General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed suggestions

Need suggestions in General Discussion
Da Vinci CRB <3

    Hey Guyz,what i need to get into Very high skill Bracket?
    im close?

    plz i need suggestions, i keep playing support or i carry?


      Pick what your team needs

      Rih (Bot)

        Isn't it base on MMR? i don't know how they categorize game skills.. I hope someone tells me.. Most of the time , my games are very high skill.


          u can be vhigh skill even if u support 100% of the time

          just get gud


            sacrifice 3 pigs to our one true god, the RNGesus.

            praise the RNGesus.

            all hail the RNGesus.

            casual gamer

              a brain + experience

              experience required depends on how much you pay attention

              Polkadot Piranha

                Looking at your recent games you've been jumping between Normal and High, so you're probably around 3300 mmr?

                You need to get 3800+ MMR to reliably have your games placed in the Very High bracket.

                Greygrey the Sailor

                  Learn the basics, learn the things that the average player doesn't know, exploit them.

                  This game is all about knowledge, knowing when to fight, when to farm and when to push. Knowing where to be in every fight and where not to be.

                  To really excel and gain fast mmr play a hero with high crowd control and an escape button to reposition yourself and then use what you know to gain an edge. If you know oracle and purge a euls then don't build eul's, if you know that you can instakill a tinker by sending a creep back to base then do it.

                  You need to have that extra edge on the enemies to really GIT GUD You need to outthink them to be able to outplay them.

                  Da Vinci CRB <3

                    thnx Guys


                      play better => achieve higher mmr => get to higher skill bracket