General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes of the storm ?

Heroes of the storm ? in General Discussion

    anyone wanna go stack it while its extra exp week cuz in party u get extra 50% exp

    if anyone intrested add @ Vaikiss#2478

    EUROPE !

    why ? cuz doto 2 hard :horse:

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      2k mmr dota 2 = 5k HoTS



        so ez game but i want the exp boost

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        bum farto

          Added as well but you weren't playing so back to dota


            hots 2 ez


              FYYQINGKÖNIG#2832 add me if anyone wants


                I'm Trojan#2904


                  ^ accepted

                  Mortimer Smith

                    how can i get that game?
                    I dont want pay 35€


                      closed beta invite only if blizard sent u otherwise no.

                      Mortimer Smith

                        valve dont love me
                        blizzard don't loff me

                        wat di fuk


                          at least in this game u wont rage too much and get 6k mmr ez :D ^^


                            Only play uther but I'd be up for it

                            Mortimer Smith

                              I don't want rage, but my last 100 games were a shit and made me mad


                                i mean im down to play whenever anyone wants to play

                                i usualy play something else cuz i cba to solo


                                  Intel#1828 , from NA

                                  Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                    rofl fucking casuals kill yourselves this is a gay game xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa


                                      ^most picked hero wyvern and calling the game gay
                                      please son

                                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                        ^ omfg dont u dare insult my waifu fucking nerd a y y y y


                                          Bumping this, xan#1907(eu), dota bored me so im kinda playing this now.


                                            Huh, they actually gave me access. How could I miss that?


                                              Hero of the storm Is a cardgame like hearthstone?

                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                  Pretty interesting game in my opinion. But not much like DotA - more like one of these hero arena maps (and even games nowadays) with some stuff taken directly from LoL (lolbushes - Blizz, u srs?).
                                                  Has more depth and complexity, than dotards claim it to have.

                                                  Not sure if I like it or not, yet.


                                                    COMPLEXITY? WTF.

                                                    u do fucking nothing, there are no item builds, u dont have to farm, nothing


                                                      There are skill builds, map objectives, advanced mechanics and various teamplay-oriented stuff.


                                                        Added everyone that posted here, will play it in a couple of hours.
                                                        If anyone wants to join, add me - rinat#2251


                                                          "advanced mechanics"




                                                              lol this game is like DOTA for 7 year olds.


                                                                that game is so shit lmao. its like comparing tic-tac-toe and chess.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                  i'll play with u if u have skype sex with me vaikiss

                                                                  5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                    xan u play meepo like 65% of ur matches ofc you'll get bored lol...


                                                                      im not bored of meepo, im bored of dota. and its like 25% of my total games.
                                                                      altho its been my most played hero on every platform including d1.

                                                                      blame rts player in me.

                                                                      and hots is fun. mostly because its all new so far (+blizzard universe), and 7 different maps, also interface is amazing. I've hated on the game until I tried it.


                                                                        seriously, just try the game.


                                                                          the only thing that i like its 24/7 teamfights but its too ez and simple.....

                                                                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                            btw i think you figured out who i am so i won't bother with details

                                                                            i too am fairly tired of dota but i don't believe switching to another moba is the solution. mobas all have the same problems

                                                                            1) team game, but you end up solo queuing a lot of the time for various reasons (mmr e-peen, not enough ppl online, whatever)
                                                                            2) the nature of the game changes. 6.67c dota is an entirely different game from 6.83c dota - similar to keeping the hamster running on the wheel with the "changing worlds" incentive
                                                                            3) the sheer amount of time you have to put in to finish 1 or 2 matches. holy fuck

                                                                            want my advice? think of gaming as a hobby/interest and not an obsession or even a habit. single player console games are both fun and non-time consuming (i stop after 2 or 3 hours, almost always), i suppose you can make the case for single player pc

                                                                            dota is tedious, time-consuming, and will be very costly to your well-being and livelihood down the road. i know you posted something a while back about how you regret spending so much time and got absolutely nothing out of dota despite being 6k, and you're not changing anything by playing HoTS. i could be wrong and HoTS won't take up nearly as much time,'s a moba. the nature of the game is not different at all - everything i listed above will hold true

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              Its true, regardless of how casual it is, its moba and as such there will always be people who tryhard.
                                                                              I played it for like 3 days and some people i played with (some dota friends) already talking about competitive. Its silly nature of humans i guess.
                                                                              Im just having fun with a new game. (For now, fun coz new)

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                well i sincerely hope the fun doesn't come at the expense of what you actually want out of life

                                                                                good luck