because of appreciation and showing my truth if i make a good fight, and because of items if i win...
ya ure obviously playing to train when u take a haste rune at 3:17
Either you dont take runes in 1v1 or it should have already been taken is what waifu means I think.
if you know you zoned out ember to base and you can spend farming you can take rune you know will be there :)
and everything counts vs russians who sometimes go nasty brood, bane, veno, jakiro, enigma, wards kotl strats and such in PUB mode :)
in no real game will there be a top haste rune at 3:15 not taken by mid or dire supports rofl
^I heard there exists a 2k trench somewhere in this game. According to legends, everything is possible there.
@waifu. I guess it is 1v1 practise and not midlane practise so he has a point. Not the same pressure to get runes in this case.
Btw what's with the disgusting hero spam duel?
I don't know how I could type that in anyway to make it easier to understand without having to try really really hard.
stahp changing nicknames and profile pic every day plz
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Topic. Got ~1month left to train so let's make best use of it. I am not afraid of your mmr; in fact, the higher the better so high skill players can add me. Anyone is welcome, tho.
EU/RUS/USA E servers preferable as others will lag; heck even at usa e i am looking at around ~150-200 ping ^_^ . Mirrors, any heroes; whatever you want can be played.