General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat percentage of people you think prefer supporting over carry?

What percentage of people you think prefer supporting over carry? in General Discussion

    And how do you see the percentages changing through the mmr tiers.

    Dire Wolf

      Very few. Maybe 20%? Which is sort of ok, cus ideally you have 1-3 carries, 1-2 initiator/ganker/semi carry and 1-2 supports. So if one guy loves support all you need is one more guy who likes just filling out what team needs and you're gtg. Teams with 4 carry/semi carries often work fine too, but a 5 man support team probably would not.

      King of Low Prio

        supporting is for women


          I love supporting but this meta is kind of boring to play support because its a 4 core meta with 1 support so you are just warding and pulling. Ganking is almost non existant in solo queue and its about farming and turtling.

          Sometimes i play roamer and we get more than 1 stun/support and then we get a few ganks off but in the end that turtling sniper or that stupid comeback mechanic on high ground makes playing aggressive useless it seems.

          I do like to play 4s though.

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            Pom Pom 🍕

              Like 2-3%. It's rare to find someone who prefers supporting. Most just support cause they have to, but they might not prefer it.


                I don't mind supporting, I prefer to. But lately I can not stand this patch so I've been randoming because I just don't care as much anymore not to mention i'm currently in low prio as of right now lol... People randoming supports and not filling roles

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                  Hide The Pain - Herald

                    Offlane is love, offlane is life

                    no stress whatsoever


                      if we just compare the results for these two options, ignoring jung/mid/off, Id say 15%-20% would choose supp.


                        I don't mind picking a support, but it gets boring very quickly if you do 3 or 4 games in a row where you are total ward bitch because you're the only support and the other team have an invis hero.

                        If you've got lots of wards up and your team are using the visibility it can be fun to move between lanes for the smoke ganks

                        Rih (Bot)

                          I prefer to play as a support (even if it's just me, but 2 supports are always better:D). I think it's the most important role ingame. Supports dictate most part of the game (early to mid game). The better your support , the greater chance your cores get good farms.

                          The poorest player of the game but a vital part of the team :)


                            i often like to support (see my DB profile). actually it's just super annoying when a game starts and instantly marked are: offlane, mid, safe-carry and jungle. solo sup is not THAT much fun (4.25k mmr). Also sometimes i like to play carry and a few heroes mid. recently i'd say i support for ~80%+ of my games.
                            It feels like ~10% prefer support (1 player in 2 games).


                              i love to carry

                              Low Expectations

                                Spamming omni and lion in ranked is awsome though.