and if u want to have high mmr u have to do that + few other things that i cba to even mention


                            who cares mate, play the fuck u want if it works for you, people prob just jelly

                            are u jungling with bs or in lane ?


                              Fair point duo. I know you're rather high like 5 k right? so i do take your opinion on board. I dont think its that bad to inflate though to some extent I mean if say someone goes from 3k-5k you're obviously gonna pick things up and get better at the game, just the downside is that when you play other heroes you're obviously playing at maybe 500-1000mmr below your level. In that case you just go hard support or fall back on another one of your "good heroes".

                              I've played in games with people anywhere from 4.8k- 5.7ks on the other team when our highest mmr 5 stacked player is like 4.2k and for the most part we win regardless if im playing support or core. Obviously thats only one player and not five 5ks but i think i could hold my own as a support in those types of high level games or atleast possibly keep my mmr.

                              Who knows though only time will tell.... gotta hit 4k yet... anyways thanks for the response I like reading peoples opinions.


                                Do it if you feel you cant raise MMR the normal way with just your skill. The bad thing about it is, that you're gonna drop back fast when the hero gets nerfed (if it's one of the imba heroes atm)

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                                  Mainly mid but i have done a couple of jungle games if someone 5th picks a core or my party wants to go greedy.

                                  Generally in the jungle i buy flying at 3min and wards at 8 (helps solo supportr get items obv) get boots >blademail by around 6-10 min depending on how the games going... as soon as im 6 (which could be anywhere from 5-7 min depends on camps/support rotations) i go off ganking their mid or safelane.

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    ^^Or if you start picking other heroes. Like Attacker dropped from 6900 mmr to lower 6K when he stopped picking kunkka most games.

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                                      1234 - Yea i spammed jug the other month or so and climbed around 700-900 mmr and then he got nerfed and didnt play him as much resulting in me dropping around 150-200 mmr until i get back into playing other heroes/positions. So what you're saying is true.

                                      Jesus Perez Ramirez

                                        1. Learn to play jagger or meepo or sniper
                                        2. spam only 1 hero
                                        3. Win 99% of games
                                        4. Be Shadow banned (Valve doesnt like people abusing their flewd system)


                                          Pomiii thats basically what im aiming for i guess you could say. Maybe climb to 4.5k on seeker then stop playing it, drop down to 4.1-4.2k or something and then climb playing other heroes. Obviously if i could climb forever id keep playing seeker but im not that naive.


                                            but kunkka wasnt nerfed infact he was kinda buffed ?


                                              Sad songo? explain how devilish, waga, blitz can still match make......

                                              Anyways i thought the you only really got shadowbanned for two dota clients in the same game... I'm not worried tbh.


                                                Duo i guess he just reached his skill cap (7k) and went on tilt/played like shit and dopped a few 100? It was kinda odd though obviously most drop after a nerf example being xcal.


                                                  no game meta changed heavy rightclick based heroes like troll and jugger became meta and they fuck the shit out kunkka

                                                  and bloodseeker too but as far as i saw from my friend solo que games troll and jugger ins't thing in low 4k games yet

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                                                    by spamming 1 hero u can improve at dota as well and play the other heroes in high skill lvl if u improve the basics that not even in 5k exist like game awareness


                                                      tbh duo Almost every game theres a troll and jug in my game and im high 3k, party our average mmr is around 4.1k and its the same.... where can i find these games your friends account gets into lol. I'm sick of playing vs troll and his bullshit bashes.


                                                        I completely forgot aswell i guess another + to spamming a hero is the fact you can get on the dotabuff top 100/1000 leaderboard..... not that thats anything really special tbh. All those professional players getting 10 ten with like 20 games on a hero kappa.

                                                        Greygrey the Sailor

                                                          if you are skilled enough with that one hero that you think that no other heroes can beat it, yeah do it.


                                                            i don't like meepo pickers... rest is fine for me.

                                                            that said, do what you got to do to win

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                                                            yung griphook

                                                              how do you not get bored spamming the same hero? To me, the huge variety of heroes in dota is part of what makes i fun


                                                                i played jugger a lot lately, i dont depend to much on my team with him , that makes him kinda cool :D

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Really doesn't matter. If you enjoy playing 1 hero then go for it. Most people get bored.

                                                                  Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                    @concede but but but... you you.... you like me right?

                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      spamming pudge to lower your mmr works


                                                                        No problem at all, who am I to judge? Bloodseeker is a great way to climb mmr, although I would think that you tend to get bored.


                                                                          play to win