General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does Pure damage work?

How does Pure damage work? in General Discussion

    I'm asking this specially for silencers glaives of wisdom vs. evasion.

    so far, as I'm understanding it evasion only evades auto attacks. That means I'd have to cast Glaives by myself to hit PA for sure, her evasion would kick in if I had auto attacks (Alt-W) on.

    And how does it work with Voids backtrack. Can he backtrack pure damage?

    Polkadot Piranha

      Evasion works against attacks, period, no only-auto-attack-nonsense. Glaives of Wisdom is just a part of his right click - if you don't hit, it won't hurt, and you can't circumvent that by manually using it. You'll need to either get True Strike or disable the evasion (eg. Scythe of Vyse).

      Yes, Void can Backtrack pure damage.

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        there used to be weird mechanics where there was a significant difference between auto-cast and manual cast, such as their ability to proc stuff like crit, maim, essence aura, etc

        you were able to manual cast when frost bitten/etherealed, which got removed at one point

        now AFAIK the only difference between auto/manual is the cast range, manual cast has slightly longer range on heroes like viper and huskar

        tl;dr pure damage glaive = part of the attack, attack evaded = no pure damage (spectre is the exception, her desolate procs before the attack hits, and does damage even if the attack itself misses)

        void can backtrack ANY damage

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          so orbs are not spells but just a variation of the auto attack? only talking about abilities here not lifesteal or other Orb-effects


            ^afaik they still do not stack with orb effects (except those ones being changed recently - i always forget whether it was hiskatr or clinkz).


              screw the orbs, as silencer you only need shadow blade, sheepstick and slahser's love.
              and acording to wiki huskar and clinkz don't have orbs anymore.


                yeah you can go fast deso clinkz and 2 hit supports.
                there was some russian clinkz player doing it

                Dire Wolf

                  There's no consistency with this stuff throughout dota so don't blanket statement stuff, you must look it up on a case by case basis. Sometimes the wiki info is a little sparse but the glaive's info is pretty good:

                  Glaives of Wisdom deal their damage in a seperate damage instance. So they are unaffected by any attack modifying effect.
                  Glaives of Wisdom deal their damage before the attack damage is applied, but still depend on the attack hitting the target.
                  Checks Silencer's intelligence as the projectile hits. Gaining/losing intelligence while the projectile is traveling will increase/decrease its damage.

                  So for void, he has a chance to backtrack your attack and the glaive damage. But backtrack is not evasion, it's a really weird mechanic that basically attacks hit but do zero damage so I'm pretty sure he can backtrack your attack and glaive will still hit. PA not so much, if she dodges your attack the glaive won't hit.

                  Pure dmg itself is not reduced by magic resistance and it doesn't go through magic immunity. Bkb is basically the big iwin button vs silencer.