General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease, help me out understand why I get flamed so hard by my team-ma...

Please, help me out understand why I get flamed so hard by my team-mates in this match? in General Discussion

    They said I failed against Potom, while potom killed many times Magnus/CM.

    They said Potm out-farmed me as SF, while in my opinion, Potm just farmed our CM/Magnus pretty much, and got CS from pushing the lanes.

    They said I suck, while I was pretty much tied-up and I didn't even flame them.

    I tried to make space by splitpushing, I tried to manfight when I could, which was hard in my opinion, because magnus was busy dying to Potm/CM or dunno.

    My item build may be good/bad, but I seriusly belive any other build wouldn't help me, since I didn't have a chance do do anything at all, may be good idea to watch the replay, if you guys have some free time, I'd really want to know what do you think about this game?

    I'm aware I made some mistakes I shouldn't, but please, give me some award at least for tryin' to be possitive and tryin to do my objectives.

    By far I don't say this game was my best SF game ever, but It's really hard to play from behind.. At least for me, I don't shine in that kind of situations.

    I'm really open for sugestions, so feel free to help me out!

    Thnak you.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    U wot m8?

      obviously u started crying so they flamed you even more for no reason

      stop being such a cry baby sissy girl

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        I didn't. I really didn't. But okay, I guess you think I did. :)

        Any other thoughts? Helpfull ones?

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        U wot m8?

          if you cant handle some flaming and feel like u need to post a wall of text about it then just quit dota pls....obviously ur team was having a bad time and needed to pick on someone its pretty long have u been playing?

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            I didn't post here to cry about the game, I posted to see what did I do wrong.

            I'm playing Dota 2 for about 1.5 years.


            Another game like that, I just don't see a chance for winning in this kind of matches, I really don't..

            King of Low Prio

              when u get shadowblade all the time, sure your stats end up decent but the result is all that matters. Blink dagger for example gives you better initiation but you put more risk on yourself. I forget which pro player mentioned this but in pubs if you want to rise in MM you need to load up more weight into your own plate or else you will just plateau. Keep in mind valves goal is to find you a spot where you win 50% of your games and if you play safe you will continue that trend. Doing things like farming your opponents jungle when you are ahead to give your teammates safe places to farm increases your progression significantly

              waku waku

                i've watched the first few minutes and you have already made several mistakes that reduced your team's advantage:
                -people get pooled tangos to accelerate their bottle, but you got boots instead, so you ended up spending all your regen and having to be passive in lane, and then they just smokegank you
                -you might not be able to see a smokegank, but sometimes you may have an opportunity to leave alive. when lion caught you out he had to retreat because cm came to assist you and mirana was not even close. you couldn't have killed him, but you could have escaped alive if you went uphill instead of to the right. but you did what you did and died.
                -even if you think a different item build would not have helped you much that is not a sufficient excuse to justify buying fucking euls much later in game when you've already had shadow blade. just..why?

                hope that's enough for ya


                  Why would I go blink, when my team just don't give a fuck about team-play.

                  They just play passive, or go alone. I'm aware blink is good, I'm totally okay for blink, but it's just not an option in this kind of games, where magnus have no blink in 25+ min, where omni goes Blood Stone and says he will feed, where Slark gets bottle in 30 min and feeds riki, and so on.

                  "i've watched the first few minutes and you have already made several mistakes that reduced your team's advantage:
                  -people get pooled tangos to accelerate their bottle, but you got boots instead, so you ended up spending all your regen and having to be passive in "

                  That was a plan. If I didn't buy that boots, I'd just die one more or two more times,. because I was like 200-300 gold away from bottle, and the only way to get bottle was to get boots, because I was just too slow for smoke ganks, I wouldnt be able to escape it.

                  Other thing, even if I got bottle instead of boots first time, I'd wouldnt be able to use it for runes, I'd be just able to bootle-crow it, because runes were heavily contested, my team from the start didn't give a fuck about trying to secure the runes, and magnus even died on FB tryin' to get the bounty rune and I already told him before that to be carefull.

                  Trying to bottle-crow in the my games most of the time is impossible, since they just bitch because they can't get, for example, PMS, while they just don't realise it's all in the side shop.

                  "hen u get shadowblade all the time, sure your stats end up decent but the result is all that matters. Blink dagger for example gives you better initiation but you put more risk on yourself. "

                  It's not about stats, what makes you think good stats are bad for the team? Shadow Fiend's role isn't to gank at lvl 5-6, as many people belive.

                  His job is to get farm, and (core items), and try to snowball-push the lanes in order to win.

                  If I went blink as you sugested, I'd never be able to get any pickoffs, because team just DONT give a fuck about playing together.

                  If I get a chance to get a blink, yeah, I go for it, most of the time.

                  So one more time, if I get 500+ gpm and decent amount of CS in a lost game, good HD/TD etc compared to rest of my team, and most of the time even higher then enemy team, it must be at least good to some extent.

                  You're tryi' to tell me to change the way I play SF, ok, I get it, but you fail to understand I already have plenty of games as blink-sf, and I';m totally aware it can be good, it's just not possible sometimes, because of the team.

                  They expect to SF to gank at lvl 6, withotu any vision, without any chance to get the rune and while they go on chain-feed process.

                  That's just not going to happen. Also, you need to realise I'll most of the time get SB-Travel-Bottle under 15-17 min mark, so having all of this in that time is good, if you know how to use it.

                  Trust me when I say I know how to do my job as SF.

                  "-even if you think a different item build would not have helped you much that is not a sufficient excuse to justify buying fucking euls much later in game when you've already had shadow blade. just..why?

                  I agree to some extent, I'll just agree with you I have no reason for that euls, but I just hoped I'll somehow secure some kills like that, or at least, be alive to fight more.. It was just kind of "tilt" time, players that I played with were just too toxic...

                  One more time, I never said I didn't make any mistakes, I'm aware I did.

                  But, that mistakes didnt lose me the game. I'm pretty sure it didn't.

                  Playing from behind is really hard for me, and I'm bad at it. When you add toxic team-mates that flame you without any good reason, you pretty much very bad SF performance from me.

                  Still, even with that, I just can't justify my team-mate performance compared to other team performance.

                  It just seems like in order to climb more, you need to win sometimes that kind of games...

                  I just admit I'm not able to do so, and I'm rly struggle to get better at playing from behind.

                  It's not like I feel bad when they flame me, but It doesnt help, you know.

                  Ofc, players with very big skill gap compared to mine would-have won this just by expiriance, but I'm aware it's possible to win if you have +1500 MMR higher rating then I do.

                  " Keep in mind valves goal is to find you a spot where you win 50% of your games and if you play safe you will continue that trend. Doing things like farming your opponents jungle when you are ahead to give your teammates safe places to farm increases your progression significantly"

                  You may be right about this, but the thing is, if I get a lead, I won't trow it away , or I will but hardly...sometimes, dunno.

                  This games I showed to you isn't about having a lead, it's all about playing from behimd.

                  I suck at it, I want to improve, I just feel like I can't win this games because of that, and I really want to get better at it, but I struggle to do so..

                  pos 3 kokwhynoob

                    your team noob and u have done the best u can, remember u are 1 people, and u have done 1 1/2 people job
                    so i say good job and now try to do 2 people job

                    sometime people just noob but don't realize, u may ask them check their dotabuff

                    *Darkness shall claim the world, My Darkness*

                    King of Low Prio

                      Your mindset is why you will plateau. You are thinking about stats whether or not you admit it. You keep talking about item timings and what your teammates do wrong but you need to understand everything wrong your teammates do YOUR OPPONENTS DO TOO. I know how SF is suppose to be played but the way you are playing him is wrong, you are suppose to use the farm advantage you gain from not ganking to help your team recover from the lack of help SF gives in the early game. If you can not do that then you need to gank (this is suboptimal but it is necessary if you can not do your mid/late game role optimally. Think about it, your teammates have to deal with another mid player in their lanes constantly while your opponents get to enjoy a easier laning stage.........who do you think will benefit more in the laning stage?

                      TLDR: you either need to get the farm required to win the mid/late game (AND make use of it) OR start getting involved in the early game.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        because you are a pile of shit that can't do anything right.



                            "Your mindset is why you will plateau. You are thinking about stats whether or not you admit it. You keep talking about item timings and what your teammates do wrong but you need to understand everything wrong your teammates do YOUR OPPONENTS DO TOO"

                            I do think about stats, it's true, I have no reasons to deny it. Why is that bad, can you explain me? Isn't kinda all people that have Dotabuff enabled one way or another think/care/do that because of stats?

                            Just to make something clear, even if I do care about stats, I don't play to lose, or to get better stats. I play to win, I play for the team, I'm not selfish, last months I actually rarely flame people or tell them what do do, since I realised it's wrong for many reasons.

                            That is not right. Everything my team-mates do wrong has nothing to do with enemy -team. Why is that?

                            Because not all players have similiar performance with all heroes. Some guy will just random some shit, even if you tell him at the start what are you about to play/do if their picks letting you do it.

                            Some guy will just pick some hero he likes and will give pretty much 0% fucks about the team-composition and lanes. He'll just mark where he goes, and if you cross roads with him he'll just start to int. feed or trow the game.

                            While it can happen on both sides, it will rarely happen on both sides at the same TIME.

                            That's the reason why you'll get brain-damaged team-mates, or either enemy team will get it.

                            I guess it has to do with 50% winrate, since if you're better you'll eventually get out of that MMR with highest winrate.

                            But just keep in mind this: difference between 3600-3700 MMR and 4100-4200 isn't that huge in skill, but that's pretty much the point you'll get more reialable team-mates or you'll get brain-damaged team-mates.

                            I might be wrong on this, but hey, if someone dont come with good facts I'll just stick to my guns.

                            Ofc, some people might say sub 4k-low 4k still sucks, because they are 5k or higher, but to me, it's actually archivment.

                            Now, I don't say I'm not 4k because of my team-mates, I'm tryin' to say I struggle with playing from behind, and I think it might be a reason why I'm not able to turn games at our advatage if I got a lead later on.

                            " know how SF is suppose to be played but the way you are playing him is wrong, you are suppose to use the farm advantage you gain from not ganking to help your team recover from the lack of help SF gives in the early game"

                            I'm sorry, isn't this a bit rude? How you know what am I doing when you didn't probalby check even one replay of mine?
                            You dare to say that I play him the wrong way after 550 games and 58% winrate?

                            I might not be able to play him on pro level, or on level to some 5500-6000 MMR guy, because it has nothing to do with mehanical-skill of Shadow Fiend, in my opinion, it has to do with large skill gap, because, 5-6k player would just do stuff better since he's better player overall.

                            What, sorry? You are supposed to get benefit from ganking? How's that? SF isn't ganker, he's farming carry/snowballer if given momentum.

                            He is not pudge. He is not TA. Hell, even Sniper with Madness can gank better sometimes then SF.

                            Once more, this has to do you're tryin' to teach me what should I do as SF, but I doubt you actually helped me at all, and it's just wrong.

                            Shadow Fiend can gank after he gets his core items, but in order to do so, lanes must be alive, and not totally destroyed.

                            If all lanes are playing from behind, it means they got a lead, and SF without BKB/blink CANT turn that games in his advantage, so you got pretty much 2 choices:

                            1. You will get BKB/blink and hope enemy team will be stupid enough to get crushed by your requiem of souls, while your team-mates will just keep randomly dying and not helping you out.(this is what pretty much happens in high 3k or sub 3k matches)

                            2. You will go for SB/Travel/Madness/BKB build in 20-25 min mark and try to splitpush the lanes, defend if possible and try to get as much pick-offs as possible and gank their core/kill their supports after you get your core items.

                            That's what I do, and that's how you play SF. No other way to play SF.

                            "If you can not do that then you need to gank (this is suboptimal but it is necessary if you can not do your mid/late game role optimally"

                            Well I can, that's the thing. I do my mid/lategame good if team-mates don't fail their lanes horribly.

                            " Think about it, your teammates have to deal with another mid player in their lanes constantly while your opponents get to enjoy a easier laning stage.........who do you think will benefit more in the laning stage?"

                            You are right about this, but, keep this in mind: most of the time they don't get rekt by mid players, because I'm actually able to win mid most of the times, at least in terms of out-farming not dying/taking tower/doing objectives thing.

                            Most of the time, they get rekt by laning against Wind Ranger offlaner, or strong combo heroes they just don't know how to deal with sometimes.

                            While they are blaming me for not helping them(becaue they dont understand how sf is supposed to be played), they keep dying as:

                            Tidehunter or some other offlaner(and tryin' to blame me that it's my fault they died)

                            Or even offlaner, while our support player do nothing at all to prevent that.

                            Last thing, while it can happen on both sides(50% winrate), in order to get better, you need to learn how to deal with it.

                            One more time, all I ask is help to do so. You can judge my SF plays/desicions, but afterall, you didn't even play with me, how can you be 100% sure I'm bad?

                            pos 3 kokwhynoob

                              MY GOD i have look through you replay, u team really can gg XD
                              is very funny to see lich and PL try to 1 vs 3 (with no item at early game, going one by one)
                              triple hero at top lane but mag get gg btm with Drow
                              hold game still good untill 12.05
                              Before i watch replay i watch through you item and that is no problem
                              after it , '''u have to watch back replay '''and i can 100% tell u that is not you problem
                              only problem is u farm a bit slow, yes lion go mid gank you with mirana, but you never try kill lion or mirana, both low hp, piece of cake
                              you play toooooooo safe, try something danger, u no need 6 slot item to take a kill
                              another item for u ''bloodstone'' blink in uti and denied ! Fear shall rules the battlefield
                              play with your heart and trust your instinct, your item soon will change with it

                              **Darkness shall claim the world, My Darkness**


                                Don't skill your necromastery right away, save your skill point for razes if there's a skirmish (rune contest,etc) happen at lv1.
                                6min: You tunneled vision by chasing a low-hp Potm instead of going back mid and farm/pressure their t1

                                7min: You tped mid with 70%hp, if you should use your bottle right after you tped (abuse fountain-refilling)

                                What's with your team keep taking stupid fights and your magnus is so underfarmed (20min = boots+bottle)..

                                I didn't watch the whole thing but you seems to tunnel vision (missing stack timing,etc) alot and upgrade your wb to aquila next time, it's such a great item on him esp when you were split-pushing most of the time..

                                Quick maffs

                                  DONT CHAT


                                  MUTE CHAT IF THEY DONT STOP

                                  Holy shit why so many people dont do this ? Most of the games i win i do it because i ignore my team.


                                    "I'm actually able to win mid most of the times"

                                    said every 3k mid player in the history of dota


                                      SL--_ - thank you for your time to check out replay. Yes, I do play safe with SF at the start. After I get my items i tend to be realy agressive, or at least agressive enough. That's the way I like it. May you explain me why do you think it's bad to do?

                                      Alice, thank you for advices! Altrough I don't like skiping necro at level 1, it can be good sometimes, and I'm aware. However, I fel competent enough to get it on lvl 1, since I'l get at least couple of souls until lvl 2. I rarely go for rune-race at lvl1, I block creeps 99% of the time as SF. I love to control the lane, and I feel like good block is better in terms of advatantages over bounty gold.

                                      Will upgrade it, need to get used to it. i agree with you on this.. And yes, I do miss stacks/etc, I'm tryin to get better on this.


                                        You should get a tp


                                          and wards


                                            and sentries...

                                            thats what i used to do at least


                                              To be honest I am kinda greedy in terms of supporting with Shadow Feed.


                                                Seems like I'm really out of luck today. :P



                                                  outflame them


                                                    No need. Volvo is here to take care of that:


                                                    Same shit, but on the other team this time.

                                                    Ez mmr lose, ez mmr win. Np. :)

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      if only you wouldn't suck so much dick u might have a chance getting somewhere.

                                                      dis guy was so smart:

                                                      stuck in 3.3k, he got himself mastercoach and now he is on his way to 4k. Unlike a shitbasket like you who flames everyone and thinks he's hot shit, still stuck in 3k bracket and will probably stay there for all eternity.

                                                      Enjoy your stay shitbasket to bits.