General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 6.84 around the corner?

Is 6.84 around the corner? in General Discussion

    Judging by how Icefrog plans patches lately (around 4-6 months) I believe the new patch should be out this month.

    What do you guys think/hope it will bring?


      i believe we gonna see new meta. current one is boring.


        Agree, need more viable carries. Not just troll + jug.


          Hoping he hard nerf lina, and necro too.


            i just need to see more fyyqing heroes in the game-.-


              ^^ Which heroes are those?


                need troll axe lina nerf, sg, ns, potm buff.
                this game lacks semi carries

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                  Yeah but anti carry are too strong against semi carry, so you should nerf anti carry also, or we go back to the doom razor viper 5 men ball




                      we desperately need a tb buff. fine, hes an extreme hero with high armor and low strength, but atleast give him normal movespeed during his ulti, or make sunder instant


                        I want omniknight with a 3hp/s regen like ogre


                          @matrice: How about ...NO! The razor viper dp doom meta was the worst. Fucking shit TI4.

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                            Greygrey the Sailor

                              just gotta say, I hope that with all the nerfs the patch is gonna bring that icefrog nerfs meepo so that he wont kill him 2-3 patches later.

                              Anyone remember sharing tangos with your meepo clones? Ahh those were the days


                                @skolder, that's exactly what i wrote, if you nerf carry, you need to nerf anti carry, or viper doom comes shity meta come back


                                  ^^ The worst shit was the bug which allowed each Meepo clone to carry 6 Power Treads...

                                  Greygrey the Sailor

                                    @zano, yeah that was why they removed tango sharing, as it allowed item duping with no work around other than a load of work in reprogramming what "an inventory is" so they just nerfed meepo, taking away his biggest source of regen to prevent abusers


                                      i mean more heroes that current 10 picks on every game.. its getting boring.. i want old meta


                                        @matrice, I think you misunderstood me. I don't want icefroggy to nerf jug/troll, I'm usually against nerfs, I like to see buffs. Buff TB, AM, Spec, Dusa, Lifesteal (yeah, you heard me, right now he's absolute shit) and most other carries.

                                        I'm actually one of those people who enjoy 50-70 minute matches since they turn into very exciting games where 1 mistake can cost you the game.

                                        As far as buffing goes, I believe n'aix needs rage and open wound buffs, like they were about 4-5 patches ago. Terrorblade needs to be tweaked a bit so he can be more useful in teamfights, spec needs her dispersion to be a big stronger so she isn't so squishy early game and as for AM, I've said it 100 times already, remove manabreak from orb list, it should be just a simple passive.


                                          Item that counters bash kthxbai.


                                            I'd rather see nerf than buff, some heroes become overrly strong at all stage of the game, just cause all heroes went buffed everywhere.

                                            Also, nerfed heroes, mean overaul slower game

                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                              A nerf to high ground defence. Playing against turtling sniper, dusa or wyvern is really annoying this patch. And sniper is in like 40% of the games nowadays.


                                                i want to be able to pick most heroes when i solo queue, not only in party.
                                                in solo i have to pick slarks trolls es, or lose mmr to same heroes.


                                                  Troll needs a nerf to his 2sec bash.

                                                  Sniper needs highground nerf.

                                                  Am remove orb from passive.

                                                  Tb buff.

                                                  Ls needs a buff.

                                                  Mom and euls needs a nerf.

                                                  Medusa is fine.

                                                  Spectre needs a slight buff.

                                                  Jugg is fine because nerfing mom will nerf him anyways.


                                                    i hope they wont nerf mom that would suck


                                                      i think that MoM needs higher mana cost, that would be acceptable nerf i think


                                                        Mom need much more drawback on ranged heroes (like less ms and 50% damage increase)
                                                        on mele, mb just the mana cost can be enough.


                                                          Opinions on this idea?

                                                          Eye of Skadi

                                                          Cold attack no long stacks with life steal on ranged heroes.


                                                            Skadi is fine imo, its a much expensive sny. Next meta might be all about evasion instead of manfight. I think its a strong item for the current meta but definatly not OP.


                                                              bring back alch
                                                              give him like +3 str gain

                                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                  ^ lol wut? If youve seen DAC like most of us ti will be the same shit again.

                                                                  Sf bat bristle venge jugg


                                                                  Troll sniper axe lion chen

                                                                  Inb4 ti


                                                                    ^^ Why not? The final version of the patch before TI4 came just a month before it.

                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      i wants to see more PUDGE


                                                                        @Zano because this meta is stale as fuck. Theres so many heroes that are not worth picking or picking them is insta lose. Its basically a meta that its all about who first pick troll/sniper/jugg rest his counter picking. I preffered older meta where about 20-30 heroes were more viable.


                                                                          "^^" Means "2 posts above me" dude. It was a comment to KitraK.
                                                                          I'm all in favor of a new patch before TI5


                                                                            Oh sorry my bad xD.

                                                                            Yea, making a new patch a few months before ti15 would force fresh new tactics, underused hero with new item build etc.

                                                                            Also fuck this comeback mechanic, it favors sniper so much like it was designed by him.

                                                                            Icefrog is a sniper player.

                                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                              I'll be honest I kind of hate pa more than I do troll or jugg.

                                                                              Sniper nerf the shrapnel somehow please.