General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get more last hits.

how to get more last hits. in General Discussion

    i don't know when to farm. the only farm i get is when im pushing lanes. i feel like if im going jungle, the enemy team will get mega on 2 sides.

    this is a good example. i was at every team fight. i actually tried to make use of every second of the game, and not lose time afk on the map.

    another examples:

    i simply cant make an average of 4cs/min unless my team allows me.
    any tips?


      It will come eventually. You just can not farm efficiently if you are new to the game.

      and you can not have the perfect farm in every day. Keep practicing and you will get there.


        ill watch that qop game when i have time, but from just looking at your item build i can guess that you had mana problems early game which results in you being able to use scream less for farming, regardless of whether you went aghs first or hex first, because orchid gives you better right click (qop's base attack time got buffed recently to 1.6s or 1.5 - cant remember), and the oblivion staffs are easier to build and give you mana regen whereas with hex, most players tend to go ultimate orb first, and then lack any % mana regen all the way until they have completed the sheepstick 3575g later.

        the worse you are at farming, the longer that time is where you have +0% mana regen. for good players, the difference between an orchid and hex is maybe 5 minutes or less, but for bad players, who farm slower, you have no mana regen and no right click for longer, which further amplifies your reduced farm speed.

        farming fast is mainly about snowballing in the early game. getting one item a minute earlier in the early game leads to your next item being 90s quicker, your next item being 3 minutes faster, and so on, and then you're getting things like orchids at 15 minutes instead of 25, for example.

        the way to maximise your early game farm is be efficient about your item choices. your gold is at it's most limited in the early game so that means you have to maximise your efficiency and even something as innocent as spending 300g upgrading magic stick to magic wand can be a huge setback to your gold gain later on, because wasting 300g when you only have 2000 net worth is a much bigger deal than say, wasting 2000g when you have 30k net worth.

        also you claim you were at every teamfight, but how much of that time was spent actually fighting, and how much of it was spent grouping behind your own tier 2/3 towers waiting for enemies to push when you could have been farming the enemy jungle while staying missing off the map?

        "i feel like if im going jungle, the enemy team will get mega on 2 sides."
        carry TP scrolls then, and pay attention to things like rosh timer, the lane equilibrium, whether the enemy are grouped up or not, or if they're smoked, and that'll tell you whether they're going to push or not.

        if you are near a neutral camp, stack it. it doesn't matter if you can't farm the creeps yourself. a teammate can farm it, and that allows you to farm the lane that that hero would normally be farming, indirectly resulting in you getting more farm as a result of you stacking camps, even if you could not farm the neutrals yourself.

        e.g. stack ancients for your offlane tide/bristle/beastmaster, and then when he goes to farm them, you take the empty top lane.
        stack the regular jungle for your SF/tinker/naga etc, then take mid lane while they kill the stacks.

        if you're a mid hero, what you can do on the odd minutes when the rune doesn't spawn, is push out the wave with your nuke and instead of going to the rune like you would on the even minutes, you go stack the jungle. refrain from using your nukes on the XX:15 second wave if you don't need to, because you won't have the mana regen to push out the wave on the even minutes to get the rune.

        also switch to a lane that's empty whenever possible. it's better overall for your team, as there's no potential gold+XP wasted by letting lane creeps die when no heroes are nearby.

        map awareness helps as players with good map awareness can push lanes out aggressively, predict that their opponents are already going to TP to that lane and defend it or wait for you to push the lane further and gank you. when the enemy finally stops hiding in the trees waiting for you to push the lane, you'll have already farmed two jungle camps somewhere else, while the enemy wasted 2 creep waves because they were waiting in the trees and letting your creeps hit their tower.

        for melee heroes, GET QUELLING BLADE. that's all you have to do. quelling blade is not a 'noob item' for bad players that can't last hit. quelling blade is a farming item that scales into the late game, although the common noob misconception is that because it only costs 225g, it's an early game item. quelling also works on illusions and is almost always the most effiicient damage item you can get for them.



          on our way.

            Make daily offerings to this player and you shall be rewarded with ever increasing cs/min.



              ye, i just saw a friend's replay of qop. i think i got it now. i didnt use scream too many times. also he blinks at cd, being all over the map. i will give it a try later.


                Even if I was alone on the map I wouldn't farm as fast as zenoth.


                  Last hitting and not dying two things I need to work on.. So I have to relearn dota fuck.

                  Jesse Lee Peterson

                    If u have less then 4 cs a minute U should work on ur lasthits. Good players will destroy an sf or whatever hero on the midlane and have about 6-8 cs a minute, when sf doesnt get help. In the midgame u shouldnt gank all the time and spent time for ur farm aswell. Better hold at any moment a tp and countergank. Ur eficiency is very low.


                      is 4 cs a min considered acceptable now as a mid\carry ? I always thought 7-10 was considered the baseline :/ i mean i dont personally always reach it, but i strive for it, i feel like 4 is way to low of a bench mark in an even\winning game

                      plz do

                        18x4 (+2 catapults) lane creeps is max. at 10 min mark. creeps spawning at 10 min are still in base. first wave spawns at 00:30. So max=78cs in lane. 40 cs after 10 min is either bad last hitting, a difficult lane w much harrass/ganks or u spent a lot of time not farming but for example ganking. The aim is always more last hits than u have on average. But it comes to a point were u are dependet on stacks provided by urself or teammates to crack the 100cs/10min.

                        tell me if im wrong.

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          pay attention to ur ranged creep, i cant stress it enough how important that is, your last hits will increase by 50% if not more. This is the main reason people fuck up last hitting. Pay attention to its projectile and always go for a creep that getting attacked by ranged creep first.

                          Practice with out items and bots, its the only way to master it, it wont take u more then 1 hour to master, its easy


                            @androgynous helpful post m8


                              Creeps>Towers>Kills - of course it's not true, but try to play like this. Don't gank, teamfight only by TP if they dive. You will get better at farming this way. I also like to check my timings. Good are 50-60lh in 10min, 100 in 15min, 140 in 20min.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              casual gamer

                                50-60 is ok, but in a 1v3 you should be shooting for 70-90 cs by abusing creep camps

                                keep in mind later that ancients lower your cs number but are very efficient gold per creep wise


                                  improved my gpm/cs. started using scream to clean waves/camps fast. started doing the same with storm and i had a good game with that one too. i guess this is the secret. i used to normal attack farm.


                                    firts buy a pc whit no freezes

                                    THEN GO KI LL YOURSELF


                                      If you punch someone and then run away you will increase your chances of getting the last hit. Try to pick someone slower than you too.


                                        Did some research for you, it looks like a good strAt would be to hit them right before eating.


                                          That was a very nice and deep Androgynous


                                            Andro that actually was a pretty good reply .