General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do pro's max beserkers rage over fervor on troll?

Why do pro's max beserkers rage over fervor on troll? in General Discussion

    I watched a couple of pro games with troll and they maxed beserkers rage over fervor? I feel that if you max fervor you can farm much faster. Why do they max beserkers rage?

    Dark Mango

      There is no rule for this. Its situational what you will max. For example if you have phoenix vs you on the offlane, you dont need to max your first skill.


        they max it for the longer bash duration and the other small benefits the ms etc


          ms to reach target, duration of bash, that's really huge, compare to ~70 max as, when you already have >250as

          Miku Plays

            trolls skill build depends on what you wanna do, maxing Q maximises your dps, maxing W increases your aoe damage and maxing E makes you farm faster. if you just wanna farm, max Q and E or if you wanna fight early max Q and W.


              Totatly agree with Miku. Builds depends on situations there is no rules in dota. It is like doing defusual on hero who dont make it as example you see omni on the other team


                Q doesn't bring anything beside bash damage into dps. ( ~+1 magical damage is not what we can call an increasment of dps)
                Fervor is increasing dps, and rage is giving faster farm, since you run from camp to camp faster.

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                Miku Plays

                  ahh i see