General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes that need buff

Heroes that need buff in General Discussion

    Let's talk about heroes that need slight buff or rework instead of heroes that would need nerf :

    Alchemist : His stun is just shitty and he need to farm a lot before geting advantage otherwise he's just a bad version of troll warlord or ck. Improve a lot his stun and he may be fine.

    Huskar : Lot of heroes have pure dammage now, you still need bkb to actually attack while your passive is suposed to help you against magic spells, no escape or chase ability. Need complete rework or he will always be super situational; maybe he's passive should reduce stun time.

    Pudge : With every heroes that get buffed in recent versions it means he's less succesful overall. Never picked in competitive because he's easily countered with wards. Need that his ulti grant magic immunity and his rot pure damage.

    Lifestealer: I'm sorry but he's just to slow not much you can do with him with the blink /eul meta.

    PA: should have same passive as void. Troll warlord with mkb just two shot her while stuning her, that doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Tell us what other buff you would like.


      Enchantress, Nature's Prophet and Alchemist are probably the weakest atm.

      casual gamer

        terrorblade pls

        Dire Wolf

          Dragon knight needs some lovin'. Chaos knight too.

          Not Really

            i just think troll should be less Op in 6,84


              ck don't need buff, he's really broken hero if you don't have at leadt two heroes to deal with his illu.


                i wish for aggresive heroes to come back to meta again like visage or shadow demon


                  Tusk, Bloodseeker and Alchemist are the only completely useless and shitty heroes that needs a buff.


                    Any items that need a buff? Incoming rod of atos buff #9000


                      Dragon knight is useless.

                      Lifestealer is obsolete.

                      Alch is pathetic.

                      Terrorblade has 500hp.

                      CM god she needs a stronger manapool, she feels like shes not an intel hero.

                      Over Strength carry are obsolete because the meta is farming, late game etc.


                        All the pushers need either a direct buff or a buff to push strats.

                        6.82 killed quite a few heroes in my opinion.

                        Furion, Dragon Knight, Pugna, Leshrac, Razor, Shadow Shaman.


                          Looking at the new stats on location vs win rate, jungling needs a buff.


                            BUFF ENCHANTRESS, that move speed buff last patch didn't do anything since her creeps still move slow as fuck. her win rate went down after it. I blame my recent loosing streak with her on this patch (the fact that I suck at dota cant help either).

                            Dire Wolf

                              @nogoud, that's not true, he's usually so far behind in farm you just kill his illusions straight up. He stinks are farming and all his spells cost too much mana.

                              Basically all strength carries in general are weak right now.

                              Lifestealer is only good at countering other strength carries, but since they're all weak there's no use for him. I don't think he needs changes, just a change in meta. Sladar sucks though, not cus the hero is deigned badly but cus there's no where good for him to lane. I say just remove the 15% dmg increase on his sprint and bam, he can offlane well now. As it is he's too squishy when escaping and he doesn't farm fast enough to get safe lane status.

                              Dragon knight is super easy to fix, give his dragon tail a cast range of 300 base, 450 in dragon form. Melee range is so stupid for that, when combined with his movement it's impossible to stun anyone in melee form. Increase his base movement to 300. Reduce mana cost of his stun to 50 and now he's a really nice hero!

                              CK is similar. Mana issues, farming issues. Idk how you fix the farm ones, maybe make him not have to buy crappy stat items just to fix his mana pool. So make his stun cost 100 mana and his ult cost 100 mana all levels. Increase his crit chance to 15%, making it just like wraith kings. That'd help out his farm a bit, maybe make his illusions too strong but so what, his win rate is like 40% all the time, make him op for a while then adjust if need be.

                              Razor is fine, the problem is he can't close distance to sniper and troll bashes him to death before he can drain any amount of dmg. You nerf those two and he's a top hero again imo.

                              3.8k Ryozan

                                TEchies needs more move speed (+10), and more base damage (+12), its not that much, and for me thats all


                                  I still desagree with ck , he don't farm fast because he only need one cheap item (armlet) to kill anyone.
                                  Look this game we killed ck several times early game but with only armlet and drum he could 1v5 us during ulti.

                                  About strength heroes, tiny and wraith king are really good, slardar has been picked in competitive game too, dk is a beat weaker as solo carry it's true.


                                    Dk seriously needs a buff. His passive feels sub-par compared to the passives of other carries.

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Where would even lane dk? When he mattered he was mid but beyond that how does he even fit?


                                        Rather than fix CK's mana problems, Icefrog needs to give mana issues to other carries.


                                          you mum need that buff on that ass bro


                                            the only buff huskar need, is the comeback of unpurgeable self spell (like inner vitality)

                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                              All huskar needs is a slight armour buff. He melts to all but magic since they removed a thousand agility some patches ago. It also sucks that you can remove his regen with eul, db and other purges.

                                              It's kinda weird how they changed his ult though. While the low cd is cool and all, he becomes weaker to tp escapes when it only does 35% of max without aghanim. I hope they'll revert the changes to ult and aghanim, since it was way better in midgame before imo. Now you just ult someone you see and they tp from you...


                                                Enchantress need more hp and longer living time on her minions

                                                Beastmaster need rework

                                                CM and Lich to weak during late game

                                                Viper could need a buff since no one is picking him in smurf VHS games in AP

                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  PA does not need a buff.


                                                    pomii, about huskar, just from the fact that inner vitality is purgeable by eul, and the tons of eul there's, it's already horrible for him to be played.

                                                    But in late game, with halberd shiva cuirasse, you are basically unkillable, no matter how stuff enemy carry is. On top of that, buy agah, and your dps skyrocket with that 4sec cd 65% hp ult

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      Unkillable? AA > Huskar


                                                        Huskar ain´t that bad, i have a friend who boosts accounts to 6k for money with only playing huskar, the key is he is getting an early roshan by abusing Armlet and snowballs from there. Often when he is stacking with a friend who plays oracle or dazzle or omni for him, he just single handedly carries the game. Also i think there s that Penguin guy who was top 1 in leaderboards in europe and playing a lot of huskar.

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          Idk how you can spam huskar in all pick without fighting asshole lina every game


                                                            pa is good just learn to not pick her into troll every game

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              BTW I would like to see Pugna buffed. Currently very under used hero got a little shine in the death ball strats but other then that doesn't have a very good role.

                                                              Maybe they could make Q ability do half the damage as a heal?


                                                                ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ giff splitpush meta ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                  He's an A-star student, y...

                                                                    Bambi buff is inevitable. Hopefully a serious one this time, not just another 15 ms or whatever.

                                                                    Alch, Lone Druid, Natures Prophet, DK, Visage, KOTL, Pugna, Rhasta, Huskar and CK will probably also get buffs.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      @eazy, how you couldn't deal with him I have no clue, you had qop and gyro, both good aoe. At least enough to notice the real ck then have void ult him. I don't have time to review the whole game but my guess is big mistakes were made. It's incredibly rare for a ck who is behind to come back and win games.

                                                                      @last picker, that's the issue right now with a lot of strength carries because they don't farm well enough/carry hard enough to merit a safe lane spot, they aren't mobile enough to offlane and they can't gank or push or farm enough middle. Like slardar, alch, dk, ck. You can say that about all of them. They can all go safelane but your team will be better off with a PA, void or troll type instead.

                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                        Doesn't troll have like 315 movement speed?

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          No, he has 300 base and gets 10/20/30/40 from his Q ability while in melee form.

                                                                          /\/ /\ T

                                                                            Io is weird, because he's not good right now but any buff I can think of would make him overpowered, especially in pro play


                                                                              Hes good but nobody wants to stick up a carries ass all day long in pubs.




                                                                                  please for the loveof god buff lifestealer,alch(c'mon he's beyond pathetic right now),lycan(they killed him),lone druid(he might even need a rework, even if i love him so much as it is),dk,dark seer,beastmaster(same as LD,i mean there's only the blink+necro build for him and it's not even that good),TB, naga, NS, slardar. before you start flaming me i'm aware that i have little to no games in dota so i'll just inform you that i watch WAY more games than i play,like a lot.


                                                                                    and tinker ^


                                                                                      Buff Io, Slark, Ember Spirit and QoP

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        If you buff lifestealer he probably becomes op. The reason he is bad right now is cus feast ain't that good against all the agi carries. He's a counter to strength heroes.

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          lycan is still pretty great idk what ur smoking