General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Zeus break the meta lol

Can Zeus break the meta lol in General Discussion

    He's very relevant at all stages of the game, even late game cuz of his passive.

    He fares rather well against the popular meta mids; lina, sf, storm, sniper. You never really get starved and have no CS and any gank your teammates provide is almost a 100% kill if they land a stun/slow. He wasn't very good in the past against TA, OD, Razor and whatever mids that were popular previously. Because they either won him in the lane or their heroes weren't dependent on winning the lane in the first place, like a Tinker/Invoker.

    I max Q before E and its great for farming and people just don't expect it to hurt that much because most Zeus players max their passives first. Previously, I always went Aghs+Refresher but it makes you so dependent on your ult. Veil is disgusting because it provdes more burst than Aghs for almost half the price (why did I never build it before). You also make use of that early Null Talisman. Dagon + Veil is surprisingly good on Zeus. I used to like Euls on him but I realized it does nothing for him honestly. If you know how to play him, you're always at the back with Blink ready.


      A hero which cannot push, cannot truly carry a game to the end in my opinion. In pubs I do not see point playing core heroes which cannot push, for example with pushing carry you can take 1-2 towers down or even rat racks while your opponents are wasting time on your team or even losing when having an hero adventage.


        He is a versatile hero. He can do support, mid and sometimes offlane. He is good early as killer cuz of mass burst damage and good snowball. Also he is good for finding other teams positions and dewarding, so all heros can break the metas, all you need is to find the good combination for it.


          Zeus is a strong hero in many lineups, but he also has issues.

          -High aoe nuke damage with decent scaling thanks to his passive
          -long range spells
          -can secure kills with ult
          -vision for dewarding/finding invis heroes/techies mines, etc. Ult gives brief global vision.
          -good at disabling enemy blink daggers

          -horrible auto-attack range and speed
          -no disable (except for mini stun) and no escape
          -countered mid by viper and huskar (not always relevant, but this is something to take into account)
          -easily countered by bkb (enemy carry pops bkb, zeus can't really do anything until bkb expires)


            he is good against axe and sniper

            Dire Wolf

              He's 4th in win rate so yeah, he works well in pubs. But he's also 8th most picked this month, only 3% less than troll who is considered "in the meta" so I don't really see how zeus isn't a meta hero and breaks it.

              Sugar Show

                I used him for mid and offlane, both builds blade mail&urn as core item since he gains 2.2 str.
                My Zeus winrate should be 60% but got ruined thx to lot of retards teammates who couldn't play longer than 5~20 minutes.


                  for me, I just play hyper safe with him until I need to show up for a team fight. If you dont want to get a blink/force, you got to stay in the shadows.

                  stacking creep camps is a good thing.

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