General Discussion

General Discussion2 wins off of 6k mmr and...

2 wins off of 6k mmr and... in General Discussion



      Play unranked and lose some games
      Come back to ranked and you should have better teammates

      p.s It might be the system or just you since you lost 12 games

      Who knows


        I mean if you're aiming for 6k...

        then you understand that you're meant to get retarded teammates, yes? If you got to 6k because all your 4k+ teammates played like 5ks then obviously the 6k was not deserved.


          all games played on 13 april kappa,
          play less bro


            if you are losing games on one day and then you play 10 more games and keep losing them its no wonder you lose mmr fast.

            play less games a day.


              When you lose a game and you're mad, STOP FUCKIN PLAYING or go normal games. Ask Bogi how that goes - when he was mad he just kept playing and lost all mmr he worked on last 14 days in 1 day. It is really worth?


                  true I lost 450 mmr in span of 3 days before, took me two months to get it back.


                    I admire the fact you pushed on though.


                      Classic tilt.

                      Know thyself...if you are losing more than a couple in a row accept you are the reason and go do something else or play unranked/ardm/ad etc.


                        I wonder if you kept on losing after that, since you stopped sharing stats after your last visible slark game


                          I haven't played, that Troll was my last game


                            hump... i saw this avatar on reddit somewhere; i think i may had added you before :O

                            3.8k Ryozan

                              @Sir No , MY techies 2 Stronkilerino