General Discussion

General DiscussionA fine example of how the reporting system works

A fine example of how the reporting system works in General Discussion

    @OP you're part of a community - the community decides what is acceptable behaviour not any individual. you sound like a whiney little entitled child who needs to grow up.

    Regardless of report categories, the community doesn't like your attitude to the game whether it is how you talk to team mates, fountain camp, nickname, whatever. Either learn some social skills or play a solo game.

    Natural born jungler

      @Hello Friends

      u probablyy used scripts on meepo so u got report i used scripts just for 1 time on meepo and i got low pri for 5 games

      Scripts = report

      ♿Sister Fister

        "Regardless of report categories, the community doesn't like your attitude to the game"
        - There's a reason for specific report categories. You've got communication abuse/intentional feeding/ability abuse; there is no "Miscellaneous" category. The fact that the existing ones are being abused has nothing to do with what the community decides, it's an implementation flaw for which there are simple fixes based on automatic detection. I'm pretty sure that reporting someone just because you don't like them or something related to them wasn't what the report system was intended to be used for.

        I should refrain from ever creating threads again, apparently it attracts a lot of mindless puppets, the type that get a hard on whenever they call someone a "child" in a debate or argument on the Internet.

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          Holy shit, OP is still rustled.